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Everything posted by slopestar

  1. i know the feeling... i usually get, "you're that guy?! nice turns"
  2. I would love to attend. We need to invade Mt High though. Coverage here in June is garbage and so is Mammoth. Local mountains are far better
  3. Sadly, Mt High has better coverage. 4 days so far and not a mark on either board. Looks Like that Oxygen Summit I got for free this summer is going to be my go to...Bummer.
  4. Sweet offer! Thanks. Hit me up at June. I am bringing 2 boards up each day regardless. Donek FC softie and My custom X Burton. kids in tow but would love to get a lap on that saber. 310 two 4 five 7 two 9 one
  5. Super fun yesterday and today. Got to take a couple with George S. Looking smooth as silk on the MAdd! Loving my donek...
  6. Would love to try that Saber... Praying for snow... not likely though.
  7. Crystal is always hit or miss. Off piste depends on temp. And snow of course. As far as groomers/ Crystal mountain groomers are phenomenal! Never a cat burn and never ridges... Bruce has been tilling and grooming snow there for 25years!
  8. No kids this weekend. Both days with my girlfriend... Probably flopping in a Cheap Motel to skip out on the drive
  9. We used to get factory seconds in the early 90's from mervin. Basically the funky blunted tip and tails on the MC and Jlynn's this is just after the inner course was not made anymore. We would put 3 strap Burton's on them and cut off the tails. Mount it forward a little and carve the snot out of it. Crystal Mountain locals had some fun on these. Short side cut radius makes a nice tight turn but only with good grip. I still prefer to have my bindings mounted centered on SCR to just forward of center...
  10. Going up for some group therapy? Kids and Girlfriend trip. All days at June. Kids 12 and under are FREEEEEEEE! Staying in June Lake.
  11. I will be there with Kids in tow. Bring your kids...we can trade off hot laps while the other chaperones the little ones...
  12. I am using them on my custom Donek FC Bamboo/23.5 CM waist. 0 and 3 degree canting. I only noticed the stack height change from my standard freestyle setup when I got back on my freestyle deck. No forgiveness... I really like the power plates but I am disappointed with the large and heavy aluminum plate. I WISH FIN WOULD MAKE A BINDING OUT OF THE PLATE FOR SOFTBOOTERS AND BX RIDERS!!! I really do like them though.
  13. As a softbooter here in carving country and having tried c2bx with camber and rocker. All I can say is its a crutch for those who can't. Advantage in absolute crud/cut/icy steeps but otherwise there to bring more confidence to the average gaper. Extra confidence means one more idiot to watch out for bombing a run while we are carving back uphill. My softboot friends love it but they can't match a carver turn for turn. Thank you to those that provide the tools needed to do the job right. Let the masses eat steak. I'll take my filet rare...
  14. Not sure what the current offering of binding is but the older freestyle jr. that has two fixed anchors and one ratchet point is maxed out on a size 4 boot.
  15. I'm going to wait until next season and then either order something special from Sean or perhaps buy a couple Demos like a rev and a saber
  16. I would've paid more and local delivery.
  17. will do friday, mammy with my girl and the kiddos. saturday, the high with the same crew!
  18. I couldn't agree more Shannon. Fortunately, if it doesn't snow or get cold enough, I will at least have a white Friday in Mammoth with my lovely girlfriend and my kids. I have to exercise my MVP if Mountain High can't get it together...
  19. Both my kids learned on Burton chopper's with traditional camber. a 101cm and a 121cm. I think they both benefit from not using the cheater beveled bottom boards out today. the learning curve was tough but well worth it as both my kids link clean turns at 10/daughter and 6/son. Just put my daughter on a roxy 123cm. traditional camber.
  20. Sorry to hear Theo. Glad to see you are finding your calling since your injury. It will heal and you will be back on the hill!
  21. Both videos are on a burton custom 162 10th anniversary I broke three years ago. I just got this oxygen 169 from my local play it again sports. It was going into the dumpster and ha yet to be ridden by me.
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