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how to buckle hardboots

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How do you put on a four-buckle pair of hardboots? When I was in the shop for a boot fitting, I started at the bottom and they said don't. I recall reading somewhere that you start in the middle.

Wearing them yesterday, I noticed it made a huge difference if the boot was flexed at all. Flex or not while buckling?

Sorry if these are stupid questions, but I'm having a hard time (re)adjusting to the fit and pain hardboots, and I haven't even worn them on the mountain yet.

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Your hardboots shouldn't hurt. They should be more comfortable than softboots....

I don't think there is a wrong way to buckle your boots. I usually start at the top (power strap) and then just work my way down. I've noticed that I usually go back to buckles that I've already done and re-adjust them after I get the other buckles snapped in.

The already buckled buckles get loose once you tighten the unbuckled buckles so the order doesn't really matter in my opinion. Was that wordy or what? :)

Now there might be some rule of thumb that might make your boot buckles/shells last longer or something, but I haven't heard it yet. Maybe the oldbies can harp in here?

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First buckle the buckle just above the arch, this buckle keeps the heel back into the back of the boot. Then buckle the one above that, then the top buckle and lastly the one nearest the toes.

The top buckles are to prevent shin bang and the toe buckle is just to keep the toes from moving, not to hold the foot still. The one above the arch is the most important.

I like to buckle mine snug and then tighten them as I warmup on the mtn and flex the boot. Don't go super tight before warming up.

I hope that helps,


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When I was in the shop for a boot fitting, I started at the bottom and they said don't.

Then I've been doing it wrong for a couple decades. (Minus the rear-entry ski boot era.)

But I fiddle with the buckles between runs all day long so I don't think it really matters. Especially with Raichle buckles, since with those it's near impossible to get the same fit every time you put the boot on.

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With Raichles/Deeluxe, I buckle them loosely in any order.

Then I flex my ankle a few times, and tighten whichever buckles feel a bit loose.

I then repeat this - flex the ankle and tighten the buckles that feel too loose - until nothing feels too loose, and then I go and ride.

Like D-Sub, I leave the toe buckle loose - well, just tight enough that it doesn't pop open by itself.

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I use winds. I buckle the toe first only going to the first latch. Then I move to the heel also to the first latch. Back to toe to the second then to heel to the second. I then tighten the power strap and then lower ankle to second latch and the top ankle to second latch. I flip all of my buckles open when I ride the lift. and yes my hard boots are so much more comfortable then my softies

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+3 What Hugh said. arch buckle first to ensure the heel is firmly in place

shouldn't be painful. if your sizing is right you might want to look into some boot fitting. makes a world of difference if you get an experienced fitter, someone who knows what they're doing. boots new from a shop? go back to the shop for some further custom fitting. (shell bumping, pads or dremel work...) your feet have to be happy

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Agree with hugh. I found that everything falls in place MUCH better if I start with the arch. I could go into detail . . . but dont feel like it unless someone really wants me to waste my employers time ;-)


sniff sniff. . . do I smell snow in the air?

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First I have to start with left foot. Kind of obsessive compulsive but it is whatever works. Foot in and then foot in right boot. Now tap helps several times gently on heel to seat foot in pocket. Again first left and then right.

Before latching loosen all buckles three revolutions (on Burton Fires), start with arch and latch buckles working up. Toe buckle is not really too important at this point. If it doesn't feel great start over. If they are really loose tighten buckles one turn from arch up. AS foot heats liner things should feel better.

Leave loose and start your first run as soon as you feel heel moving tighten all one more turn. Lather, rinse repeat as necesary.

I have to say that i have used custom injected liners and footbeds and swear by them. I hardly ever have foot pain unless I go too tight on first run and get some arch cramping.

Good luck and be nice to your feet and they will be nice to you,


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+6 start with whichever buckle gets your heel snugged in the pocket the best. It might depend on boots here as to which one works the best.

Then your personal preference comes into play. Like Mike T after the first warm-up run I tighten 'em down to very snug.

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I have some Burton Furnace boots (with REAL buckles :p ) and because of the way they fit and the way they are built, I start from the bottom and go up to the top. Here are the details:

1. I put the boots in Ride mode. This in my opinion aligns the shell the way I'm going to ride. If I leave it in walk mode, sometimes the parts won't be aligned and they will move during riding, making the boot uncomfortable.

2. First thing after putting my foot in the boot is to tighten the top strap or else I won't be able to buckle the top of the boot. The top is pretty tight for me.

3. I then start by the toes, buckle loose enough so it won't open by itself. Same for the instep buckle. The reason for the loose instep is that my feet have a high instep, so too tight would hurt. I buckle the bottom before the top because the bottom overlap goes underneath the top overlap and the top tongue is attached to the lower overlap. So everything is put in place from the inside out.

4. I then buckle the two top buckles and readjust the top strap. I am now ready to ride. I don't need to readjust the buckles during the day. Sometimes I unbuckle them in the lift or in the lodge.

As a sidenote, I always store them with the buckles in the same position that I wear them, and the boot in ride mode. This way, I read that the shell keeps its shape.

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more comfortable than soft boots???? maybe if you had a really s h i t t y pair of softies otherwise no way :o

Yes Virginia hard boots can and should be more comfortable than softies.

Once I tried my first custom liners in hard boots I realized that there is a God and God loves us and wants us to carve upon the earth in comfort.


It is all about the fit and not the external material. Soft boots can not be made to fit as well as hard boots by the nature of the material. I am not talking about walking across the parking lot (although I am pretty comfortable there too). Not to sound like a smart a**, but I have spent years teaching in hard boots, on the hill from 9 to 4 and feet warm, comfortable and dry at the end of the day. Having said that my fit will probably go to hell and my feet will hurt all year - hope not.

Best fit to you and all of your tribe,


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for hard boot comfort over soft setups. Especially if you have high insteps like I do. The force of a properly tightened strap is very hard on my feet, and step-in softies are just as bad. I don't drop huge cliffs or ride the park, so softies have no benifits for me. Do use my hardboots in the backcountry with good comfort, esp. skinning. Also add me to the 2nd strap tightened first group, after kicking my heel into the cup at the back of the boot.

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