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Everything posted by slopestar

  1. I'll be up with my Girlfriend Katie. Friday@11am-sunday @2pm Hoping to stretch the legs on the 185 sg for the first time. June on Saturday to avoid the crowd
  2. Here on the west coast/So Cal, conditions are usually low tide.the file is usually necessary. I tune/wax accordingly but don't take the engineer stance when it comes to tuning. Hand file/stone and wax for conditions. Definitely cold hard wax on the edge as everything just burns off. Always storage wax in the off season. Boards are made to be ridden and a general tune is good enough for me Nd always better than what everyone else has
  3. Glad to see it being ridden
  4. So how much for the 1 day old board? Where are you shipping from and is it carve or World Cup model
  5. I wanted this so bad! I did not need another alpine. There was a huge hole in my quiver and I filled it with a custom Donek twin 163. Otherwise. She would have been mine a week ago...
  6. Not supposed to sell new gear. New old stock can be acceptable. Used once etc... Also, prices help sell
  7. One happy or terribly disgruntled newbie....
  8. No new gear?
  9. It's a sandwich... Start with the suspension kit and then stack with the td-2 e-ring and cant ring. Add disc and long screws
  10. Big Bubble for me. I always make sure no one is dropping above me. I try not to overtake (at least not like an a-hole) so i will ride more controlled when there is no way im getting around someone slower or less experienced. People are unpredictable and dont realize that even though you are not going straight down the fall line, you are still going 30+Mph... When it gets too thick, I grab a Bloody Mary and some Chili fries. Just ordered a true twin Donek to try to fit in with the masses. friggin gapers...
  11. Looking for a friend. Beat down but not broken
  12. That is classic Joe! All I ever hear is "nice board" and "I bet it's fast" I'm usually hiding behind my Ruroc mask so I am usually a bit unapproachable.
  13. Just Jealy Theo... Donek saber custom btw Snowlove 165 24.8 waist Centered inserts 9-11 vsr Stiffer than stock core with 1/2 the rubber
  14. I have video as this is a frame grab but a proper softy carver seems to suit a surf style better especially if you have spent more years in soft setups than hard. HOWEVER,,,,, The hard boot interface is so much better/no slop/no boot play/no sloppy bindings...
  15. My Softy Donek hooks heel side better than my alpine boards. All trust. I'm in So. California and have been surfing for 37 years. Just adjust a bit. And get on a proper board and setup.
  16. Really loving this board. Never thought stabbing my front heel and trusting would be easy. Especially on a softboot board.
  17. http://nh.craigslist.org/spo/4749428414.html
  18. So a few months ago, I decided to order a custom Hardboot board from Donek. After sharing photos/video/conversation, we came to the conclusion that I should be ordering something else. The process and attention to detail throughout was great! Sean and his team deliver/period. What we ended up with is a saber variant. 165 length. 24.8 waist 9-11 vsr and inserts centered with 144 eff edge. Hammerhead. Core is stiffer and less damp than the production saber as I'm a heavyweight and like the pop of a glass board. I opted for a dura surf base as I ride what I have regardless of what twigs/shrubs/rocks may be peeking through. I'm running power plates 3/3 yellow with flow nx2 fusions 27/18 centered on SCR at 21.5" The board delivers exactly what I wanted. Responsive and tight turns. Softer than a very similar bamboo Donek I purchased from Big Canuck a couple of years ago that rode great but even at 210, took a lot of effort to bend. This is my go to. I absolutely recommend Donek and the custom process. I need to fill a hole that my old custom x 164 used to fill before it died. Sean??? Ultimately looking to have a 5 board quiver: 2 freestyle...small 163 and large 170 1 softy carver... The custom saber 165 2 alpine... proteus170 and an SG race titan185
  19. Got 2 days on the new to me Proteus 170. I thought I knew what "pop" meant before riding this. I was sorely mistaken. I'm 210/5'11" and squeeze into punched out 700t size 26. Riding td3 step in's with 3/6 yellow at 50/45. No plate/bindings mounted center of sidecut radius at 20.5" width. The board requires input. What you put in, you get out. Absolutely loved being able to load the crap out of it and have it "sproing" out of deep heel sides. Toe side was a bit more manageable but I found myself leaning in hard on my heel side. More than I have been for sure. The board was bored on flatter runs and behaved well but obviously yearned to be driven hard into the steeper runs. Funny thing, a few simple one footed traverses seemed extremely difficult to manage compared to my other boards. Dig this board. Thank Joe!
  20. Arriving Saturday 12/27 Departing New Years Day. Girlfriend and four kids in tow. Kids are from 7-17 years old. 3 boarders and a skier...all beginner intermediate. Free lessons with trade off runs. You watch mine and I'll watch yours. Staying at Boulder Lodge. Beer/wine and jacuzzi pool access so bring your bathing suits and join us après... Hope to see you at June!
  21. Its Ok Joe...Set a 15 board limit...
  22. It has a new home. Thanks Joe!
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