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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Hey IG, I love my 19.5 K168 So sorta want to try a 19 waist. Has the base been ground or any base or edge work done while in your possession? You know what the B and E angles are on this??
  2. Ditto! Good job with the slo-mo action Pat
  3. Ouch! That's some Bad PR for carvers! Have to agree with daveo - 0 awareness of surroundings. From this view the hardbooters at fault as he rides into the skiers path/overtakes the skier. The Carver see's her a full second+ before impact and keeps coming which almost makes it look intentional! Like your spraying somebody with snow at the end of a run. As he finishes his toeside turn he comes up for the transition to start back and see's her and has a full second or more to react......but really doesn't. Easy to armchair quarterback but I would have Dove for My Heelside! Not sure it would have made a difference in this situation but at least it would have showed you made an effort to avoid her. Hope she was ok and doesn't sue.........
  4. So probably starting in the 12 or 13 range and moving up to 17 to 18...therefore the 15.6 average Kessler quoted. Drat! I would prefer that 10-15 range!!
  5. This suggested "Outward Canting" doesn't make any sense to me. I would think I would want some ramp to the outside of my heel to provide resistance to it's desire to trail behind. Moving the 3' disk to the inside of my heel seems like it will just add more opportunity for my knee to roll to the outside! Either way it's a mute point at the moment......... today was every bit icecoast harpack but I tried using more conscious effort on pulling my knee in and pointing my hips more when hard charging. Pointing hips had effect on heel side in finishing of turn but it brought the board around at the end of turn with a slide effect. Will practice more "hips" tomorrow in less firm conditions......... report to come.
  6. Hmm.......don't need it but temping, very tempting! Love my K168 and I'm heading back out to Squaw for work next winter so Lots Of Room for a bigger Kessler to prowl So if a clothoid sidecut wouldn't it range like 10-15.6???
  7. A little late to the party....... but at the bigger resorts where you have to walk thru the entire resort to get to the lifts I wear normal footwear from the parking lot and carry my hardboots over my shoulder, hop on the gondola or funitel and switch into my hardboots on the ride up, then stash my sneaks under one of the benches on the way out of the Tram building. Nobody wants your stinky footwear so their always there when I return at end of day.....and with Covid restrictions of only single or family units per funitel/gondola there's even more room to stretch out and switch out footwear. Here on the icecoast at Loon Mtn. resort it's a much shorter walk to the Gondola or Quad so I just boot up at the car and tromp it across the parking lot but am already seeing the wear on the heel pads of my (New This Season) Fintecs and what you Really have to keep an eye on is the wear on the screws that hold the pads to the fintecs! So fyi for you fintec users, If you wait to long to change out your fintec heel pads the wear will be below the pad and into the top of the screw and once you have worn the screw smooth It's A Major Pain In The Arse to replace!! Not sure about wear/tear with Intec as they seem to have a permanent/non replaceable heel pad! ...and at $58.93 per set their not cheap! I actually keep a extra set of heel pads ($20) and fintec replacement cable release ($35) with me in my pack that goes to the Mtn.....just in case!! So keep and eye on those Heel pads! I plan to replace mine at end of season if not sooner! https://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/Fin-Tec-Replacement-Pads_p_136.html https://upzboots.com/product-category/rcr-power-parts/page/2/
  8. Thanks for all the info guys.......... Thinking about this I think my problem is anatomical. I've been told by more than one professional bike fitter that my right leg/knee drifts/falls to the outside on every rotation. I attribute this to compensation for a vast amount of broken bones (all on the left side of my body) over the years of competitive sports..... dislocated ankle, tib/fib, radius/ulna, wrist, collar bone and of course last years torn rotator cuff. I'm going to try BB's suggestion and rotate the rear 3' cant disk ever so slightly counter clockwise so there's some of that 3' ramp to the outside of my knee instead of directly behind. That adjustment will hopefully provide some resistance to my knee trailing behind on heel sides. We will see what the results are when I go back out next week..
  9. He sure was a curious little guy! Crossing paths with the local fauna is not that unusual up here in the White Mtns. of Northern NH. We see bears, moose, deer, foxes, bobcats weekly depending on the season. I've been known to chase the Black bears out of the yard with a broom and even into the woods a few times to get my bird feeders back!
  10. Biggie, You mean to be referencing the center disk? I thought Blue B was talking about rotating the 3' cant disk ??
  11. Hmm.....I see the logic here....but how much? I have the 3' disk indention mark currently centered/aligned under my heel plate. So moving the 3 mark center of the disk 45' outward would give me max lean inward........so I should probably start about halfway at around 22' ?. By doing this I gotta lose around a 1 degree or less of forward lean I'd suppose ?
  12. Hey B, Sorry, Should have clarified; Yes I have a 3' disk on rear binding for forward lean....... but I meant I have "no heel lift" inside the boot.
  13. Under most circumstances I'm finding my rear knee is lagging behind the turn and I have to consciously pull my rear knee in towards my front knee for best heel side results. I running TD3 SW SI's at 60/62 with 3/3 disks with Track 425 Pro's. Is this a body angulation or rotation problem? Pointing my hips doesn't seem to effect this problem. I'm thinking of canting my rear cuff inward to keep my rear knee from falling outside the desired angle or lean...but not sure if that would hamper my riding when I'm using these boots with my other boards....on my work board - Swoard Dual or Pow board Moss PQ60. Anybody else experienced this?
  14. Here's a couple of photos from toady on the K168 and a couple on the Thirst SF162
  15. Ditto on my Thirst SF162......you'll probably survive the turn if just cruising, but if your hard charging a turn and finish it in the backseat it will put you on your ass!
  16. Ok - Deal Chouinsrd! Send $50 + $7.95 for USPS Priority and I'll get them out asap after I receive the payment. Paypal F/F barryj01@msn.com
  17. Hey Daveo! Where Ya Been Brother? Long time , no forum action! We've missed your repartee! ...and what did you just order....in theory
  18. Thanks for the offer C but I don't have the OEM springs to put back in so I'll pass.
  19. Thanks for the info! If you got any used beater RS164's you want to unload let me know
  20. Hey Dave, Heels are stamped 303mm
  21. Interesting.......the 164 looks like it's making tighter turns than 11.5 scr would suggest. Which Allflex model is that your on? Does the Allflex plate help tighten up your turn radius?? I have a Donk AF plate on a K168 that is killer on ice or crust or scraped off conditions and/or afternoon chop....the extra bite from the plate increases my commitment/courage with making tighter turn in marginal conditions. What was your RS164 custom order specifics, besides color......hadn't seen Green option ??
  22. I've had my eye on the RS164 model How would you describe the riding difference and/or choosing between those two models? Similar SCR?
  23. Personally I like outfit #8? ...the yellow/purple onesie? with the patch on the right shoulder.... seen around 1:13 in the video
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