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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Yeah having a variety of tools for the job is such a pain and annoyance! I mean having to make decisions on what board you want to ride day to day is so stressful. Let me help you out brother...... just send me all your Thirst sticks! There.....I'm sure that will make ya feel better!! If I had to choose one Do IT All Board it would be my Moss PQ60 It wants to carve and loves the pow...on the same run! Seriously you can his 3ft pow then pop out on the groom to lay down some Smack Daddy Carves and then jump right back into the pow........On The Same Run! My second choice if ya don't want a swallotail and/or to spend a Grand would be my Moss U5. It loves pow and can carve. I ride both of them in hardboots at 60/62 and have no problem in the pow.
  2. Jeremy Jones on his signature Storm Chaser........chasing The Turn! In my backyard at Squaw.
  3. Photos Man! We need photos of this mythical beast!!
  4. Maybe 4 years ago I tried an Arbor A Frame with hard boots and it was just ok......I sold it off quickly This is what ya need - in order of Good to Best for carving and pow! Any of these are 10 times better than any current Arbor option using hardboots or soft! Jones Storm Chase r 147, 152 and 160cm - $599 Moss U5 - 157cm $747 Moss PQ60 - 154 and 160 models $1175
  5. Enough Said! https://www.facebook.com/739841279/videos/10159197205836280/
  6. Great gear from a solid guy! Buy with confidence! Daveo great photos....but were missing your professional hand model in these shots!
  7. Very interesting! Looks like what I've been looking for! Who is he and what's his program??
  8. Still doing my Burton Stretches - going on 6 weeks now. I think it's helped my hips and knees... and not just for riding but everyday activities like stairs or hills seem to bee somewhat less uncomfortable. .otherwise road biking 5 or 6x weekly and weight training 3x keeps me busy.
  9. Damn!! Damn You Kneel!! Just when I thought I already had the ultimate quiver you gotta throw a wrench into the mix! Actually been thinking do I Really need the K168/Donek AF Plate out west at Squaw..........probably will leave it here in NH to use on the icecoast when I'm home over the holidays and Spring break.....which opens the door for another Mid board Your XC stock 171 length? You ask Mark to change the stock 11 scr??
  10. Yeah, I already had thought of that. Don't need two K168's The SF is my Go To All Day board and when the runs gets all scraped off or chopped up the K168 with the Donek AF plate is the ticket!
  11. In the queue.... Now waiting to talk specs with the Master ~
  12. No, not concerned.......just not sure if I want to order a custom board that the Only Thing Different to the demo I have is a somewhat smaller scr. That's why I was asking you guys if I was missing some spec in board building options that you guys have thought about and asked for.
  13. Yes, obviously will talk to Mark...but I want to know what I want instead of going in blind. Thought some of you sage Thirster's would have some insight......
  14. So the Thirst SF162 I bought from Mark was a Demo......so it has Mark's secret sauce but a generic build for an average or maybe even light rider. So if your reading this your probably a Thirst aficionado and have been following my love/love it more relationship via my posts. So I love the (demo) SF and it's neutral stance ride and it's ability to make turns only using half the trail..... but a custom to my specifics has got to be even better...right? But I don't know what I'd want for "specifics" ! If you read Thirst here's the sidewall info 01 Apr19 0065 L36A 362 TF2TC + SD + LFF .274 I'm 6'2' 230lbs, Modo 28, I like the 19.5 waist, I think I'm aggressive...but the conditions have to be conducive. My old legs like a softer flexing board...for other custom boards I usually go 1 weight category or length below recommended flex or length. Probably relocating back out to Squaw in Cali for work ..... so riding both coasts/ all groomed conditions. Thinking about it, the only "specifics" I know I'd change is add a 1/2 base/edge angles and a scr closer to 9 (SF's are advertised at 10.44 scr) but I don't want a one trick pony like an MK or to mess up Mark's magic! So from this info what do you suggest I should consider, consider changing from the demo to a custom SF162 for me?? Does my logic make sense to buy a custom or should I stick with the demo??
  15. Hey D, Don't see any info on Alpine boards or how to custom order Alpine on their Home website - winterstick.com How/where did you make your order?? By comparison to their other board offerings the cost looks to max at $1400 ??
  16. The Specs Man! We Gotta Have The Specs! ......and a vertical photo...or two...
  17. Ditto! I was noticing just today that (with warmer temps up here on the NH ice coast) I'm seeing more beanies and less helmets.... To each his own. I wouldn't dare carve/ride without my lid. I wouldn't get on my road bike without my helmet............but as NH is the Live Free Or Die state and does not require motorcycle helmets (or seatbelts!) I like riding my motorcycle sans helmet. Prayers accepted!
  18. I used to really like proximity riding.....you know, riding edge to edge and getting as close to the edge without landing in the woods, but I had 5 or 6 close calls last season on the edge of trails as skiers think they can sneek/squeeze by me as I'm swinging back the other direction. With trying to protect my repaired Rotator cuff surgery my carving plan this season was to divide every trail into a 4 lane highway and stay out of the outside lanes!! Getting the Thirst SF162 was part of that plan and being that it's a Turny Little Bastard it's No Trouble making more turns in less space! And! I've had ZERO (knock on wood!) incidents or accidents this season ...........but have seen more than one straight liner zip past me in that outside lane!!
  19. What! Sooo sorry to hear that! That's a sad state of affairs we live in to get sued by someone who's created the accident!
  20. No worries - you probably kept me out of Divorce court!
  21. 325's Sold Bump for Intuition Power Tongue Liner Mondo 28 $50 + Shipping
  22. I've learned a new board can teach an old dog new tricks! So my SF162 is suchhh a different beast! I'm an old nose stomper that usually rode the most forward set of binding inserts.............but Thirst boards will dump your arse in the woods if you try to Over Drive it! So I had to relearn what a neutral stance is all about.....and that meant I first had to get off the nose! And each step had to be done one at a time to ride and evaluate the change. 1 -lowered my rear disk from a 6' to a 3' 2 - decreased my rear boot forward lean by 50% 3 - changed BTS from red/blue to blue/blue 4- changed out Intuition liner from Power tongue to Power Wrap 5- changed my binding angles form 65/60 to 60/62 6 - moved front binding back one set of inserts off the nose 7 - moved both bindings back one set of inserts 8- moved front binding back one set of inserts 9 - Moved rear binding back one set of inserts 10- moved front binding back one set of inserts I'm sure I left out a couple of steps but the results have been amazing! An effortless ride with maximum control that I enjoy enough that I have changed out all my boards to this neutral stance setup! Thanks Mark Miller for teaching this Ol Dog some new tricks! ........... I'm A Better Rider For It!
  23. In my effort to tighten up my turns and find the required neutral stance on my SF162 I moved my rear binding back 1 more notch to hopefully improve my heel side railing, which was a move in the right direction ......but a added bonus is my rear knee isn't lagging behind quite a much as before I think I was throwing my rear knee to the outside on my toesides and it was lagging behind on heelside...... but this more neutral ...off the nose stance seems to have resolved some of that
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