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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Well...........I'm out for a week or two! Weds. afternoon got blindsided by a skier as I was slowing down to come into the ropes above Gold Coast lift at P at Tahoe. Never saw it coming or remember feeling anything but knocked unconscious and unresponsive......so they toboggan me down to the village and then airlifted me to Reno. I don't remember any of that.....I woke up looking at ceiling lights at the hospital! Last I remember It was 3:30pm and I had a student athlete with me and we were going to make 2 more runs before heading down...next thing I know it's after 7pm in the hospital and I'd lost over 3! hours. CT of spine and head and DX chest scans and about 7 other lab tests revealed I hadn't broke or damaged anything......what can I say, I bounce well! Concussion, scrapes and bruises seems to be the worst of it. They released me around 8pm and staff from school came to pick me up for the drive back up to Olympic Valley. I needed help from two staff to get to my room. The hospital cut off my favorite jacket and 2 top layers but I got my board, boots, gloves and helmet back in one piece. Really stiff and sore Thurs., not as much today. Went to the Chiropractor and that helped my hips and neck where they were jammed up. Thank goodness I was working and my work will cover all of this!!! On concussion protocols for the next week or so............. Be Careful Out There!!
  2. I didnt ask....but website says Yes.....
  3. The Mighty Quinn has spoken! Shaun says AF plate is for GS boards and the F is for SL boards. So just call me the Donek Plate Consortium
  4. What! How is this still here?? Whew! Thank Goodness!, this K168 isn't UPM or I'd have some (more!) explaining to do to my accountant, tha wife!!
  5. The AF UPM Really amped up the already great ride on my K168.......that's why I thought it should work also on my Donek UPM 163.
  6. Ugh...OK I'll bite. 1st dibs Need to concur with the Mighty Quinn at Donek
  7. Geez Louise! I'm becoming the Donek Plate Consortium!! 1st dibs are in.........
  8. Ouch! So sorry to hear Powda! Peace and Prayers for a speedy recovery my man! Keep us informed how it's going!!
  9. Last carve of the day...... couldn't get it all in the photo but came around 3/4 of a circle. Love that Donek Rev 163!
  10. So I picked up a fairly new and hardly ridden Rev 163 that's even UPM! Wow! Love the Rev ride! It's the Go-kart turny little bandit I was looking for! So I direct transferred the UPM AF plate with BP bindings off the K168 (which transformed an already Wow! board into an OMG Ride!) and put it on the Rev and surprisingly that was an OMG Terrible Experience! Really wouldn't track at any speed, just felt wrong and considerable effort! It was so bad I was convinced I must have reversed the bindings fore and aft in my haste....but nope I had them on correct! Was really anticipating the AF plate was going to kick the Wow! level Rev into the K168 OMG! Ride level.....but Nope! Am I missing something here??? What do the Sages say??
  11. Anybody else got a 3 degree BP cant disk laying around????
  12. Sorry to hear you got broadsided! Hope your recovery keeps improving!
  13. Hi Ryan, I'd buy the extra set 0 and 3 BP cant disks separate if you get no takers for the BP base with standard TD SI uppers...... sending PM
  14. Yeah BP's are great for the money. I had a V2 Lite UPM which was very good but found a Donek AF UPM even better......and Soooo much cheaper the newer options. The Apex X is the over $1200 I belive
  15. Just curious how UPM fell out of favor and what's better and why. Having UPM option for a Donek AF plate (Thanks Jack!) on my K168 took an already Wow! board to Holy Crap! level of performance and not to mention how a plate really adds noticable cushion for old knees! I can ride all day through chop, crud, ice with the plate.....otherwise would only of lasted a couple of hours without it. .........I'm thinking of a new board, so what's the better plate mounting option these days and which plates do what.
  16. I'd have to agree with Jack. Bomber is bulletproof and the Sidewinder version adds some relief and cushion for my knees without losing performance.
  17. Ouch! To produce that much of a gash must of been quite a jolt! Glad you didn't report any broken bones and hope you don't have any bruises to match! Yeah, what BB says is what I'd do......or a shop could do it for $100
  18. barryj

    Bomber FS

    What! No takers?.......can't believe Power Plates are still available! Damn....I'm temped and I don't even ride softies!!
  19. Ditto! Husky suggested I contact Alexander Musson at: alexmusson847@gmail.com for my WTB parts listings Guy was clueless as to what I was after in WTB....only that "it's boxed and ready to ship!....so no photos available!!" Dirt bag scamers!
  20. Guess I'm out......gonna try a different direction. Thanks for all the info Marc!
  21. Hey MP, Happy New Year! You saying your Nirvana is still up for grabs? 1st dibbs here please. Sending PM now.
  22. Hey T, I did see a kid on a K sitting on the bank at the top of the stupid lift talking on a hand mic?....not sure he ever saw me but I gave a thumbs up as I started down the hill.....
  23. It is just over the top! Heated seats, automatic restraint bar, automatic drop down canopy cover, etc, etc. It takes twice as many people faster to the same exact spot on the mtn. as the old 4 person detachable quad..........and from what I saw today just makes already crowded slopes Over Crowded.............just saying! Yes........I reluctantly rode it. https://www.facebook.com/1190169011/videos/1509885882744605/
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