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Everything posted by slopestar

  1. I use all cone bushings on my front bennet 5.0 however I melt 2 cones together orange and blue khiro on the board side to create an hourglass. Blue khiro cone road side. Works so good
  2. Trolling... Rode copper mountain with Evan Strong and Ryan Knapton Monday. So many rippers. My saber was the perfect board... I could only take one and it will always get the nod...
  3. My mantra. Go fast/turn hard/don't suck...
  4. Good stuff Ryan. Head on a swivel is still not enough. Raise awareness!
  5. I'll be there family in tow.
  6. On our way out of town, we are hitting up Copper! Going to Sean and the Bomber crew! Make a few hot laps with Ryan K and enjoy the Colorado sunshine for just one more day!
  7. 609 for the epic pass by April 10. We have 4 kids between us but only one would get a pass. The others will not be moving with us yet... What other passes are there that make sense?
  8. Guys and gals. Epic pass? What and where? What is the best bang for the weekend warrior with 1-3 kids
  9. slopestar

    Yo Lci!!

    Thanks Mario! I'm sure to be a weekend warrior once we move. Just makes sense for us to hit the hill on the way home Monday.
  10. slopestar

    Yo Lci!!

    Relocating to Littleton area this summer as some of you may already know. Road tripping with the family next week and will likely be up Monday April 4 on the way out after our final scouting mission. Family in tow of course. Hope to meet up with some of the locals.
  11. I'm three footbeds per foot deep. One gel, One superfeet and one simple hiking boot footbed. I think i need one more layer
  12. Raw video from the chairlift and some ground video. First time ever using iMovie or any editing software so sorry if its not all professional like... hope those that attended enjoy it. https://youtu.be/enGglEld2bQ
  13. In contact with snbdr1. I'll let you guys know
  14. Has Vist rash. Base is near perfect and has a plenty of edge life. Picked it up on a whim. Not my cup of tea... $325 via PayPal gets it shipped anywhere in the lower 48. From Los Angeles. No idea why my photos post sideways...
  15. I am extremely busy and a total novice when it comes to photo and video editing,posting, etc... I did not take a lot of pictures but I do have about 5-10 minutes of raw video. I hope to get some time Sunday to put it all together and post here. Nothing spectacular but some good stuff too
  16. https://www.facebook.com/events/1283094171704613/
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