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Everything posted by slopestar

  1. Snomatic. It's lost in translation. I mean no offense but I have to say that your English makes your comments sound condescending. I hope you understand...
  2. Just wanted to shout out to everyone that donated time/gear /effort/smiles/stoke. Carlo Naffarette, Donek Snowboards, Eric Diem(June Mountain) and every one that came out for a few days of laying trenches and sharing the stoke. It was awesome! We shut down a run, Broke a chairlift, chowed down some good food and drink, demo'ed at least a board or three, put some first timers on alpine gear and answered many questions from onlookers wanting to know more! We will do it again next year! Bigger and Better!!!
  3. Done and done Tom! Missed you and the family. Hope all is well!
  4. And just so you all know. Sun and firm HERO CORD!!!!! Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. No group rate but I can email a bring a friend for a half off rate. Text me your email
  6. 2 MK's June Mountain. I know it will be warm. It will be soooo much fun
  7. Well, tomorrow it is. Forecast looks mild. Frozen at night with the golden hours of 9:30-11:30 looking best. Hope to see you all there!
  8. Italian to English translation. Loses something. Giuseppe is a cool cat. He just bought bts & sidewinders today
  9. It's actually forecasted to cool down
  10. I admire the speed and dynamic riding so much more. Sigi has my vote. All styles blended together WITH SPEED is the most attractive and enjoyable to watch and even better to emulate.
  11. Got a chance to check out John's NOS original 158 and 170. No comparison to the reissue. Speckled bases and everything... Friday morning is going to be like Christmas!!!!
  12. Henry, I have one more idea that is going to tip you up on that edge. lets make the stars align this weekend
  13. 2 mk's now coming to the party!!!!!!
  14. Just a week away and on FB We have 17 going! I think that number is higher as many are bringing friends. Hoping to share gear as well. I'm bringing pretty much everything... Hope to see you there
  15. slopestar

    Sobering day

    Nothing worse than being that guy or gal, laying there broken and afraid. We should all be so brave to stop and help. Great job Corey.
  16. 3000 takes all 3. He's nice and will negotiate. Just use pm
  17. MADD killer is being shipped to me today!!! Prototype demo. I think you need to make it
  18. MADD killer coming to the party!!! Thanks Sean!
  19. Season passes if exercised are well worth the price of admission. I do think as stated before, marketing towards 20 somethings with little or no income and boarding being sold as a rebel sport that only takes place in infinite powder fields and urban settings has stagnated the progression pond. Those of us with a long history of riding will spend their hard earned dollars where it counts. I don't think lib tech (or any other production manufacturer) makes a board I would even glance at and say, "I want to try that" the industry left us all hanging. I'm all for letting them hang them selves at this point. I'll take my custom boards and burly bindings and spread the word that there is an alternative to the marketing machine! I'm no against competition and freestyle snowboarding but I am against vulgar boards in my kids faces. And that is what the industry has come to... It's a shame...
  20. I may have a set of td3 si uppers/ not sw
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