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Everything posted by Keenan

  1. Where: Anthony Lakes, OR When: Monday, March 7th, 2016 Cost: TBD ($40-50?) Max Amount of BOL Riders: 25 (there is a cap of 50, I'll explain details below) WTF?: Last year my friend Milo rented Anthony Lakes for a day as a memorial for his mother (it is not a memorial service this time, but if you attend you should probably buy Milo a beer). The cap is 50 people, about 20 actually showed up and skied/rode. This year he is renting it again and allowing me to extend an invitation to BOL members. I rode Saturday through Monday last year and stayed in bustling Baker City Oregon (about 45 minutes to Anthony). Daily tickets are less than $40. Saturday is the annual "Snow Blast" event with big air, live band, fireworks and yes…a genuine Chinese Downhill. Sunday is low key and uncrowded. Monday, the place is ours. This is not a big ski area (one lift) but it has some really good terrain and good grooming. It also has the highest base in the state, so on pow days it is fluffy. I did not post this in the ride board because it is open to anyone willing to drive to Anthony Lakes/Baker City. PM me and I'll start the list.
  2. Got the pass and a new powder board on the way. I took my daughter to Sandy on Saturday to get her season rentals. We went a route that I had never gone before, through the town of Carver.
  3. Lib Tech - Haulin' Oats. Or just the brand name Hooger Booger.
  4. Bachelor opened on Thanksgiving last year and closed the first week of May. Hood just got a trace of snow yesterday. Buy a pass and quit whining.
  5. Time to start a new ride board, I'm moving to West Linn this weekend. I look forward to riding with the PDX crew at Meadows. Party on Garth.
  6. From what I read it looks like they are trying to save weekend warriors from themselves. That's a lot of accidents. No wonder so many people are scared of Mt. Hood on weekends, myself included.
  7. Anyone have updates or info on the road expansion? Are they making it 4 lanes from Zig Zag to Govy?
  8. Wow, he grew up at Mt. Bachelor where "there's not a park in site". It must be difficult riding with a blindfold on. …Cool video though Bryan.
  9. Yeah, my kids bikes and toys would fill my old 400 sq ft studio apartment. Then there would be the issue that none of us would be able to sleep so close together. Maybe when they are in college, by then I might not have a choice and will have to downsize to afford education for them and wine for us.
  10. If anyone is interested in prolonging your season, I just found out that I can get $39.00 tickets (2 per day) until we close. This is one of the pass holder perks. Hurry while the snow lasts. The forecast is actually calling for a little fresh later this week.
  11. Let me know if you do, I have a better chance of avoiding damage if I leave my boards at home and take my skis.
  12. I will probably regret this in a few months, but even though we are still open daily, I'm done. I don't mind using a rock board early season but I can't stand using one late season. Unless we get a freak cold, wet front I can't see Bachelor staying open for more than another 2 weeks. http://www.mtbachelor.com/site/plan/info/winterconditions
  13. This morning was mighty fine. Left at noon and it never got sticky. Hopefully the forecast is right and we will get some colder temps and a little new snow later this week. Once again, coverage was decent and I hit no rocks.
  14. If the weather forecast is correct, next week could really hurt, and the rocks could sprout. Although last year I had the best powder day I've had in about 10 years on May 9th.
  15. Just got back, groomers were in good shape (never went to Outback). As it has been lately, the only rocks I hit were in the lift line. Started to soften about 10:30, wind and clouds kept it pretty firm. Forecast says 3-6" on the way. As of now open every day until close, spring schedule 9am-2pm starts late April. They are planning on operating for six more weeks.
  16. 215 in one season? And that wasn't consecutive? Consider me boggled.
  17. Got another 1-2" today, good coverage on the front side, light snow through the next week. I'll put a report on the Bachelor tab after I go on Monday.
  18. 131, nice run. Next year you might want to look into Bend, OR so you can up your record. I think our season would be around 180 days.
  19. I talked to the guy that designed these last year (he also designed the rear entry ski boot). He told me that there is a group of instructors at Beaver Creek that are using these to teach skiing and boarding, so they don't have to switch boots, which is what I ended up doing a lot the last 2 seasons. What's kind of funny is that for the last 4 seasons my supervisors kept asking me to teach in soft boots and I wouldn't, now there is a soft boot for skiing which is also a sponsor of the PSIA. If you go to the Apex website there quite a few different flex options available. I asked about using these with plate bindings and he wasn't sure the toe bail would hold securely. The shell itself is meant to step into a ski binding and is not designed to be mounted to a snowboard.
  20. Yes, they sell them on this very site: http://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/G-Lab-Meter_p_149.html
  21. ***Warning, graphic story*** Three years ago I hit a rock hiding in a shadow, I heard my front shock compress and flew like Superman for about 15 feet. Made it home, showered and started picking the remaining rocks out of my skin. Then I went to the bathroom and peed blood. I rode in 3 ambulances and one Lifeflight airplane that day ($25, 000 for that flight.). I ended up hemorraging an adrenal gland which happened to be attached to my kidney by an artery. Internal bleeding, looked like I gained about 40 lbs. in one day due to the blood filling my insides. Doctors said they had never heard of an injury like this without an impailment. Went in for a follow up about a week later and told the doc my testicles ached, she said that the blood has to go somewhere, so it follows gravity. The next day I woke up with two giant eggplants between my legs. Couldn't sit or walk normally. These days I use my disc brakes more routinely.
  22. If the new forecast is right, I hope you brought some pow boards. I'll be on a Captain America Donek. At Sunrise lodge in the morning.
  23. Updated forecast calling for 4-8" this weekend, let's hope they are right this time.
  24. Yeah, I was just getting ready to edit that post. Looks like you can get a discount by pre purchasing tickets online, these will probably go fast since next week is spring break. http://www.mtbachelor.com/site/tickets/winter/online Skied today, still good coverage on Rainbow and Sunrise.
  25. If any one is planning on riding more than 2 days you should pick up a spring pass before the sale ends on Monday. $149.00. Long range forecast says it's going to snow a little. http://www.mtbachelor.com/site/tickets/season_pass/springtacular/spring_passes Never mind, not valid until the 30th. See below...
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