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Politics here

Jack M

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Well, that didn't take long.

I agree that picture in the other thread is hilarious, but I just want to state my opinion about politics at BOL once for the record. I am speaking for myself here. It has been decided to allow politcal discussion in this forum. I think that is a huge mistake. In my 14 years of being online, I cannot recall witnessing or participating in a single political debate that changed anyone's mind. At best, you walk away in "respectful disagreement". At worst, you create enemies. It serves no purpose here.

<b>I would like to ask the community to consider two things before making political arguments here, if you must:</b>

1. Is your position a <i>fact</i>, or is it something you <i>choose</i> to believe on faith? And if you think it's a fact, is it really, truly a fact? Or is it a statistic? Or poll data? Was your opinion formed by your own research, or the media?

I've found that the vast majority of political arguments I've heard on the internet or anywhere else are things that people <i>choose</i> to believe. Bush is evil. Global warming is a scam. We never put a man on the moon. Republicans want to starve old people. Democrats are rooting for Al Qaeda. It blows my mind that people can state these things like they are cold hard truths. It's all conspiracy theory if you ask me.

2. Do you really want to find out that people who you thought you respected here are actually your political enemies? I've been reading one other forum for 9 years now, where anything goes. That forum has generated sworn enemies for life. There are people in that forum who if they ever meet each other in person, will punch each other in the face. Even though BOL hasn't been around as long, I feel much closer to this community. I think BOL is a much friendlier place and a closer knit community. I hope it stays that way.

Thank you.


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...a dark day for the BOL forum.

This forum is a reprieve from all the daily dissension in the media, work, and local community. I come here to 'ride in your boots' so to speak. Each of your personal carving and boarding experiences is what drives me from monday to friday, putting up with all the excrement that happens day to day, to finally end up dreaming and talking what I love most about winter: riding on a bluebird sky day, powder or cord. I consider each of you 'brothers/sisters in arms' and I've rued this day.

Please don't think I'm unarmed in the political or religious arena, I have many weapons at my side. Weapons that will remained sheathed here because I'm among friends. There are myriad other arenas for our political opinions and positions.

Now, pass the ale so that we may speak as friends,


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Please don't think I'm unarmed in the political or religious arena, I have many weapons at my side. Weapons that will remained sheathed here because I'm among friends. There are myriad other arenas for our political opinions and positions.


as long as you don't realease the bunny on us...

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I happen to work at a place where the general political view is quite opposed to my own, so it's either pretending not to hear very well or getting caught up in endless arguments. That's annoying at best and occasionally it can be absolutely exhausting.

I don't mind - in fact I enjoy - a political conversation now and then, but like many others I appreciate a place where politics isn't on the agenda. :biggthump

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1. Is your position a fact, or is it something you choose to believe on faith? And if you think it's a fact, is it really, truly a fact? Or is it a statistic? Or poll data? Was your opinion formed by your own research, or the media?

During my intergalactic janitorial position last year, I unfortunately witnessed several disgusting acts by both George Bush and Bill Clinton. I had just finished ionizing my regular batch of space rocks when the 2 of them come motoring along in their 500 bazillion dollar space suits - they cornered me against a crater! I fought but to no avail. They had their way with me in more than a few disagreeable ways. I was touched inappropriately by the president. That's a fact. Recent polls show that I am not alone. These monsters must be stopped.

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No, wait, that's a political statement!!! Har,har,har, but Jack has a good point. I too am glad to go somewhere that politics are a no no. Religion on an internet forum is a hard thing too, and I have some very specific beliefs. It is hard to make any sort of point, tie all things together, and make a conclusion in this format, at least for me, w/o wearing out my typing finger!

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All the wars in the history of mankind have been fought over three things:

1. Money

2. Religion

3. Politics (though this seems to be more of a 20th centuary thing)

I am a lifetime member of a surf life saving club at home and it is full of a variety of people from all walks of life. It is an almost unwritten rule that there are three things that are not discussed around the club:

1. Money

2. Religion

3. Politics (unless it is intra-club politics, and then it is on for young and old).

The very good reason why everyone steers clear of these is that the cross section of wealth and political and religious beliefs is so broad that it would definately affect friendships which are otherwise based on common interests. I know one particular group of long time friends that includes a judge, estate agent, detective, nurse, housewife, surgeon, teacher, sporting coach, etc. I know that they all have different political views, they definately have different religious beliefs, and they most certainly are in different financial situations. But they are friends because of a common interest in the beach and surfing and don't let other differences affect this.

The same is the case with BOL. Everyone here gets along because of a common stoke from carving and that should remain the pivotal basis on which this community thrives. To allow debate on positions of potential division will only lead to the demise of this forum as a constructive and enjoyable community to be a part of.

Good on you Jack!

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All the wars in the history of mankind have been fought over three things:

1. Money

2. Religion

3. Politics (though this seems to be more of a 20th centuary thing)

Whoah now, what about the Trojan War? I believe you need to add "4. Women" to your list.

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  • 1 year later...

Discussing politics/religion/money/women isn't the bad part. It's getting all worked up about it that turns it bad. If everybody can remain civil then it can be a very educational discussion. I know I can remain civil. Even if I can't fathom how someone can think a certain way, it doesn't remove any bonds that I've made made with that person.

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Ok so I changed it to "Woman of the Year" and it does not change the title in the forum list. So I tried.

Guys it was meant as a joke -- no political statement inferred, suggested, implied, or otherwise recommended. Take a chill pill….it is Friday – we are supposed to be winding down not getting all wound up tight. It is almost like I used the word “frontside or something”

Please accept my humble apologies to those I offended.

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I just thought the razorback joke was funny. Two pigs for any two politicians is a good trade to me. I figured off topic eh why not. I do however see your point Jack. I guess I never get too overworked about right or left as I usually end up falling way short of either side to do much to or for either.

all apologies to any I offended.

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Hey, there's a big difference between political jokes and political arguments, snipes, attacks, etc. If someone gets offended by political jokes, well, that's their problem, imo. I just hope I can get those visions out of my head of female Bush and Clinton C5 posted so I can stop gagging.

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and the fools on both sides of the isle are playing games with the lives of our military (myself included). My previous political leanings have changed, though I'm still rather centrist, I am regularly disgusted with the pecker measuring contests that make the news from DC. What bothers me more than anything is the fact that neither side has an actual solution (published) that will result in fewer people getting wounded or dying, so I refrain from arguing politics online and rarely in person except to play devils advocate (I like discourse).

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