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What do you love more, snowboarding or your spouse??

Jack M

What do you love more, snowboarding or your spouse??  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you love more, snowboarding or your spouse??

    • Snowboarding
    • Spouse

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Something got me to thinking about this... if you've got kids, pretend you don't. It's just you and your spouse, or your fiancee, or soon to be fiancee.

One day, said significant other turns to you and says, "I really hate that you spend so much time, money, and thought on snowboarding and not with me. If I'm going to be your spouse, you have to choose, snowboarding or me."

What would you do?

Not that I've been given this ultimatum, and not that I ever would be (wife skis), but it's an interesting question. I have to admit, I'd probably go for the board, no matter who my spouse was!!

Does that mean I love snowboarding more than my spouse??!?

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Something got me to thinking about this... if you've got kids, pretend you don't. It's just you and your spouse, or your fiancee, or soon to be fiancee.

One day, said significant other turns to you and says, "I really hate that you spend so much time, money, and thought on snowboarding and not with me. If I'm going to be your spouse, you have to choose, snowboarding or me."

What would you do?

I'm still young, but my thought is that no one I would want to marry would ever give such an ultimatum. They would instead try to work a compromise where perhaps I snowboard fewer days so that I might be able to do other activities (although sitting home and mowing the lawn doesn't count) and in return she works to guarantee that I do get some time doing something I love and is a very big part of who I am. Like if there is some event or something on a particular weekend, I can shift my weekends around it. Of course there are extremes... like if you are still racing semi-competitively and driving all over the US to go to competition, that you might not be able to do... or if you have a newborn kid, then you might need to take some time off until they can ride on the mountain themselves.
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If she can't love me that way I am, faults and all, even though snowboarding is an obsession for me, then she 'aint worth it. BTW, have you ever tried snuggling with your board on a cold winter's night? (just kidding)

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I'd pick my wife over snowboarding even if she asked me to start skiing again

I think you people need to find better mates.

For the record,

Hugh :AR15firin

p.s. Married 18 years, snowboarding for 9 years. My days at home far out number my days on the mtn.

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Thats a tough one, but I have to agree with the general concensus that anyone that would issue an ultamatum like that doesn't deserve my time. I wish that was one of the options because it isn't exactly that I love snowboarding more, it would be a seriously bad personality that would kill us.



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I'm with everyone else: who wants a spouse/s.o. who issues an ultimatum like that? I mean, they got involved with a carver, shouldn't they have known what they were getting into?

After all, it's not like any of us are likely to be quiet about our hobby when we meet a new partner...

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A quick internet search indicates the average length of marriage in the US is somewhere around 7 to 9 years.

I would bet that most snowboarders will stick with snowboarding for way longer than 9 years.

So for most of the people that voted they love their spouse more than snowboarding, that will only be temporary. Eventually the spouse gets dumped and you keep on snowboarding :biggthump

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Interesting! After 37 years and skiing every one of them until I started boarding in 92, no problem. We honeymooned in Sun Valley for a week. She could not go this year because of surgery in January. We just came back from Park City. It was great! She did her sewing and read while I rode with Tille and company. We will go to Mammoth a little later in April. So far so good!!! One more thing, you might want to ask about surfing and hot rod cars??

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First: I am a surfaholic. My wife divorced me after two years for my surfing ways and rightly so. Two years later she decided that maybe I wasn't so bad and we married once more. After 26 years I am one of the luckiest fools on the planet. I live up the street from 10 surf breaks, have a shower and jacuzzi in the backyard and she insisted that I learn to snowboard. I don't tell her how many boards I have and she doesn't ask. Oh yeah

BTW that's about half the surfboards in my avatar. :D

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Jim: Where are you? I lived in the So. Bay till out of high school. 10 long boards in the garage. Didn't do the trans in late 60'S early 70'S.

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I live up the street from Wind n Sea at Pleasure Point. Spent a couple years in San Diego while at UCSD. Got a Skip Frye in the shed, plus about four more longboards. I built the shed to shape/glass surfboards. Found that I can pay my friends to do the work and the shed has way more room to store the toys.

I was tired of glassing anyway.

Oh yeah, I grew up in Tempe and my x-brother-in-laws grandfather was the mayor of Precott. I do miss those warm nights.

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So, I was about at the point of flipping a coin when I realized the answer must be spouse.

I've been married to the same lady for almost 37 years and this never came up. If it happened after all this, there would probably have to be a pretty good reason. As it is, some days I go to the mountains with my friends, some days she goes to the mountains with her friends, and some days we go together to the mountains, and some days we both stay home.

If it's really important to her, I'll be there for her. After all, she puts up with a lot from me with no complaints.

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Been down this road. If you are not compatible it does not matter what activity it is you will eventually get an ultimatum. I got one for trout fishing and since then I pick up snow boarding so the next one will have to put up with two activites instead of one. In the winter I board and in the summer I fish, seems pretty reasonable to me. She can always find me somewhere in the mountains.

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:D I love snowboarding and surfing, neither of which the wife does or understands, but she doesn't give me much guff about either one. I'd have to agree with those that say the ultimatium would be the straw that breaks the camels back.....Adios baby, I'll sleep with my Virus!!! :biggthump

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Jim: Where are you? I lived in the So. Bay till out of high school. 10 long boards in the garage. Didn't do the trans in late 60'S early 70'S.


I counted 12 breaks that I can walk to: Santa Maria's, 26th Ave, Wind n Sea, Suicides, Sewer Peak, 1st Peak, 2nd Peak, 38th's, the Hook, Shark's, Private's, Trees. That is how I have a 6'3" Fish to 9'2" nose rider.


There are tradeoffs but I try not to dwell on them.

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