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Everything posted by slopestar

  1. 1. LDP 2. Diet 3. Pull ups and squats 4. Yoga 5. Vigorous sex
  2. I'm at Mtn High every weekend and holiday for first chair and usually split about 12:30 when the tight pants/jib fest begins. I'm traveling from Huntington Beach and would love a fellow carpooler...
  3. Back in the "Late Earlies" (89'-97') on a run at Crystal Mountain Wa know as Little Portillo... I am certain, I achieved Mach-90 on numerous occasions! Scary fast with a compression at the bottom that would eat the best skiers and boarders if you didn't respect it. Love that Mountain! This is a pic from 93'. A spring day launching into Portillo. It was a long low flying entry (like the downhill ski racers) as the hill breaks over hard and into a steep pitch immediately. Trusty Green Air 6.1. Just out of shot on the left are three ski patrollers supervising the fun!
  4. Crystal is the Shizznitto-bang! Although the O.G. left there back in the mid 90's... Great terrain. Great Carving!
  5. So true. I was so surprised to hear someone, let alone the equipment still around! That is so cool and looks like a decent ride.
  6. If it was a regular foot, I would be all over this deck. Far and away my favorite burton of this vintage next to my green air 6.1
  7. Need soft boot power plates/complete only. Anyone interested in parting with theirs? Thanks! felice lance at gmail dot com
  8. Thanks for the Donek earlier. Im going to pass on this. I hope we both dont regret it. Thanks again Kurt!
  9. Im out. Thank you though!
  10. Thought I PM'ed early this morning...If I didn't, I guess I'm #3 PS. I'm Local. no shipping or handling necessary
  11. What about Waterproof setup for surfing. I have warn a couple headlamps but nothing that would last long especially whilst surfing and duck diving...
  12. Would be nice but not likely. They want a **** ton of money for that as I believe, It was already looked into.?
  13. Sad to hear of another legend being lost. I was so sad when we lost Craig... I worked for him (really Kelly Jo Legaz) in Canada for several summers back in the 90's. Hopefully they are both together again and slashing pow turns. Thanks for all you have done for us. Peace to you and your family!
  14. Heard it through the grapevine. Can anyone confirm?
  15. That is so hot. I am so broke. Sorry Randy.
  16. Crystal Mountain Wa is RV friendly. Not sure what the cost is and I believe you must be fully self contained. Bathroom, Shower, etc... It doesn't hurt that they have sick terrain, great steeps and awesome groomers!
  17. The one thing I really like about my drop deck is the lack of wheel bite. Between wedging and de-wedging, I have about 1 1/4" of riser between th board and truck base. Works really well. Except for the errant gaper that just does not get that you are moving without pushing
  18. I have been experimenting...It is amazing just how much difference there is with subtle tweaks. For instance, I changed one rear lower bushing on my rear truck to a dark blue barrel instead of the stock tracker rts hourglass bushing/I lost so much drive! However, the board became much more efficient at low speeds. Recognizing and tweaking things with a predictable result is pretty cool. All of the info that I have been sponging from has been VERY accurate and although I have been learning the hard way(trial and error) I have had predictable results from everything I have read or been advised to try. Any tips you might have are always welcomed. I'm having so much fun!
  19. I am loving this drop deck. Front=Bennett 5.0 with 2 full risers/one is a wedge and 78a slimeballs Rear Tracker RTS 106 with 2 full wedges and the same 78a slimeballs Deck is a 40" drop deck made locally in Huntington Beach by ehlers longboards dot com. I really like sidewalk surfing it the best. Milking the gentle drop to the street and speed carving the driveways without having to push is so much fun. I tried the surf style/auto carving boards but I didn't like the feel and the very slow top speed of such a turny' board. Really fun skating again...enjoy all.
  20. I too am totally hooked and look for excuses just to get on my LDP. I have been doing about 6 miles around my neighborhood as its all flat with slight uphill and downhill grades. It is my new way to workout instead of jogging and tearing up my knees. I saw another guy on the strand in Huntington beach the other day. Would love to find out who that was. Meanwhile I will just keep pumping the streets of North Huntington Beach
  21. So I got the Bennett's and with some bushing changes, dialed it all in. It's so easy to going with little effort. I'm going on my first longer ride this afternoon.
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