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Tv show-"lost" secret #'s uncovered!

Guest rick ferguson

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Guest rick ferguson

The hit tv show , "lost" has embedded secret codes and number's to which reveal a message. That message has be de-coded and the results are in! They uncover the total life long post's of S-Bud. With that said, we can on with our lives! De-code S-Bud for the hidden meaning of life. This message will self-destruct in 10......?

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seriously. whats worse...me being a "post whore" or you following me around posting bull**** like this?

answer's pretty clear, loser

hope we meet up in person some day, because I know in my heart you wont be man enough to say jack ****, but I will

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Three weeks ago by D-Sub

"man Ive never seen any other sites where people get ribbed so much for posting a lot

anyway...I wont be as active as before. got a little sick of people bitching about it. guess they had little better to do".


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Three weeks ago by D-Sub

"man Ive never seen any other sites where people get ribbed so much for posting a lot

anyway...I wont be as active as before. got a little sick of people bitching about it. guess they had little better to do".


and your point? I lied I guess.

hell...maybe I should just start posting every single thought that comes to mind. that'll really get rick and crew in a frenzy!

astrokel...this fella has decided he should police my actions here on BOL...I post too much for his liking, so he takes every opportunity to mouth off about it.

really quite sad

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hell...maybe I should just start posting every single thought that comes to mind. that'll really get rick and crew in a frenzy!

astrokel...this fella has decided he should police my actions here on BOL...I post too much for his liking, so he takes every opportunity to mouth off about it.

really quite sad

No police here officer just us carvers looking to catch a g force, push-your-helmet-down-over-your-eyes, tail-popping, knee-dragging, body-dragging, face-shot-getting buzz on.

In other words D and Rick lets just all be friends. I think Rick was trying to be funny, and D you are a post whore and we love you for it.


your carving brother by another mother.

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I'm just trying like hell to catch up to D-sub (been signed for about 11 months and he's been on for two and he already has almost twice as many posts :) well, the math's off but you know what I mean) so you can look forward to my inner dialogue out here in public :o . (just kidding D... nothing personal just pulling chains here, no more... promise ;) )


I just wonder where CF's been off to :p , he was a hoot

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No police here officer just us carvers looking to catch a g force, push-your-helmet-down-over-your-eyes, tail-popping, knee-dragging, body-dragging, face-shot-getting buzz on.

Well said, that is why most of us are here on BOL.

Things have gotten a lot quieter after Christopher Fox (CF) left us. That dude was hella funny and got people really fired up...I miss the old days :argue: :lol: :AR15firin:boxing_sm:flamethro

At least we have smilies :smashfrea

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Guest rick ferguson

D- Whatever, It was really nice when you just lurked. 130 post's in 24 day's, please, give us a break from sorting through the blah. I have'nt gone anywhere, been here all year, I just don't post on each and every thought that comes to mind. I don't make it a point to rib you, but if we all posted like you on EVERTHING, the threads would be enormous. I'm at 90 something since 2003 and about 20 of those were towards you. Why do you get so jacked up on some playful humor, you get so hostile and blow an ass gasket, just read it, grab a beer and lurk on. So why did you go sooo silent for so long and move, piss off your neighbors? Bang your buddies gal? It has to be something good cause you just CAN'T control yourself. Post whore for life. Stay tuned all for the de-coding of s-bud, it's coming soon.........

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how many times have I asked you to leave me alone? yes, Im pretty tough in person, and I rarely talk **** to people online like you do.

funny part is....you tell me "read it and move on" and yet somehow, for some reason, its ok for you to mouth off about my habits?

dude, seriously...look in the mirror!

Im not gonna have you following me around, its just bull****. Ive asked many, many times for you to just leave me the hell alone. is that so hard to do?

its not "harmless humor" and you know it...why youve taken a special liking to me is beyond comprehension

I will say it again:

what I do is none of your business. get that clear!

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Guest rick ferguson

I thought you said you were'nt going to let me get you fired up? I though you said you were through with me and this topic, yet you come back for more. You just Love the pump, the rush of anger and dreadful truth running thru your viens. Will you stayed tuned for the hidden code in s-bud, I bet you will.Did your insurance run out and you can't afford prozac?

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I think Rick was trying to be funny [...]

I think Rick just needed to see some flames. I have two theories about that:

1) him mommy didn't show him enough attention during his formative years

2) he has a very large stockpile of marshmallows that need roasting


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Hmmm trolling hall of fame... my nominees:

CF (location unknown)

CMC (sadly retired)

Rick? (naw, just 90 posts? need at least 100) ;)

I do laugh when reading the stuff (kinda like watching Nascar for the crashes) but after the third page it does get tiring... amazing the stamina of some of these guys... the kittens are hilariuos :lol:

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