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Thanks guys.

Haven't set a date yet but she is angling for late Feb or March. If that happens, SES has been locked in as a week long bucks bash. Me, I'm pushing for late November but we will just have to wait and see.

And either way, I promise to post a photo of me looking uncomfortable in a suit.

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uncomfortable in a suit!? i love suits! in fact, i went to several proms just as favors and one of the best parts was the suit i wore.

just a sample:



rock the white tux. Last year, i was the only one at my friend's junior prom wearing a white tux. Got tons of compliments and felt kind of bad because i got more attention then she did. This year, i went again with her, probably 15 or so people were doing the white. The zoot suit with the black hat is from this year's and the other one is from last years. It was a kick ass time too.

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Yes, the sock and the shoes too.

sounds good

see i still have the plaid skirt and it just gives the wrong kind of attention. :p

I think that the 07 ECES needs a Catholic Schoolgirl Carving Contest (CSCC) :1luvu::biggthump :D

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Hah, we don't even discuss our issues with our closest friends, let alone in a public forum ;) Gross generalization of course.

For me: I'm out of college and I hate bars, so I meet approximately zero women a year, plus or minus zero. And she's married. Also, I'm a nerdy looking 5'6" asian guy. That's as straight a shot as you can get into the bullseye of the friend zone.

Hah, I feel your pain. I'm a total geek (as in, my computers have names) all week, and a carver on the weekends, and had pretty much given up hope. I could no more meet a girl in a bar than I could ride park. But then a friend of mine brought one of her friends to a party at my house and I was hooked after this memorable conversation:

-Dan (to future girlfriend, who has a few seasons working at Telluride under her belt): "I hear you've spent a few seasons ski-bumming. Well...are you any good?"

-She looks at me: "Well, I raced Junior Olympics."

-(Oops! Well, back down or double down, right?) I looked at her and came back with "Good, you might be able to keep up then." (Yes, I was fairly drunk: the drunker I am, the more charming I become.)

Somehow she was still willing to talk to me, and on our first date I admitted to her that I was pretty sure that if we ever got on the mountain together she'd wipe the floor with me. She admitted to me that she was lying about Junior Olympics. :)

I think there's a Zen state when you've given up and suddenly nothing is at stake when you talk to women--it seems to have worked for me. Besides, I have about 50 ethnic Chinese cousins, and I can assure you there's plenty of Asian girls out there looking for an Asian guy. So don't despair--things will pan out in the end.

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OK...trying to avoid putting a picture up here of myself, so...I'm moving the topic a long

A long time ago, I put up a profile on Heartdetectives.com...the user name is Grizz71.

I put it up as a joke...says something to the effect of " looking for a hottie, becaue I am a stud....I make good money"

a year later, I am still good for 2-3 replies a week...often from the same ladies...

I am really tempted to pay the $25, just to see what the responses say...one was titled "if you don't mind that I am Bi...I'm the one for you!"

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Thanks Michelle...I think...

That was on a family cruise(folks, siblings, neices, nephew) this past march.

I'm heading back to NH this weekend but lets try to go to the tiki next weekend...I'm gonna ty and get one more day in at A-Basin on a rock board.

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awwwwwww gleb, look how cute you are... i just want to pinch your cheeks. (on the FACE!) haha

LOL! Thanks. ya i miss those suits. White is the only way to go. Defintly no more proms for me...that'd be too creepy. I was one of around 7 or 8 people from the 2005 class so it was good.

ncermak, try to put up another account thats totally undesirable. Most likely, you'll get twice as many responses because I'm willing to bet they are spammers just trying to get you to pay for the site.

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I am really tempted to pay the $25, just to see what the responses say...one was titled "if you don't mind that I am Bi...I'm the one for you!"

This would seal the deal for many a guy!

Personally, the idea of kissing a girl is a big no-no for me.....especially with some of the more frightening lesbians I've seen

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rusty, every girl's crazy bout a sharp dressed man!


skatha, as for kissing girls, i know what you mean... there are some manly looking lesbians in the world... then there are some you'd never guess about ... until they make a move on you on the train... DOH! that was very awkward to say the least. i didnt know whether to slap her or gently say "um... i like boys"


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I did some catching up on the thread:

Congratulations Dan!!! I'll miss you on the thread. Will you still carry my boards if I go to Aussie???

Speaking of school girl outfits and snowboarding in them: (Not exactly)

Don't worry, the boys have convinced me that I will now need the support of the thread more than ever.

And a promise is a promise, but you have to come down here first!

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rusty, every girl's crazy bout a sharp dressed man!


skatha, as for kissing girls, i know what you mean... there are some manly looking lesbians in the world... then there are some you'd never guess about ... until they make a move on you on the train... DOH! that was very awkward to say the least. i didnt know whether to slap her or gently say "um... i like boys"


You could really put them off by saying what you really like about men-then they run off screaming "ewwwwwwww" :D

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I was referring more to what lesbians hate about men-their penises.....

I rotated thru my OB-gyn sections in med school and heard all about it from the legion of lesbian residents and nurses....

"why would you want to stick that dirty thing there?"

I won't go into all the infections alluded to in the literature that lesbos give themselves with dildos....

And then there was the book I read housesitting for 2 of my friends "The Ethics of Lesbianism"(no joke)-no penetration of any form allowed

I felt left out, we straight girls don't have our own hand books :(

What I like in a guy, well, since Sam is my ideal mate... he's funny, he's trustworthy, he's my best friend and I love spending time with him...

He's cute and I like bearded, hairy guys...and he is....

He lets me tease him...he argues with me but doesn't pick on me unfairly..

He doesn't throw mistakes I've made in the past in my face like my ex- did...

He plays with my kids and lets my daughter snuggle with him...

He's very affectionate...nice change from my very frigid ex-(yes, they do make men that way, too)......

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Alright Skatha. You brought it up. So now we need a quick lesson on how to properly clean/sanitize a vibrator after use. Yes, some of us guys do have goodie drawers for use when we actually get female company in our bed (some probably use them on themselves, but we won't go there).

I typically wash them off in warm water, then wipe them down with rubbing alcohol before putting them back in the drawer. Am I covered? The ones in there now haven't seen any use in a while (its been a long and good ski season), should I do anything to them before use should I get lucky sometime soon?

Inquiring minds want to know. The doctor is in. :)

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So now we need a quick lesson on how to properly clean/sanitize a vibrator after use.

Now this thread gets useful!!

I dunno what rubbing alcohol would do to that lifelike silicone stuff on mine. I have the proper spray cleaner, but teatree oil is just as good and maybe better.

Maybe you could teach my other half a thing or two ... he has a real complex about 'Mister Pinky".

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Maybe you could teach my other half a thing or two ... he has a real complex about 'Mister Pinky".

Really? He's nuts. He has no idea what he's missing. I bring it out when my tongue needs a rest. The smaller one is great in whichever entrance I'm not in too. Then it works on both of us at the same time. Mmmm.

Maybe get one that is smaller than him so he's not intimidated and doesn't have to face penis envy?

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