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Spiny Norman

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Everything posted by Spiny Norman

  1. "...just part of the gang" https://www.bbc.com/sport/av/winter-sports/50981864
  2. I would get both responses. Double lucky!?!?
  3. Hey, Sorry but I only got a BA so I don't get how Sean's guide helps me. Open to instruction though. The Donek width calculator puts me at an optimal width of 26.3 so my feeling about waist width was correct. I am asking what a 12mm riser gives you for a feeling of extra width. will the Elevators let me ride a 25.5 waist as if I am on a 26.5 waist? Subjective answers are welcome. Cheers
  4. Just got a new old set up with Burton Elevators. 12mm I think. i like freeride boards with a 26-26.5 waist. i wear US 10, 10.5, and 11 boots, and generally ride 18*ish front and 0* rear. How much narrower will the elevators let me go before i start booting out?
  5. Spiny Norman


    Sold! cheers, Spencer
  6. Where are they being made?
  7. So is the issue plastic getting brittle or that these bindings have spent too much time in the sun. Wondering because i sometimes bump into older Burton bindings that have been well cared for but are obviously 20 years old. Cheers
  8. I don't like soft boot binding straps across my feet. thats why i went back to my good ol' Burton SI's with Driver SI's. i really like being attached to the board by the sole (mostly kind of) rather than being scrunched on to the board. i just gave up on Flows this winter. if i eventually have to go back to straps i will use my Koflach plastic mountain boots again as the shell distributes the weight nicely. the long bsl is tough though.
  9. Wait, Did Beckman just announce that he was taking up telemark skiing too?
  10. I have devolved from a front foot corduroy carver into a rear foot soft snow soft boot slasher. Right now i have a Lib Tech snow mullet that i love for most conditions that i ride in. However, when the (east coast) powder sits for a day or two or gets wind packed the mullet is easily deflected. Similarly, if things get steep and sticky it does not inspire confidence. Spingtime mashed potatoes also throw it around. So i am looking for a board that can slash turns but doesn't get bullied in less than ideal New England soft snow conditions. I am not looking to bomb bowls. I make my living riding the sides of the trail, ducking into those powdery spots skiers cant get to. Looking for a high degree of maneuverability but a little stiffer than the Mullet. Going to be using the old burton soft stepins but with ssiffer driver boots. my thoughts are the Prior Khyber or the Winterstick Roundtail or something similar. Suggestions? Thanks
  11. Pictures, especially of the boots, would be great. Thanks
  12. Looking for the soft boot gear. Decent boots are hard to find. thanks
  13. At least they seem rugged enough to bust some slush with plates Atomic Don 154 Freeride Board Rugged board. I had a Don Sr (170) and it was plate capable. This board seems to share the same build. I have never ridden this board. Not sure why I have it. Some one drove the binding screws through and left two dimples. See attached. Waist is probably 25cm or a little less. $20 or trades for original Burton SI soft step in gear or an intermediate AM/FR board I am in Concord, NH local pickup only sndwork at g mail dot com Cheers, Spencer
  14. I spend too much time on CL. Not my listing. https://nh.craigslist.org/spo/d/scarpa-skookum-at-boots-sz-28/6469889808.html
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