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Everything posted by Pow

  1. *Ahem*... "Tinkler and Dryer are part of an alpine snowboarding community that has grown smaller and smaller as freestyle and powder riding have come to rule the snowboarding world." ohh, and that picture of all the tinklers made me think Doug had gone nuts and mounted a few bindings regular and one goofy... then i realized theyre not all his:smashfrea
  2. and make sure you get the keychain to go with it!
  3. Pow

    Sleepy Legs

    I stretch before workouts... lifting, swimming and running which is every other day for me, but I forgot to consider snowboarding a workout:smashfrea
  4. Pow

    Sleepy Legs

    stretching... duh:smashfrea I forgot all about that stuff! yikes! I'd better get back in the habbit of stretching before my daytrips.
  5. Make sure to at least try hardboots! It's a necessary step to hard carving, whether you ride hardboots permenantly or not. After riding hardboots, I can now carve lower on my softboots than anyone I know who's ridden softboots exclusively. I still can't carve nearly as well with softboots as I can with hard though and probably never will:cool:
  6. Toe lift is comfy. And it helps me load up the nose. then again, i'm a rookie, what do I know:p
  7. Does this hurt edge grip at all? And does it help prevent you from locking into an unstoppable carve?
  8. usually what doesnt come off with the scrape i just leave on the edges. once you start moving it comes right off. Frank, you wax your sidewalls? are they P-tex like the arbor A Frame?
  9. Pow


    Hey, we're supposed to finally get some accumulation... maybe it's our late christmas present:biggthump Merry christmas to Fin and company, without whom half of my christmas gifts would not have been possible, and merry christmas to to all carvers.
  10. Pow

    Sleepy Legs

    Ive been out on the slopes a few times now, usual start of the season symptoms of sore legs on monday and weak arms due to how tired they get carrying all my heavy gear. But now there's something I've noticed that isn't going away... my legs are falling asleep now at least 3 times a day, when in the summer/fall only my feet would fall asleep every once in a while if i was sitting on them. I'm thinking this might be snowboard-related, but it didn't happen durring my previous snowboard seasons so I'm wondering now if anybody else notices their legs falling asleep more durring the boarding season.
  11. Sounds like me a few days ago! It's nice to know I'm not the only one getting my ass kicked by a new board... I suspect my pain is resulting from improper technique, counter rotation, too much use of back leg, etc... but I'm getting better:o on my last trip I only "fell" because I was too tired to switch edges and continue down the run! Be sure to update us after round 2, maybe there's hope for me yet!
  12. Sounds like you're looking for a BX/ all-mountain style board to me... riding with softboots? the Prior ATV is probably a good choice for that. Bomberonline sells it, or you could post a "want to buy" about an all-mountain/bx style board in the classifieds section. I havnt ridden the Alp but riding an alpine board in softboots is usually not a good idea. If youre strapped for cash, keep searching the classifieds. if you wait a while you can usually get a good deal on decent boards boots and bindings.
  13. It's officially 80s retro, which is cool.
  14. :lol: Nice to know we're not the only nation suffering through the season of riddiculous politically correct-ness And "best of the season" to you too:cool:
  15. The story makes me sad, and reminds me that people don't realize that the bad things they see on TV actually can happen in real life. That family couldn't have even given a single thought to the possibility of getting stranded, because if they had then this situation would have never happened. Almost everybody I know would have done the same thing. I'm not sure if I can blame the man himself, because his decisions couldn't have been considered "unreasonable" by the standards of society. So much is given to us that we even take our own safety and welfare for granted now. Too bad there isn't a required "logic and common sense class" in every school, because that's the only possible solution to this that I see. Things like this will keep happening long after we're gone. Either that, or by some miracle only really intelligent people reproduce from now on. So to answer your original question: Hero? absolutely not Idiot? not exactly I'd consider him an unfortunate example of modern ignorance.
  16. Jiminy Peak is holding onto theirs very well... how, I will never know, but ive gone there 4 times now and conditions are surprisingly good for the terrible weather theyve been having. Right now its the only option in this area (Gore is in terrible shape). You should check it out sometime! Back on topic: If I were a better carver, I could contribute a story like this, but I'm still adapting to my alpine board. It's great to hear people still are still getting out and enjoying their alpine gear:biggthump Good luck mastering that push-pull stuff, I tried one EC style turn to see if i was ready and the feeling blew me away! After that I got a little carried away and forgot how little experience I have on the board, tried to go immediately into another EC, and just wiped out:smashfrea
  17. Wow, that suit is so uncool... It's almost cool:cool:
  18. but its sort of on topic and i didnt think another thread would be necessary: OK, what bindings would you reccomend for powder riding? would a yellow ringed TD2 with aditional suspension kit work well (double yellow sandwich)? I'm looking into using this on my longboard in the distant future and would like to know if this setup comes reccomended.
  19. I know what I want for christmas:biggthump
  20. I voted no, this forum could be a lot worse. TWS's site is experiencing the same issues. Im pretty sure it's due to no snow on the east coast. (and from what i hear fairly warm weather everywhere else too)
  21. Must be a union thing!:lol:
  22. Pogo Longboard 175! but we dont get many powder days here:(
  23. Keep carving! get a longboard/loaded board/carve board/mountain board and ride:cool:
  24. You might be overthinking it a bit... ski or snowboard hardboots are always a pain (quite literally) to break in. I'd say ride them a few more times first, then try to fix the problem if the boots continue to be uncomfterble. undo the buckles when youre not riding, too.
  25. Perhaps you shouldnt bother with snowboard boots if you like ski boots much better. I know i would never use ski boots because i get very uneasy with more stiffness, and i think most riders on this site appreciate the softness (in comparison) of snowboard hardboots. If you like stiff and dont like the snowboard boots, i cant think of any reason to convert
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