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You guys have been talking so much about "ladies", "bikinis", and "this thread's nothing without pics". What about pics of the men? OK, not necessarily in bikinis but let's show off what YOU got!

Summer's almost over, time to start packing on the beef cake for the winter :cool:



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The only thing I have that's handy is here. That's my lovely wife Donnagail on the left, and I'm the dweeb in the hat next to her. Just back from 3 days on the Churchill, so not so much with the shaving... There's a kid in a hat standing behind me that makes me look like I have some wierd yellow neck appendages.

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the angles look good, but it appears you need to get more weight onto the front foot to initiate the turns without skidding. You should also try to relax the upper body more...let the hands and arms flow with the ride and be less rigid. finally, and I know I will start a huge argument here, again, you appear to be have the torso rotated too far foward. Let the shoulders align and hips align to a natural postion in line with the angles of the feet...


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Is it my monitor or is Willy doing a lobster impression? Lookin mighty red there dude. Oh, and f them if they don't like the speedo under a wetsuit. I don't understand the morons that wear swim trunks under a wetsuit. Last week in Santa Cruz I had teen girls whistling at me while I changed in the parking lot. I loved it. They may have been sarcastic, but I didn't care. Teenage girls were checking out my package!

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Oh, and f them if they don't like the speedo under a wetsuit. I don't understand the morons that wear swim trunks under a wetsuit.

There are people who actually care what others wear under their wetsuits ? That's ridiculous. You just have to try wearing trunks under a wetsuit once, to see why it sucks. Any SCUBA diver will tell you that. I learned that the first time I put on a wetsuit. Unfortunately, many of those SCUBA divers also wear speedos when they don't have their wetsuits on. If you've seen the physique of the average SCUBA diver, you'll understand why it's unfortunate. :)


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All it takes is one good high speed slam on the water when your package isn't secured with a speedo underneath and it'll convince you to always sport the speedo. I bought it in Brasil as a goof since wifey kept bugging me to get one.I told her that if I got one and wore it to the beach, she had to wear the butt floss bikini bottom as well. I'm still waiting.

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I told her that if I got one and wore it to the beach, she had to wear the butt floss bikini bottom as well. I'm still waiting.

We will definitely need pictures of Mrs. Willy when she comes through on that deal!

BTW, can she dance a cajun rhythm and jump like a Willy's in four wheel drive?



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she can shape that rump to some samba.....

I learned to drive at 12 years old on a '52 willys wagon (very similiar to the pics) in a field out behind our farmhouse/vacation house up in Naples Maine. 3 speed on the column.

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oh man, I'd be glad to visit her in Europe. I heard the swiss have some ok mountains and a moderate amount of snow compared to massachusetts. I'll gladly accept any funds to make the trip possible:D

I'm liking the skating up and down the charles river idea too. Even if it accomplishes nothing but gets me arrested.

Hmm...kinda cold now so nipples would be kinda hard...and well...shrinkage. Not worried bout that though because that'll be just part of the voyage.

Oh man, do I have some incriminating photos of me involving revealing outfits from ski trips with friends. Not posting those because I've met some of you and will probably meet many more too. So i'll post incriminating pictures of friends from that same trip.


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Just in case you missed it the picture links to your other photos as well. I didn't know they had walrus's in jamaica!? I am also confused as to how snow and jamaica ended up in the same set of pics. Ladies he has some killer long john pics for you:lol: :lol: :ices_ange

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I used to live in harrison and breifly in "nipples" as well

there's some good times in those towns if you know where to look and not to...... um............ put it

just had to put the smack down on a little **** from bridgton for stealing from his boss, man those maine kids can be sketchy bastards

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Just in case you missed it the picture links to your other photos as well. I didn't know they had walrus's in jamaica!? I am also confused as to how snow and jamaica ended up in the same set of pics. Ladies he has some killer long john pics for you:lol: :lol: :ices_ange

god damn!! well those aren't actually the incriminating ones. They're from almost 2 years ago. Well the reason i put them into the same set is because I came from Jamiaca, while in customs, got a phone call from friends and they told me to get my ski stuff ready because they were waiting for me to get home 3 hours later to go skiing. Went from 90 degree weather to 20. Kind of an interesting few days.

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We have always got along online so far. What in the hell is funny about something that is a representation of a little girl (doll maybe) giving head to anyone????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

You need to pull those photos from your site. I don't see what is remotely funny about something that spoofs child abuse and pedophilia.

Sometimes it is not about what we do in life that makes a difference, but what we don't tolerate or put up with.

I have two daughters, and one of my wife's best friends provides foster care to children for the state. Besides the little boy with cigarette burns that still seemed to be a happy, healthy little three year old, most of her placements seem to be sexually abused little girls under the age of 8.

So don't laugh, don't tolerate. This is not funny.

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I'm extremely sorry if this offended you. I did not think it much into the picture at all. I'll take it down.

edit: fin beat me to it.

And skipuppy, my friends kick ass. In the picture is phil and he'll be riding and skiing with me alot this year. He was one of the people that I partied at your school with. Memories...

I hope they do the wendsay night trips this year too. Those days it'll cost me $2.50 to ride that night ($1.25 each way on the T). Can't wait!!

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