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Everything posted by slopestar

  1. Happened on the way home. We were all grateful that no one was injured in our vehicle and we(I) caused no one else harm. 26 years of boarding and never did this. It's funny how you can forget something so simple. An expensive lesson. I'm so used to riding alone so my gear rides shotgun instead of on the roof. I shared my move so that you all don't do what I did. Always check your gear! Many of my friends have been recently reporting equipment failures too
  2. Guess who drove away from the rental place with his ski racks unbuckled? New donek with Nxt FRX/girlfriends roxy/and daughters chopper all did the space shuttle rollover as I pulled onto the highway. Cheesed but all repairable and rideable, thank goodness. Just look like park boards now and the Donek looks like it has gate rash... base and edges ok! Head cold+Kids+rentals=disaster. I see some 2 part epoxy in my near future. Happy New Year! :smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea:smashfrea
  3. Taking the Girlfriend, her 21 year old daughter and my 5 and 9 year olds up for some fun today. If you are around, call me. I'm sure I could sneak away for a couple. 310 two 4 five 7 2 nine one. Probably wont be on the snow until 5.
  4. A good lesson indeed and well explained with all the correct physics involved. What I don't see or even demonstrated by few here is the difference in toe side vs. heel. The angulation of our bodies works well on a heel edge turns but toe side, there is more tendency to drop both arms to the snow. Lets not forget that I am riding a stiff bamboo core/glass 165 with 155cm of edge on softies at 24/15 that was made for 200+ lbs and hard boots. Most riders/ even racers are letting the board drift when riding aggressively. I am no racer but do ride aggressively. I am not all smooth and polished like many riders here. I also see the general style to be less aggressive (smooth radius arcs in between traverses across the run) I commented on a recent video here where the rider gets bucked hard on a toe side in the steeps. When was the last time "you" got thrown downhill ejections style like in that video, or conversely, on the apex of a heel side. Most wash out or sit down. I realize my style of riding and choice of gear is much different than most on BOL but this type of toe side ejection seems to be the "bail" of choice.
  5. Injured back, shoulder and slight sprain on front foot (I was in softboots) I have a tendency to embrace the speed without the ability to scrub it through the turn especially on steeper terrain. I guess the body just cant keep up...My mind thinks I'm 18 but the body says act your age...
  6. That is terrible to hear. I am no fan of terrain parks. It is not a daily occurrence at Mountain High here in So Cal, but there are at least a couple of ambulance rides. Terrain Parks are places for inexperienced riders to easily venture beyond their abilities. I am sitting here sidelined from riding after folding the nose on a toeside and taking an ejection seat ride out the back. Another example of riding beyond one's own ability? Snowboarding is dangerous. Walking across the street is dangerous. I feel for the family and friends of this person. Enjoy every turn, it could be your last.
  7. Andrea... carvingchef Julian..... Arclite. Lance..... Slopestar/ I'm a tentative still. If there is new snow, the drive will be horrible and I am currently at about 60% after a brutal crash at Mt High last Sunday. Shannon.... MTB_DH11 Aaron....oldvolvosrule. I will be on a carving BOARD for the duration. I felt like the bastard child out there last year George....GeorgeS Albert.....bullwings Sage..... NSSage
  8. Powerful and fast in steeps. Awesome technique. I too recently took the ejection seat ride out of a toeside carve. The worst of it was nearly pulling my front foot out of my Flow NXT FRX bindings, tweaking my front ankle a bit. Looks like I will be crossing over to hardboots as I found the limit of softboot bindings and I want MORE!!!
  9. My Donek purchased from Big Canuck has been awesome. Totally the direction I have wanted my riding to go. Softy carver.
  10. Mt High was super fun. Mostly chalky snow with some softer spots but very fun. Saw another hard booter on a small asym. He was carving well and got his fair share of hoots and hollers. Just like most of us carvers. We took a few disjointed runs together and eventually said our goodbyes in the lot. I took the ejection seat, rear exit from a toe side carve that my tired legs couldn't hold on to. Did an awesome back/shoulder plant. I think it rattled me enough to forget his name. I'll be going up tomorrow with the girlfriend but I plan to sneak out for a few runs. Happy Holidays everyone!
  11. Starcarver, will be at mt high for first chair today. Come on up
  12. I have a minty DEMO, capped ultra prime 162. Light purple top and bright red orange yellow base. One top sheet nick from binding toe bail. Collecting dust on storage wax. I will post pics. Maybe 15-20 days on it. Southern California...
  13. If that doesn't keep your top sheet clean from lift line rash, I don't know what will. Looks sick!
  14. Planning on heading up either Saturday or Sunday solo/ best/least crowded day weather wise...and on Christmas day with the girlfriend and her daughter. Love to ride with someone!
  15. Nice. Had some fun at Mt High Monday. New Donek is a dream! riding Sat or Sun and again on Christmas day
  16. Finally rode the Donek you sold me. Rode on softies today on firm but fun snow. I need to know more about it. Sean wasn't much help unfortunately. I suppose because its a used board and not a new one. It is great. I had so much fun. It is definitely the right bird to build from for future decks for me. Thanks
  17. I left you my number on your profile. I wont ride friday night but I will be riding over the weekend for sure and on Christmas Day.
  18. Lets ride tomorrow. You had a day off! It's going to be good!

    three one o 2four 5 seven 29one

  19. Aaron, you carve very well on both so run what ya bring! Shannon/ legend...in my own mind;-)
  20. Andrea... carvingchef Julian..... Arclite. Lance..... Slopestar/ I'm a tentative as I was plannig on racing GS at Mt High on Saturday, possibly Sunday too.
  21. This 3-hole custom x 164 was my go to for the past 2 seasons. I mixed it up with a Burton fusion165 that I ran at 33f/18r. I have since donated this board to Theo/ king Crimson here on bomber. I run the custom x at 24f/9r. I have no issues carving switch toe or heel side on this board at full speed. The new to me custom Donek was intended as a hard boot setup for Big Canuck( thanks Kurt!) and I will be test driving it in two days. Current stance on the Donek/ bamboo core is 24/12. Hopefully, video and photos to come. Note. All current photos have me at 220lbs. Thanks to LDP starting at the beginning of summer. I have dropped 30+ lbs. cannot wait to kick off winter on Monday at the local ski hill. Happy carving. Slarving is not carving and power skidding is worse than falling leaf...
  22. I was glued to the screen. Thanks for the stoke!
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