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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Hey Dred, This would assume you only have one board or all your board/binding setups are the same? My Thirst (and Moss) is running TD3's with a 3' disk for rerar foot heel lift.............my Swoard and Kessler boards are setup with a TD3 6' disk. I would think if I fine tuned the "Cuff Adjustment" for the Thirst it would not benefit the ride on the Kessler and Swoard?? Hmm .......makes me think trying 3/3 disks on the Kessler and Swoard.........but that's another project........for down the road.
  2. See Donek video starting at 4:54 about boot cuff canting...Anybody doing it??
  3. Hey Felix, I too have 425 Pro's and wanted to soften them up.......So Yes that is what you need and really about your only option unless you find an older style Deluxe SB to just pull a softer tongue from.......but I have looked and the$49 black tongue is the cheapest way out. As comparison I have a pair of Track 325's with this exact black tongue and flexing both 325 and 425 tongues the 325's black tongue flexes much easier even though on rated 62 below the 425's 70+
  4. Yeah......what's the scoop on Howelsen Ski Hill ??
  5. Na.........I only made one change (and then test rode that change a couple of days) at a time. I've played all around with the stance and where my stance is seems to be the most responsive.......so to get More weight centered and/or back on the tail (without moving bindings) maybe I'll add some front ft. toe lift next ??
  6. Who's been and what's it like?? I might have to go for a business trip next month...that I will stretch to a week
  7. Welcome to the forum B! Boots are a great 1st step and the choices are really down to two brands - Deluxe Track and UPZ boots. They both have their followers. Just remember you want a Snug (some would say ski racer) fit with no heel lift. Most people downsize at least a half size or more from their street shoe. By example I'm a 10.5-11 but I ride a size 10/mondo 28 There was a ski shop at the entrance to Okemo ski resort that used to sell and rent? demo Alpine setups. I can't remember their name but somebody here will chime in I'm sure......I'm not sure they are still in the Alpine game though? Again Welcome
  8. Probably Day 7 or 8 focusing on the SF So from discussion with Kneel and his SF setup I decreased rear foot forward lean about 33% and changed TD3 rear cant disks from 6' to 3', so running 3/3 and changed BTS long Red springs to Long Blues so running all Blue springs and my turns have tightened up considerably! I was even surprised at how tight the turn shapes were looking at my tracks from the lift! But from being more centered my heel turns have lost that famous Thirst heelside railing feeling...they look tighter than I feel I'm making but not fluid as I'm scrubbing/feathering? speed (even on green runs ), going from toeside to heelside.
  9. All good theories.......... My solution was to use the #3 slot instead of #4 slot and use the fine tuning adjustment to take up the slack. What I was seeing looking at the boot off my foot was when I buckled the ankle cable into the 4th..aka: next to last slot the tension was so tight that it was making the buckle hinge flex the plastic shell concave right at the hinge spot.....which probably counterweighted the buckle and then any (forward) pressure applied just popped the buckle open. So today using #3 slot No problems with the buckle .....and my turns have tightened up even more with being centered by decreasing forward lean using the 3/3 and Blue springs
  10. Great info guys! Thanks!! Not sure how I could overflex the boot running cranked down Red long springs but my rear foot BTS forward lean was a little aggressive also. Also the heel buckle is fully extended/unscrewed to it's limit Tonight I've switched the long Red top springs to Long Blue top springs........so all blue BTS and backed off the forward lean about 1/3.......I was making these changes + lowering my TD3 cant ring from 6 to 3 to get more centered over the Thirst SF. Today was 1st day with running 3/3 and it was another day of improvement .....except for buckle blowing open repeatedly! I'll ride tomorrow and we will see if any of this helps or worsens the buckle issue!
  11. My black with green tongue 425's are barley two seasons old and just in the last couple of weeks the rear foot ankle buckle keeps popping open under a toe side carve!! This is the third buckle down on the stock photo below. I had been noticing the boot feeling like the upper popping forward ever so slightly when applying extra cuff pressure on moderate to aggressive toe side carves with my Thirst SF...but the buckle was still closed those times. I have the ankle buckle cranked down to the next to last slot but their comfortable enough to wear all day.....I've had no need to open the buckle to release pressure between runs. I am running red long/short blue BTS and Fintecs on these boots with TD3 SW SI's binders. Anybody seen this before??
  12. Hey Polaris I'm running BTS red/blue currently...switching that out for blue/blue to soften them up a little more. I want the softer black tongues for using these boots for pow days.
  13. I have the Black 425's with the Extra Stiff Green Race Tongue. Looking for a set of the softer Non Race Black? Tongues for my Track 425's
  14. I'm out for #F V2 4mm Sandard............I really just wanted the Key chain! #F is Still Available
  15. ....and God only knows how much $$ that "Global Launch" video itself cost to produce!!
  16. Impressive tech but Wow! Now that is the new definition of Superfluous! What does anyone gain with a folding ski?? Makes me sad the ridiculous amount of $$$$ that must have gone into the R & D to get them to production! Probably could have fed a third world country!
  17. Tempting! So tempting!! What's the model year, SCR and weight range of this baby?
  18. Beautiful! .........and a Great Price! What weight range is this for?
  19. barryj


    Wow! Really like those numbers! Must be a turny bandit! What a Great Buy!
  20. On those Virus Geckos it looks like only the Full version comes with the Green Inner Isolator Pad. Ivan at icarve has them for $470 EU + shipping Export Tax Free price for VIRUS Isolator is: 420.00 EUR - basic version 470.00 EUR - full version with inner Isolator Pad. Delivery by DHL Express - 35.00 EUR/45.00 EUR (with full value insurance)
  21. Hey LB..........did you mean TD3 SW's on BP bases ?? Got some photos of this setup .............
  22. Ivan at icarve suggested those Virus plates to me, see photos.......similar price. I'll wait for a review.........
  23. If my thighs are shot only after a couple of hours of riding the board is too stiff for me and/or my desired level of work to ride it!
  24. What tha Hell!! Were dropping like flies! Jrazz say it ain't so I do admire your conviction JR! I experimented with the Burton Step On softboot setup in hopes that it would perform as well as my hardboot setups....but it just ain't so! Enjoy your chosen ride!
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