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Everything posted by xxguitarist

  1. View here for more info on me/my riding to decide if what you have might work for me. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=21656 I'm 5'11, 155 lbs, looking to step onto a more carve oriented board than my current F2 speedcross. SCR in the 10m range, Length under 170 (probably) Preferably in used but well maintained & cared for condition. Post what you have, with a price & pictures. Thanks
  2. You may well outgrow it quickly. My 154 holds up nicely on our local small hill, I'm 155 lbs & 5'11 or so. I ride it on SB 124s and snowpro race bindings. I spent some time at the "real" mountains last winter though, and I'm going to need to upgrade soon for those sessions, the nose was starting to feel a bit soft. It's definitely a good transition into the carving world, it holds lines much better than twintips. For reference, MP28 hardboots will let you run 48/45 or so.
  3. I'm looking to step up to a board that can handle some more speed, but I'm going to be keeping my little F2 speedcross for the local hill. It's soft, seems to be fairly forgiving, and it turns circles around all the snowplowing slalom cones.
  4. What weight was it built for? I'm interested...
  5. Which generation of 325? JGU, going quite that long scares me at the moment but thanks!
  6. Think I'm going to post a WTB add soon.. Considering Donek 163 or 167 FC II by Jack's suggestion Tony suggested some taper, or something like a RC Anyone have more specific suggestions before I start actively looking?
  7. Anything shorter? Maybe high 160s, sidecut radius around 10m, flex for a 155+gear lb guy
  8. Jeez, heal up quick tony. Best wishes, hopefuly you can be up for this winter.
  9. Tony, Thanks for the mention of my style- all I know is that I like riding :D Blue, I'll think about it, I'm just scared to go quite that small!
  10. Sounds good:biggthump I'll keep my eye out for a 163 or 167 FCII then! I don't expect to have the $$ for a metal WCR, especially not if I pick up some new boots.
  11. Now that's some good input. The 27s were too big for you, still? How would one know if this would be the case?
  12. I know the 124s are fairly soft, but they're also a size too large. That said, I was wondering about the 225/ 325/ heads, as that I figure I may as well do it right this time around rather than try to piece things together and upgrade to the new style buckles on another pair of older raichles.
  13. Thanks for the replies. Jack, Yep, I was thinking of something like the FC or axxess. boardski, I think you're right that boots may be the more important upgrade here. Anyone have input on the 325vs225 vs head stratos? How do I know how stiff I want to go?
  14. Last winter I was anxious to get onto carving gear, and took a rather cheap route in. I'm looking to spend some money this winter to do things right. This doesn't mean I'm going to go buy a quiver of Bruce's boards, mind you! I'm currently riding on a 154 F2 speedcross, with snowpro race bindings and SB124s which I've added a 4th strap to since the last session I got in. I'm about 5'11'' and 155 lbs, plus a few for winter clothes etc. BOOTS: I'm beginning to think that I may have bought them a size too large, which is only being compounded by the beaten to hell stock liners. They're 28s, my feet measure about 27.4 and 27.6.. Guess I made a mistake there, but at least it got me on the snow for a season pretty damn cheaply. I had problems with the bony spot above my arch (not ankle bone, somewhere between the two) so I removed some material from the stock liners, and between that & the general packing out, the ankle/arch strap is at its limit and occasionally pops open when i flex the boots. I also have noticed some heel lift when really railing into a turn. BOARD: I think this is a bit soft for me at the "real" mountains, it works great at the local little hill. My 2nd day up north (okemo) I felt as though the nose of the board was really bending up, and became a little worried that I was going to break the board. I still had a great time & I'm anxiously waiting for this winter. I'm happy with the bindings for now I think... So my questions are mainly regarding the boots.. board choice is probably going to be whatever comes up for sale here in the mid-upper 160 range with a sidecut under 10.5 m. Hopefuly it'll be in the $200 range.. I'm thinking that I need to do the boot thing right this time around so I'm comfortable on the mountain & don't have to worry about popping that strap open. Unless I see something like-new come up for sale, I'm probably going to talk to my checkbook for a while and see if it'll let me buy some 225T/325T- any suggestions here as to which stiffness I should be looking towards? Longwinded post, but I think it conveys my situation.. thanks for the help!
  15. emailed you yesterday asking what you'd consider.. oh well, on with the hunt.
  16. That'd be the idea Good news for you though if you want more boards, I ordered $40 something in grip tape! Oh, and I'm ordering wood for my next two boards today at lunch. I'm lower on wood than I thought I was.
  17. Yikes, I never did ask why you were up the whole night. In lighter news- I've got some Limes coming for the back of my slalom setup, maybe I'll get the traction I want now!
  18. They don't that was just from a mazda meet, only two N/A 3s showed up Speed 3 is almost universally considered better than the speed6, but if you want an AWD fast, turbo, wagon.. there's always the STi ..and after you do some suspension work, it'll keep up with a MS3 pretty nicely, and launch faster.
  19. I think that's a little bit negative, I've been surfing for several summers (maybe 5 now) but only surfed through this past year and improved VASTLY. It's all about how much time you get on the water/ riding. In one year I went from setting a turn and riding straight to top & bottom turns, sometimes @ the lip for my tops, cutbacks, and noseriding- I ride boards from 5' to 9'10''. Re: first board, I'd look for a funboard or longboard type shape, rounded pintail, 3 fin or 2+1 fin, 7'6''-9', moderately thick, and a bit of nose rocker. Don't be afraid of longboards, even if you want to get carves in... you'll advance a lot quicker riding a longboard because you'll get more time on the waves, and a 2+1 type setup will happily make its way up and down the wave, especially if it is a board with a more performance shape & rocker. My 9' is an angulo e-lite, which you should be able to look up online to get a feel for the general shape I'm talking about. Mine's wood veneer'd but I think most that they make are just pu/pe.
  20. I'll post a few of my mazdaspeed3 on sunday
  21. wow, I'm in for it if I make it up there this year..
  22. I mean no offence, but bones swiss with those wheels...? Gravity's wheels are well understood to be softer and slower than spec, you'd be well served to upgrade in the wheel department. If you want to keep that drift, consider pink powerballs, I'm really enjoying my set.
  23. Clamps will give more pull than a bag, but the combination of a vac bag & 1/8'' BB isn't to be ignored either, you can pull some pretty heavy bends.. Oh yeah, and hi everyone! I've been a bit MIA around here recently...been busy surfing & working @ an electrical engineering internship in warwick.
  24. emailed. threw a list of random offers out there! For anyone else: trade KEH.com "EX" condition 62mm Nikon filters for a 50mm 1.4 or 1.8 Would consider other primes of similar quality. Zooms too- but the sharper ones of those get pricey! filters are Pol 1 Soft 1 L1BC (sky) Edit: bschurman, my email bounced back. email me?
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