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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Moss Squadron Alert! It ain't over yet! We got another foot of snow coming in Wed. Night!
  2. Do I need a Wunderbar regardless of 4x4 or UPM ???? This is what i could find from the Bomber store: Not sure if I read it as the gospel or just a good starting point. Boiler Plate 5mm = Uber firm torsionaly Designed for maximum speed for the heavier and aggressive carver. The faster you go, the happier this plate is. Boiler Plate 4mm = Excellent mix of torsional flex and stability at all speeds. Made for all carvers and racers of all abilities. Boiler Plate 4mm Lite = The ultimate in a freecarve plate. Maximum torsion flex for control at low to medium speeds. Or for the light/medium weight racer.
  3. Hey Pokkis, Yeah my stance is no where that wide..............and this plate is only for the Kessler.......but if I go with a UPM second board kit I'll have both UPM and 4x4 options as both Plates I'm considering are 4x4 ...but I'm not the type to be switching a plate from board to board............I'd just buy another plate. The question still is - which Plate! BP V2 OR BP 4mm Lite ???
  4. Yeah Lurch, I read that thread also...but I thought his issue was his stance was too wide.....like 23+ I think ? Mine is around 20+/- depending on the board
  5. Thanks Yami, Is there a weight range for plates?? You think my 225lbs is too much for a 4mm Lite?? Also what's a "stalkier" rider ??
  6. Ha! Their both 4x4! BP 4mm Lite Used OR BP V2 New
  7. Good to know the lower assembly's are interchangeable guys! I don't think I'm limiting my options......if I go with the UPM 2nd board kit I'l have the ability to go either way. But I was thinking of just Geckos on the heavier Coiler EC SS 177 - Which I'm still Loving! ....but which of the two plates to purchase ??
  8. Thanks for the reply guys! Yes I think I would prefer a UPM plate but I don't need the the versatility of switching the plate to another board as I just plan to use the plate on the Kessler I have a chance to acquire a Used BP 4mm lite 4x4... or a New BP V2 4x4 You guys have any suggestions either way?? Also...I got access to Bomber UPM 2nd board kit ..... I'm gonna buy one of the above 4x4 plates...but what if I switched out the 4x4 lower assembly's for the 2nd board kits UPM lower assembly's ? That could work - right??
  9. Looking for a plate for the new Kessler which has 4x4 and UPM mounts - 4x4 or UPM lower assemblies - does it make a difference?? Should I go with finding a UPM plate or just go with the more readily available plate with 4x4 mounting system ??
  10. Great info Slopestar............. I sent ya a pm but it seems from your review were having similar thoughts! , "Final Thoughts # 1"...more inserts towards the nose! so I'll post mine here - I'm finding in my riding of the D.O. 161 that it likes a wider stance, like 23 inches.....but I'm all the way forward on the front foot/binding and wishing there was 1 more set of inserts towards the nose. Any of that similar for you guys?? Don, since next year's models won't be available until next Oct....any chance with next year D.O. board production another set of inserts could be added towards the nose ??
  11. I enjoy summer but I LIVE (and work) for Winter!......and with home at 6500ft winter is usually Halloween to Memorial Day.... if not longer! So Yes, I'm addicted....... and Carving is My Drug!
  12. Lurch, "fyi: I'm 225 and this is my second Dual 168 and it can handle a heavier rider!" I went with 168's over 175 as my everyday workboard for more maneuverability on the hill and the lift line.....but this will and can EC no problem for me.
  13. Brand new Swoard Dual II 168 Ridden 1 day for 3? runs It just got a $100 pro tune for a 1 base- 2 edge tune with ceramic sharpening. Retails for $674 + $75 International shipping direct from Swoard I've got $875 in this...... My loss is your gain! $550 Shipped PayPal via friends/family Length 168 Waist 25.8 Radius 10m Recommended rider weight 143-187lbs fyi: I'm 225 and this is my second Dual 168 and it can handle a heavier rider! A great beefy build that can take a beating and can carve and ride all Mtn. Great in pow if you backset your rear binding. Reason for selling - I'm hot on the new Alloy D.O. 161 as my everyday work board. No - the Coiler is not for sale!
  14. Shred, it's an amazing ride, your gonna Love It! ...and with TD3's it's gonna be Frikking OMG! Herer's a shot from today's hour out I had on the D.O. this afternoon........... Nothing extraordinary to look at... until you know the lines I layed were in 4+ inches of mush and slush from a board that's Not tuned, Not Flat, Not Sharp, Running Off The Shelf Stock 1:1 Angles and Rolling on Storage Wax!!! In those slushy turns the nose never shoveled in...... in fact it felt as if the nose was immune to the adverse carving conditions and was on a seek and destroy mission for the corduroy below. Amazing! These boards are not tools, they are a weapon to inflict physical damage on the hill!
  15. Some shaky camera action but some smooth riding there Rob!
  16. Hey Pius....... I think we are both saying the same thing.......my guys tried the wait and release method, but like you we think the nose taper is unique and that combined with the stiffness + lighter riders makes for slow acceleration out of turns..........
  17. Pius and I seem to agree that this is more a carving deck! ...... "When I opened it up and rode on edge, this thing alive" .......and I would have to add that this construction just seems built for plates and hardboots and that addition sure seemed to make it come even more alive! If you could keep the current ride and performance characteristics I would like to see what this build in a longer length and more narrow waist, say 170cm X sub 20 waist could do!......that would turn Shane Kang's design into a Rocket Launcher! You could call it the B.A. ...aka: "Broken Arrow" - a misplaced Ballistic Missile! Another possibility, B.A.....aka: "Bad Ass" also comes to mind! Don, what's the specs difference between the D.O. 161 and D.O. 157... besides length? Specifically interested in stiffness and dampness differences.
  18. Alloy D.O. 161 West Coast Review April 3 Squaw Valley The Demo board from Don arrived and I took it to our team turner (was ski and Alpine snowboard tech for Austrian National team at Olympic events! aka: he knows his stuff!) for an evaluation. It arrived lathered in storage wax as Don said this had been in the Korean demo fleet last winter and for some reason stored since then. As expected the board is not flat, it has the usual peaks and valleys and because of the peaks the base was in the 2+ range in spots. So it would have to have a base grind to get it to a 1 base. The edge bevels were closer to a 1 to 1 for a 90 degree corner....but not consistent down the length of the board as it ranged from .7 to 1.2 The edges were not dull, but not sharp as they felt like they had been sharpened by feeding the board by hand into an edge sander....but nowhere near a ceramic disc sharpening. If the board has had any work done to it it seems just some wax and the edges sharpened.......but not tuned. So with all that said and knowing the limitations of an untuned board I slapped my TD3's on it .......based solely on where I set my bindings on my Swoard Dual II 168 . For the rear foot, all the way forward on inserts but with the binding pushed all the way back...if that makes any sense to ya and the front foot was in the third row of inserts from the front with the binding pushed all the way back again for a fairly wide 21.5 stance for me........Actually I took out the Swoard Dual II first for 3-4 runs to get an idea of the snow conditions , then switched over the bindings to the D.O. 161. I was worried that the Hammerhead nose was going to shovel in on the mush and slush with my current configuration so didn't dare move anymore forward. Usually with a new board I have to play with the binding settings..... you know ... move one foot forwards or back, increase or decrease stance width, etc... ride , then repeat until dialed in. With the D.O. it just felt right from the 1st turn!! Maybe it's luck I got my bindings in the best spot on the 1st try....but after riding it I think it's the plug and play/ user friendly design of the board. Additionally the board looks beautiful and aggressive and drew attention most every rotation through the lift lines. Seriously, from the 1st turn it was a stable, trackable, hard charging carving machine! At Squaw I took it on the steeps of Siberia, on the narrow chutes, on the hard pack, in the slush, on the bumps, on the groomers...........it just ate it all up and kept going ......... and this is on an Untuned, Not Flat, Not Sharp, Off The Shelf Stock Angles Board Running Storage Wax!!! Wow! It is super quick edge to edge, which is crazy considering it's got a 25.2 waist!. It tracks straight as an arrow. It rides like it's a 168/170cm board, but is much quicker in tight situations than a 161 should be, reminds me more of more of a 159cm..... which I think has more to do with the the boards design than just being 161cm With my 225lbs. I could ride the tail/get it to pop coming out of hard turns like my 177 Coiler. It's pulls a medium scr, not twitchy like a slalom board, but it really wanted to finish the turns.....all turns in all conditions. I could carve and finish turns on the groom, in slush, in chop ....just plowed right through it and wanted to rail more but did not have you locked in...and it would release very flowingly... if that's a word? The Hammerhead nose never shoveled and I got into fields of mush by the afternoon! It's super damp, more damp than my Swoard Dual II. which my knees really appreciated from riding all the afternoon slush and chop! So, I'm sitting here thinking...... OMG, with a base grind and a 1/3 base/edge and a ceramic sharpening this would be a Frigging Dragon Slayer!! Wow? Could this be my new everyday workboard? It sure seems to fit the bill of fast, fun, stable, solid construction and let's not forget sexy! My BX team boys took it out and were mixed in their riding experience....... they loved it's looks and it's dampness but they thought it was slow.....well it is slow compared to a their "Tuned" boards!......but more specifically they just don't have the weight (average 165lbs HS kids) to get this thing to bend and move through it's paces it seems. You could actually see them slow down coming out of the apex of a banked turn!...they were losing speed cause they couldn't "carve" the board through the turn! I would suggest offering an additional model with a softer flex based on weight range for juniors. But my Slalom and GS guys thought it's ride and design was great for banging gates! They suggested the proper build would not be so damp and be much narrower....sub 20cm waist and change the nose to deflect a gate.... not chop them in half! Seriously ....It happened! So there you have it...........I'm truly impressed with Shane Kang's design and might just have to take out a 2nd mortgage to acquire one of these bad boys!! I'll try to get some action photos next time out on it and am curious how it will handle some frozen hardpack....... but here are a few photos of the D.O. enjoying Squaw! and Yes... we have a ski through Starbucks at 8000ft!!
  19. Impressive....and scary! Way to work your passion!
  20. Piece o cake looking for Intec..........let's see your fingers work some magic searching for Fintec's !!
  21. LB - You got way to much free Time on your hands! ....and anyways, everybody knows Fintecs make you go faster than Intecs!!
  22. Ha! Keep Dreaming ! There's already a waiting list for WHEN I sell it!!
  23. Cool turns!........ and impressive conditions for Late March in New England!! DMann........... nice job for a phone video!
  24. Fintec/Intec Heels - I've been looking also.......Pretty sure Sean hasn't had any of these for awhile.................
  25. Guess were not BOL'ers anymore! Not sure I can get used to being called an .....ASF'er. !!
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