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Anyone else pumped about the NHL season?


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I think the lockout was the best thing that could have happened to the NHL. It opened up a lot of eyes and minds. The league is desperate to win back its fans and I think for once it's serious about the obstruction rules.

Most of the new rules, are good things - with one exception. The no-red-line rule is, I think, a mistake. It will cause defencemen to hang back in their zone to guard against the big pass. It also does not reward stick-handling defencemen. Time will tell how the teams adjust.

Leafs are looking like the creaky old men that they are. Can't get too excited about the addition of Allison, Lindros and Marius Czerswhateverthehellhislastnameiski. Oilers are looking good. Pronger is going to be a killer on the powerplay. Vancouver is going to be a force with Hit Man Bertuzzi back in the lineup.

Game of the night is Toronto-Ottawa. Watch for McCabe to get burned so many times his shorts will catch fire.

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went to the caps preseason vs. the flyers sat. new changes are def. making for higher scoring games. they lost in a shootout. great article on espn.com about the all time enforcers of NHL

too bad DC isn't a hockey town

only thing i can't stand is/are the outrageous prices of MCI center ($3/bag of M&Ms)

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I played and loved hockey all through my adolescence...but just found I didn't particularly miss hockey last year. I hope the lockout will renew the leagues and the players enthusiasm for the game, see all make a concerted effort thorough gutsy play, and fine sportsmanship, to bring back the fans to the game.

Baseball has managed and was riding a high. Now they have mud on their faces again with the steroids...It sure would be nice to see people play for the joy of the game, and not cheat and do anything to win...

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Guest Randy S.

I gave up my awesome Sharks tickets this year. Mostly for financial reasons (need to pay for riding before I pay for hockey), but partly because I wanted to protest us getting screwed. I was pissed off last season. That said, I can't wait for the season to get going. Go Sharks and Go Bruins (I can be a fan of both since they almost never play each other).


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I felt the same way about the lockout. It didn't bother me at all (well, maybe a bit around playoff time). I actually vowed to boycott hockey when the lockout ended. I was sick and tired of the greedy, millionairre players badmouthing the greedy, billionairre owners. And Gary Bettman? I'd like to put him on skates and take him out to my Saturday night shinny games. They wouldn't be so gentlemanly with Betts on the ice.

Then, something interesting happened.

The rules committee stopped talking and decided to make some significant changes that might make a Paul Kariya suddenly more valuable than a Darius Kasparitus.

Chris Pronger got signed by a small market team. That woke me up. Then Iginla signed. And Forsberg moved. Then Heatley got traded to Ottawa.

They now have my interest.

Game on.

Allee, I love Jerome but I think the Oilers are going to take the Division. Calgary's luck ran out last year. Wait, make that 2 years ago.

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Thank God hockey is back!!!!!

Just got back from opening night and DAMN I missed it. Gopher (College) hockey and my little bros peewee hockey and my own personal playing was not enough. You can never have enough hockey.

Wild beat Calgary!!! Like there was any doubt. The new rule changes favor the smaller, faster Wild. Watch out NHL, Minnesota is back!

As for the rule changes...eliminating the red line and two line pass is the best thing to happen to hockey. Finally no more neutral zone trap. Once teams learn how to adjust to this new rule you will see some exciting play in hockey. I disagree with the D hanging back more. I did not see that tonight. In fact, it was the forwards I saw playing more consertive. It's obvious they have not fully adjusted to the new rule.

This 'zero tolerance' on tripping, slashing, etc... sucks! there were a few penalities tonight that were ridiculous. This is hockey for christ sakes! Contact is part of the game. The refs need to relax a bit and let the boys play.

Finally, being a goalie myself, I disagree with the shrinking of equipment. If you have not played the position, you have no idea how vulnerable you are out there. Shots come so hard and so fast, to take away protect just leaves you open to injury.

Anyways, enough of my soap box. Long live hockey! The sport of the gods :)

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Calgary didn't look good last night. But then they didn't look good for most of the last season they played either, squeaked into the playoffs by the skin of their teeth and then proceeded to work magic. The season is long and has just begun :eplus2:

Our office has Flames fans, Oilers fans and Canadiens fans. All the Flames fans are copping it this morning...

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As a Canadian - I could not give a rats a$$ - if the came of hockey ever came back.

The guys playing now don't care about the sport or play it because they love it - it is all about $$$$'s, both the players and the league.

Being from Toronto - we are the worse for supporting the nonsense - season tickets (mostly corporate) account for the bulk of tickets sold - it is not sport, it is entertainment.

Play sports - don't watch them.

Just my 2 cents


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Thank God hockey is back!!!!!

Just got back from opening night and DAMN I missed it. Gopher (College) hockey and my little bros peewee hockey and my own personal playing was not enough. You can never have enough hockey.

Wild beat Calgary!!! Like there was any doubt. The new rule changes favor the smaller, faster Wild. Watch out NHL, Minnesota is back!

As for the rule changes...eliminating the red line and two line pass is the best thing to happen to hockey. Finally no more neutral zone trap. Once teams learn how to adjust to this new rule you will see some exciting play in hockey. I disagree with the D hanging back more. I did not see that tonight. In fact, it was the forwards I saw playing more consertive. It's obvious they have not fully adjusted to the new rule.

This 'zero tolerance' on tripping, slashing, etc... sucks! there were a few penalities tonight that were ridiculous. This is hockey for christ sakes! Contact is part of the game. The refs need to relax a bit and let the boys play.

Finally, being a goalie myself, I disagree with the shrinking of equipment. If you have not played the position, you have no idea how vulnerable you are out there. Shots come so hard and so fast, to take away protect just leaves you open to injury.

Anyways, enough of my soap box. Long live hockey! The sport of the gods :)

I'm also stoked about the Pens, I think......

We also have the Aeros here-farm team of the Wild-and they played last year.

The new rules have adopted some of the IHL's-the shootouts will be cool and, hopefully, the elimination of the "red" line will cut down on the trap defense that is choking the life outta the game....

As for shrinking the goalie pads-I think they were just trying to return them to the size used in the 70's....the padding is way more effective now than then

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skatha - come on man, look at these pads.


He never suffered a puck related injury as far as I know and last time I saw him, he was walking just fine.

Now look at these monsters and tell me things didn't get a little carried away.


Speaking of goalies, here's my prediction. The backup goalie will become a shootout specialist. His job will be to study the opposition's top shooters and practice nothing but breakaways with a special shootout coach. The regular goalie will get pulled and the shootout goalie will get inserted. You heard it here first folks.

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The boy and I are absolutely stoked that the NHL is back! :biggthump Watched the Rangers/Flyers game the other night and was in awe of Forsberg and his incredible touch with the puck, this guy could score with a chopstick! To all those out there who don't really care about the NHL I say "right on", more seats available down by the glass for me and the family! :D




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My life wasn't affected by the NHL lockout. However, there is a FANTASTIC minor league team near my home town; I'm more likely to watch the Danbury Trashers than the NHL Bruins or Rangers (I'm equidistant to both, but my hearts with the Bruins!)

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Speaking of goalies, here's my prediction. The backup goalie will become a shootout specialist. His job will be to study the opposition's top shooters and practice nothing but breakaways with a special shootout coach. The regular goalie will get pulled and the shootout goalie will get inserted. You heard it here first folks.

I agree.....

But you have to agree that leather with petroleum based aromatic plastic foam inserts is a much more effective pad than horsehair and leather!!!

The size of the pads nowadays was just to cover up the goal

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The guys playing now don't care about the sport or play it because they love it - it is all about $$$$'s, both the players and the league.


Yeah I do agree with u. However talking about over paid players, I think Baseball palyers are way over paid. Their skills don't compare to Hockey players. I do understand that the game play is very different and the baseball league have bigger contracts with the media and huge income to the sport. But are the ball players worth what there are getting, I don't think so. It's a joke when they ask for more money. Well that's business.

I am glad hockey is back! Love the game! :1luvu:

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