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Everything posted by barryj

  1. Hey JC Swoard Dual II -- Its made for soft or hardboots Its my daily all mtn board and I put in around 100 days per season. I'm 6'2" 225 and I ride a 168 Yes, there weight range table is for scrawny Euros so don't go totally by that! Nils and the boys at Swoard wanted me on the 175 but the 168 is just perfect imo! ...and there around $700US !!! In fact this is my 2nd Dual. I had the original, which was great, but the Dual II is even better! I have mine set up with TD3 SW SI's It loves the groom, loves the chop https://www.extremecarving.com/swoard/announcements/Swoard_DUAL_en.pdf
  2. Let me know what ya got............
  3. Curious if anybody is using an MK for more than just a few runs or longer than an hour or so. It seems that they are an expensive party trick and then the trick gets old and you see it back on the classifieds.....usually the same season. I would love to try one but don't want a 18w one trick pony that kills your quads in under an hour. I wonder if a 20w MK variant is any more all day ridable? That makes me think a MK variant with 20w And UPM inserts for a Donek A Plate would make it more all day ridable by damping down some of the infamous leg killing MK buzz...without sacrificing much loss in turn radius. I guess it's an expensive supposition at the moment.................
  4. Hey C, Ha! I feel the same way.....stuck at Expert Beginner level! I'd echo others here.........your looking good enjoying the ride but your not (committing to the turns to) Drive the turn. To me commit means getting more aggressive....more complete C turns and less edge of trail S turns. Your letting the board take you down the hill. I personally want to Drive the board down the hill, by completing all turns and finishing each turn up hill while setting up my next turn while finishing the last turn.....not letting the trail width dictate when to change direction. I'd like to know what board, width, scr, etc and bindings, boots your on........
  5. Hey Pat, Wow, Hope I'm still at it at 75! You look relaxed and comfortable doing those wide S turns and your carrying a lot of speed but that F2 board at that length and scr is more of a SL board and Really Wants To Turn.....but it's not getting the message ....and turning will get you lower! Like been said above, Try finishing each turn...make each turn into a C and finish uphill. This will take more energy but you will see and feel the board wanting to turn tighter.....and these tighter C turns will force you to get lower....to compress through the turn....which will get you lower/closer to the slope. Try it....on a favorite trail pick a section between any two lift towers and see how many complete C turns you can get between towers. As your quantity goes up you will be getting lower to make it easier to finish each turn. Expect to be a little winded as your Driving the board will take more energy to finish each C turn than just Riding the board on big S turns! This practice will also help/force you to pull your arms in closer to your body to finish your turns. Have fun!
  6. I would say...Welcome to the Concussion Club CC! ....but don't wish that on anybody! Glad no broken bones for ya but beware,.... "locked up" feelings lasted over 2 months and 8 visits to the chiropractor for me! Hope your recovery goes better than mine..............
  7. Bump for any UPM boards now available at end of this season .............
  8. Beautiful! What's the scr on that little bandit???
  9. Welcome to the forum! Photos and price you hope to get...with or without shipping would help..........
  10. I hear ya Ladia.......from my collision this season I still fill stuck at 60% recovery and I've recently had the same thoughts! ..........but I have had a couple of good turns and that feeling is coming back! So I say stick with it and find a run you fill safe on and get out there and have some fun......that's my plan!
  11. Nope!........the only way I would get rid of mine....is you would to have to pry mine out of my cold dead hands! .......but if ya need an AF Plate I'm tha Man!
  12. Keep it on edge and slice through it! My slop and chop choice is my Swoard Dual II 168 ......and bring some rub on Jet wax to counter the corn burning your wax off after a few runs!
  13. Recovery has been Painfully Slooow Scully! They have me, 2 months after the collision finally starting on Concussion PT! Evidently my Head isn't on right!! I got cleared to ride and have been out a few times and it has been difficult! Only just able to Ride the board, Not able to Drive the board like before! ....but it's getting a little better each time.
  14. Ouch! So sorry to hear Scully! Hopefully its not any worse and at least your at the tailend of the season if you have to call it done ..... but I cant imagine any Ortho guy telling you "Yeah, it's ok to go Snowboarding!" Hang in there buddy!
  15. Hey SB, Yeah that seems like a great board at a great price. A 19 waist is a little skinny for my tastes and 28.5 boots but can you send a photo of Seans tech stamp in the middle of the board......I want to confer with the maestro himself on this one. Thanks, BJ
  16. Hey SB Hmm.....might be interested. What model year is this from? You the original owner/designer from Sean? How'd you pick this over a Rev 163 or Secret 163 ?? How much $$
  17. Sean says, during mounting the front metal sliders should be more towards the front but not touching the plate inside the slot. Yep..that's what mine looks like
  18. Yeah....that part's obvious. I'm talking about moving the plate forward or backwards an UPM insert pack or 2 on the board. On a positive note I took it out for a hour morning session and I must have got the install correct as the ride was Great! The plate adds more power and response in my turns and somewhat smooths out the slop and chop...... I Like It!
  19. Trying the F plate UPM on the Donek Rev 163. Sean says it only attaches one way but with 4 UPM holes each side and end and only 2 attachment points each side from the F plate it seems you would have a choice of moving the plate forward a UPM set of holes.... right? Anyway I mounted it in the rear sets of UPM insert pack. Am I missing something, does this look correct?? Taking it out for a spin today..........
  20. The liners pack out and most guys buy a whole size if not more down from their shoe size.....I'M 11.5 or 12 depending on the company but I wear modo 28 in my 425 Pro's. So I'd stuff my foot in them and ride! ....or send them back.
  21. Wow! Can't believe this is still available This is a Great ride in Great condition at a Great price!
  22. Thanks, Yea saw that...... Im not desperate, still hoping a wider mutant is out there.....or maybe an Angrry or 163 Rev
  23. Would prefer a mutant build that's wider than the stock traditional MK 18 waist.....but Hey, if the price is right us cheap beggar's can't be too choosy! Let me know what ya got
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