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Everything posted by Keenan

  1. Yeah, I was just getting ready to edit that post. Looks like you can get a discount by pre purchasing tickets online, these will probably go fast since next week is spring break. http://www.mtbachelor.com/site/tickets/winter/online Skied today, still good coverage on Rainbow and Sunrise.
  2. If any one is planning on riding more than 2 days you should pick up a spring pass before the sale ends on Monday. $149.00. Long range forecast says it's going to snow a little. http://www.mtbachelor.com/site/tickets/season_pass/springtacular/spring_passes Never mind, not valid until the 30th. See below...
  3. As a regular foot rider I have found that my toesides are greatly improved by riding with two left boots.
  4. I can probably get 2-3 days that week, maybe more. Depending on conditions and spring breakers.
  5. I got 50 percent off tickets from Liftopia for the two days before (just under $20 a piece) so you could ride for 2 days for $100, or 3 for $120.00
  6. My friend rented Anthony Lakes Oregon yesterday as a memorial to his mom who recently passed away. It has a 50 person cap on skiers/boarders when you rent the mountain and they provide lunch. Only about 20 people rode the lifts, 5 of which were hard booters. The groomers held up firm and fast until the lifts stopped spinning at 3pm. Then the mountain manager bought us 3 pitchers of beer and asked that we tip our lift ops. It was a day in heaven and we want to do it again next year. We would need 50 people total at $80.00 each to own the mountain for a day. You just read this, think about it, next season, highest base elevation in the state, not a big mountain, but ours for a day.
  7. I've had some back issues the last couple of years. Thought about not going to SES last year because i couldn't stand up, but it was already paid for so I had to go. My chiro turned me on to MyoCalm from Metagenics, it's an all natural muscle relaxer. Works great with no side effects. I also had a masseuse tell me that my calves were way tighter than my back and I needed to stretch the legs more. Aging is a great adventure.
  8. Probably some of the best groomers of the season today (unless Dan is reading this, in which case it sucked). Thanks for visiting, we'll plan for a big session next season.
  9. Make sure to get some cow bell action. I might be there about 9:15-9:30.
  10. I was up yesterday with my 6 year old, and going up skiing tomorrow. Good stuff on the front side. I've talked to a lot of peeps from WA, CA and PDX and it seems we have the best around. New forecast looks like temps aren't supposed to get above 35 this weekend. And yes, if it is awesome, we will rub it in.
  11. Yeah, we are meeting at the Sunrise base area. I might be a little late, broke a toe bail and stripped a boot bolt in the last week and am scrambling to get repairs/replacements. The snow is has been pretty firm until about 10:30 anyway.
  12. Sunrise makes sense, especially since that's where the best early runs seem to be lately. Looks like slightly colder temps are predicted.
  13. The runs are holding up pretty well as of yesterday. We are getting freezing temps at night, plus I think we got about 17" last weekend. They are doing a pretty good job with the snow farming.
  14. No wonder you bonked your head, you were in the tubing lanes.
  15. They are reporting a 2.1" base. Pretty bad when they start measuring in 10th's.
  16. Maybe you should look into flying an extra 2 hours and driving less. Mt. Bachelor just got 14" in the last 3 days, with more to come tonight. http://www.mtbachelor.com/site/plan/info/winterconditions
  17. 11" since yesterday. Finally, winter.
  18. Yeah, those are almost as cool as Snowblades. http://www.snowbladesonline.com
  19. I use TD3 Step in Sidewinders with no cant and 35 front 20 back on my powder board. Yes they might be a little heavy, but I never have a problem with flotation. I used this set up to teach on for the last 2 seasons as well. I only ride with zero cant on this set up (usually 0/3 on my carvers) which really helps with low speed maneuverability, switch riding, airs and powder. I feel that the extra weight is no sacrifice for the piece of mind I get knowing my binders won't break. Just carry more speed and you'll stay on top. Plus, they are really shiny.
  20. Do you guys have any interest in a Deschutes Brewery tour on Saturday afternoon? It's free and they give you beer samples. Let me know and I'll book it. Might be good to skip out a little early on Saturday anyway due to crowds.
  21. Hey Dan, So far the only people that I've heard from about this are Mike T. and Mr. E.. Hopefully we will have more turn out.
  22. You need to stand up when you ride. Stop being lazy.
  23. Sundays are usually much better crowd wise. Low snow means all of the people who can't ski Ashland, Hoodoo, Willamette Pass, and Shasta come to Bachelor.
  24. I will probably be there, carving out time as well.
  25. I had a really rotten, chewed up run down Olympian at Mt. Bachelor today. At the bottom there is a way to cut over to another chair, bypassing the off ramp of the beginner chair. I noticed there was no one on the beginner run and went down. It was the best, most consistent groomed of the day, all 250 feet. The lift op, Bob, who is in his lower 60's commented that he doesn't see many alpine boarders any more. I told him that we are staging a comeback. He said "Keep up the good work".
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