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Everything posted by xxguitarist

  1. Yeah, I was just asking if his were pretty shot, or still held a good charge. The camera I'm getting comes with one, and I'd like to have a spare.
  2. Found one today, thanks everyone! bschurman, how are the batteries? any interest in selling one of them?
  3. Anyone have one available? Figured it might be worth a shot.
  4. oh my. on the other hand, I sit on an exercise ball because it encourages me to move around, which gives a very slight core workout & also makes it easy to stretch out my back.
  5. d'oh, I thought it had a red texalium topsheet!
  6. No breather cloth is needed? just some perf ply? I vacuum press skateboards, a bit simpler.
  7. I figured it out about 5 min after a friend showed it to me a couple weeks ago .. though it took me about 20 min to explain to them how it worked
  8. Thanks willy, I'm just laughing at this point about the # of votes he has received.
  9. Well, I've ordered my straps & buckles. I'll post pictures after I finish, I suppose.
  10. Well, it was +/- 5 votes between me & bluewoodboarder until schnetski found ~30 votes in an hour or so.. hmmm. Should be interesting to see how this pans out.
  11. The title says it all. Bomber store is sold out, guessing forever? I know they come in black, blue or grey would be good too. I have the SB124s with teal green tongues as is- I'm assuming these are the standard/soft flex.
  12. Gates on Wed nights, is it? Sounds fun. This would be about an hour and a half drive for me, is the hill worth that?
  13. thanks for the help, those who have voted.. we'll see how this goes.
  14. Hugh, Thanks! I can kick out okay at most breaks, but at this one it just closes too quick, so if you try for a second or two of face time, theres no more room to kick out. Also, it was my first day on that 5' be kind:o
  15. How'd you know what my liners are held together by!?
  16. Where did you find the tongues? or was it here before they sold out?
  17. Some video from today testing my new 5' board (!!) Tons of closeouts, one good left (i dont like lefts that well-i'm weak at 'em) oh yeah, go vote!
  18. Bump Bump. Voting is ramping up a bit. Don't let someone riding duck stance win.;) http://www.silverfishlongboarding.com/forum/general-longboarding/57085-all-season-shredder-contestant-voting-thread.html Registration is quick- "sign up" or something on the top, quick confirmation email, and you're set to vote!
  19. as of yesterday(sunday) okemo was pretty nice. some icy sections, but generally firm, COLD packed powder (the kind that makes noise when you step on it)
  20. Near the half pipe, probably. In it, no. I didn't see a single other hardbooter on the mountain today, sad to say. I was in a dark grey/light grey spyder jacket, black pants, grey giro talon helmet, goggles, black face mask, riding a F2 speedcross.. not that you probably got that good of a look as to tell.
  21. I saw the gates, looked for anyone on hardboots & didn't see anyone. I just rode other trails, didn't feel like smashing into a gate!
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