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All of this is very flattering and sounds really fun! We'll just have to pick a day when I am not involved in a Tele demo, Snowboard demo, or dog sledding. I do love wine though......

Maybe a demo over here, quite a few telemarkers. not to many hardbooters. are the dogs yours?

It sounds like you are living the skier life; 3 jobs and little time to play for your self?! I hope you get mud season off

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Actually, I only have 2 jobs but Bomber seems like 3 by itself sometimes :)

We do have a tele demo at Winter Park coming up, and I probably won't have to work ALL day. We also have dog sledding races your way...Granby is a popular venue. I think the Tele demo is coming up in Dec - I don't have the dates. But check with the mountain when the Total Telemark Tour is coming.

Of the 3 dogs in the photo, mine are the 2 on the right. The Rottie is Fin's. They run on teams, but I also work with 100 other dogs that we run!

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Couldn't find any info on the tour coming through WP. Finding any schedule information wasn't easy. At the Tough Guy Promotions site, info was sporadic( my searches pointed to them as the organizer, not totally sure though).

I have a husky also. amazing dog, never ceases to amaze me. too many stories to tell about her, she will be eleven in April and still gets around quite well.

Do you do tours as well as racing? Ski-jouring? seems like a pretty cool job though.

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Wow! This thread has lasted a lot longer than some of the relationships I had in the early 90's. I haven't visited it in a long time and just perused it to see if I had ever participated. Contained below is my one contribution from a year and a half ago.

Following the topic of Long Distance Relationships, I remember being told I was GUD. I discovered that meant Geographically UnDesireabe. Not sure that term is still in existence but the concept is alive and well. I'm just glad the hunt is over. Best of luck to all those still in the game!


July 13, 2005

Gotta chime in here. I was married for 24 years and then had 8 off for good behavior. Jumped back into the fray and we just had our 4th anniversary.

In the intervening years I had to be retrained. The last time I had been on a date was during LBJ's administration. The local Sunday night singles dance was great for dancing but I never met anyone one I wanted to go out with. Online dating was a new thing then - there were no commercial services like match.com but AOL and Prodigy had some ways to meet people. By my count I had 17 different dates that way and all were enjoyable. It was clear many wouldn't go beyond the first date but we still had a nice time. A few developed into short term relationships.

It wasn't until I joined a Connecticut-based ski club that I met women I was interested in. That's where I met my wife. The club is a social club as much as it is a winter sports club. It's as active in the summer as it is in the winter. See: www.mtlski.com

My ski club welcomes boarders and I suspect that's true of most others. check your local area to see if there is a comparable organization.

Good luck!

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I don't do any racing. Just like anything else, it takes time, dedication, and gear (in this case, dogs) and I would have to have time to train. I would love to do skijoring races, but it helps to know how to ski and not snowboard :).

Don't know about the schedule, I'll have to look it up.

And just FYI patmoore, this thread has lasted longer than the last 3 relationships I've had. So you can kind of tell what the "game" is like out there - NOT FUN!

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Yep. I have another one at home, but she's a bit older, retired, and isn't too social.

If anyone out there that lives semi-locally wants to adopt a retired sled dog, fully papered Siberian Husky and give them a good home for the last few years of their life, please let me know. I also run the Adoption Program at the kennel. If you want more info, just email me. We've got some great dogs that need a bit of love :1luvu:

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Yep. I have another one at home, but she's a bit older, retired, and isn't too social.

I also run the Adoption Program at the kennel. If you want more info, just email me. We've got some great dogs that need a bit of love :1luvu:

This must be the third job!?

Good work, I think that running the adoption program is very admirable! :biggthump

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If anyone out there that lives semi-locally wants to adopt a retired sled dog, fully papered Siberian Husky and give them a good home for the last few years of their life, please let me know. I also run the Adoption Program at the kennel. If you want more info, just email me. We've got some great dogs that need a bit of love :1luvu:

When I get my own place and I'm not renting I'll have to give you a call! I'd love to give a retired sled dog a home sometime! It'd be worth the drive to Colorado for me.

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Heck, I'll meet you half way! At my house right now I have 5 dogs (! please no one call animal control....) because 2 of the dogs we have up for retirement are having a bit of trouble with the extreme temps here lately. So I'm pamering them. They are so grateful for being here, sitting by the fire - loving life. One of my 3 that actually live here full time is also a retiree, and 2 are active running dogs although feeling their age at almost 8 years (the 2 on the right and no, they're not full huskies but they LOVE to run).


Did a full moon tour on Monday night - open for guides and their guests only. Spectacular! Once in a lifetime experience - just you, the dogs, and the moon. What do you think, PaulK? :rolleyes:

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Teacher: "Children, tomorrows assignment is to give me an example of a new

development being built near your home and what are the advantages of this new development.

At the end of the class, the teacher asks that all girls remain behind for 5 minutes.

Teacher: "Young ladies, I have received numerous complaints concerning Little Johnny's' crude remarks.

It is very likely tomorrow he is going to say something dirty.

If he says anything that appears rude, I would like you all to get up and leave the classroom."

Everybody agreed to this plan.

Next day -

Teacher: "Is everybody ready with their assignment? Go ahead Anita."

Anita: "Near my home, a supermarket is being built. Now my mommy doesn't have to walk so far to get the groceries."

Teacher: "Very good Anita! Next - Suzie!"

Suzie: "Near my home, they are building a furniture factory. My daddy is a carpenter so now he can work near home."

Teacher: "Excellent"

Little Johnny's hand keeps shooting up so eventually the Teacher asks: "OK, Johnny tell me what new development is being built near your home."

Little Johnny: "Near my home, they are building a brothel."

All the young girls get up to leave.

Little Johnny says, "Hey relax slu*ts .......... its not open yet!"

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This one might be a bit pre-mature but you can e-mail it out on the 26th if you would like :lurk:


Dear Santa,

You must be surprised that I'm writing to you today, the 26th of December. Well, I would very much like to clear up certain things that have occurred since the beginning of the month, when, filled with illusion, I wrote you my first letter. I asked for a bicycle, an electric train set, a pair of roller blades, and a football kit.

I destroyed my brain studying the whole year. Not only was I first in my class, but I had the best grades in the whole school. I'm not going to lie to you Santa, there was no-one in my entire neighborhood that behaved better than me, including my parents, brothers, sister, and the neighbors. I would go on errands and even help the elderly across the road. There was nothing within reach that I would not do for humanity.

What balls have you leaving me a ****ing yo-yo, a lame whistle, and a pair of freakishly ugly socks? What the **** were you thinking, you fat prick, that you've taken me for a sucker the whole ****ing year to come out with this **** under the tree. As if you hadn't ****ed me enough, you gave that little cock across the road so many toys that he can't even walk into his house.

Don't let me see you trying to fit your fat ass down my chimney next year. I'll **** you up. I'll throw rocks at those stupid reindeer and scare them away so you'll have to walk back to the ****in North Pole, just like what I have to do now since you didn't bring me that ****ing bike.


Next year you'll find out just how bad I can be, you FAT PRICK!


Little Johnny


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Did a full moon tour on Monday night - open for guides and their guests only. Spectacular! Once in a lifetime experience - just you, the dogs, and the moon. What do you think, PaulK? :rolleyes:

I'm thinking, "lucky I didn't fall completely off the sled running the Enchanted Forest..." :)

Oh, the stories no one will ever believe....

Good times!

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Wow, sorry Aisling. We've been so busy here, I haven't had time....

PaulK, you did a great job keeping us upright on the sled. Most important, you didn't let me fall over. Now that's Chivalry! :1luvu: You are right, the stories we can tell.....

Bobdea, I only like dark chocolate. I am lactose intolerant, so too much milk in chocolate is not good, plus I don't like the taste. The darker the better - 85% YAHOO! Why do you ask?

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I have a Yellow Lab so I was buying a large bag of Purina at

Wal-Mart one day and was in line to check out.

A woman behind me asked if I had a dog. On impulse, I told her "no" but that I was starting The Purina Diet again, although I probably shouldn't because I'd ended up in the hospital the last time I was on the diet but I HAD lost 50 pounds before I awakened in the Intensive Care Unit with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.

I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is that you load your pants pockets with Purina nuggets and

simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry plus the food is

nutritionally complete so I was going to try the diet again.

I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now

enthralled with my story, particularly a tall, biker who was behind the

lady. Horrified, she asked me if I'd ended up in the ER because I'd been poisoned by the Purina.

I told her "no." Actually I'd been sitting in the street licking my balls and a car hit me.

I thought the biker was going to have to stagger out the door.

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dagoba is goooooood!

I forgot about that one, they have it up at a nice country store up the road from me too.

damn, I hate it when I forget about stuff that is right under my nose and superior to what I find elsewhere.

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Michele, I have found Dagoba 87% to be one of the best "dark bars" anywhere. Scharfenberger is good but I just prefer the Dagoba.

I agree. And it's organic, which is also a very important thing to me knowing that I am not promoting chocolate slave labor in Africa. Organic Chocolate uses only fair trade chocolate, or grown in the US under non-child labor laws......for lack of a better way to say it.

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Although I do have to add that the chocolate Dan brings me from Australia with the carmel in it is REALLY good for not being dark. I can only eat a little of it at a time, but it's worth it!

I'll make sure I bring a good stash this year again. I'll even see what good dark chocolate I can find over here especially for you.

Just don't let Kim eat it all this time, ok!

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