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Everything posted by xxguitarist

  1. I'll take the boots, with both sets of heels please. Email me with your paypal address
  2. Very interested in the deeluxe's How are the liners?
  3. Hope you don't mind- if you do I'll take it right down. Here's my take on it using gimp- a free photoshop-esque program.
  4. Even at the end of my 12 year competitive swimming career, I wouldn't have been able to tread water with a 10 lb weight. That said, sitting at the bottom of the pool with a kickboard wasn't too difficult, i could even keep my lungs mostly full of air.:D The fun thing about wearing a 5/4/3 wetsuit is that I actually float in the ocean! Hope you'll be able to catch some runs at yawgoo at least this winter. Someone's gotta show me what I'm doing wrong!
  5. My post refuses to show up (for me) though it does show under where I type this Point was, glad you're doing better- careful with the flip turns & pushes off the wall. Now, lets see if this shows up? (edit) well, there's both of them- was stuck on page 2 before, now bumped both to page 3.
  6. Careful pushing off the wall/ doing flipturns- I've nearly strained the Achilles tendon with that, and thats starting with a healthy(ish) ankle.
  7. I think this year i'm going to wind up spending more on gear, picked up a used axis already, and intend to upgrade to some new boots as well. From now on, I'd like to keep it with riding as more money!
  8. How long do the popular sizes (specifcically 27) usually stick around?
  9. These are fun boards, quite forgiving for beginners too, I have a shorter version
  10. Unfortunately its over a 2 hour drive for me, but I might still be up for it a few times. It's still closer than the real mountains. Ski ward is actually closer to me, especially for going up to after school, though I've got my local hill 15 min from school too.
  11. I suppose you can call me an adult:D Always ride with a helmet, anyway. Is it at mohawk or ski ward?
  12. What's the deal with running gates? just have to pay for lift ticket, or is there an extra fee? I'd like to give it a shot at some point. I've got my F2 speedcross 154 and a new-to-me donek axis 172, so I'd probably be shooting for one of the tighter courses on a not-so-steep face?
  13. Fin etc, Set up the links to open in a separate window rather than redirecting the current page. This is the norm, and a lot more user friendly.
  14. Yep, angles that align your toes& heels with the edges of the board. For me on my F2, that's 48/45.
  15. Important to distinguish between bikes, town bicycles, and dykes though
  16. I'm not convinced it'll stick either, but I figured it might be worth a shot before I made any permanent changes to the board
  17. Mylar? Why is this preferable to vinyl? Know of any sources that sell either solid color or metallic color mylar?
  18. Bumping this OLD thread, wondering if anyone's had luck with signmakers vinyl or duplicolor paints.
  19. Thanks for the reply. I'm begining to tend towards longer but if it's still around in a bit I might take it. If someone else wants it, let them have it. I've got too much going on at the moment to figure out my budget & snowboard needs.
  20. Hang in there! And remember, "there's always next year" For me, it's not the state of the economy, just the state of my checking account! Might spend more money on upgrading gear this year than on getting to the mountains.
  21. xxguitarist

    Donek FC1 171

    Even if it's the FC1 width, I'm still interested.. Going down a size in boots this season anyway!
  22. xxguitarist

    Donek FC1 171

    According to the donek site, the FC I would be a 18cm waist.. Is yours different? <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="600"><tbody><tr><td width="170">171 Freecarve I </td> <td width="55">171</td> <td width="55">155</td> <td width="55">11.2 </td> <td width="65">23.37 </td> <td width="65">18.00 </td> <td width="65">23.37 </td> <td width="45">7.5</td> <td width="35">680</td></tr></tbody></table>
  23. Come across anything? General type I'm looking for is along the lines of a Donek FCII 171 or shorter
  24. Well, my local hill is actually a valley. www.yawgoo.com By comparison, my "real mountains" are places like www.okemo.com It looks like ski brule falls somewhere between the two. My take on it would be if your choices are this or a softie twintip, you're better with the F2. If you want to eventually have a board for little places & messy days, it may be a good choice too. If you're shooting for the kind of riding that some on here do, you should probably save up or pick up a used board here.. After a season on mine i'm in search of a donek FCII with an extra 10+cm length. I'll still start the season on my F2 but try to get comfortable on the FCII soon afterwards if I manage to get ahold of one.
  25. xxguitarist

    Donek FC1 171

    In RI, Next in line please [edit] Just realized you offered this to me a while ago in my thread, I wish I'd asked for specs & caught the apparent FCI/FCII discrepancy!
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