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Wow. I apologize if Im a bit diverted to the bike instead of the chick. That bike belongs to one and only, Valentino Rossi (and yes he's single and -ITALIAN-). This weekend, MotoGP's motorcycle last race will be right to the line, with either Nicky Hayden (USA rider) or Valentino Rossi (very consistent winner since 1997, I think?) for the MotoGP '06 championship race! Woo hoo!

Yeah I gotta agree with Lee on this one I was drawn more to the M1 (that's the bike) than the "ho in front of it". I just got back from a week in Italy and man was Rossi's image everywhere...well in addition to a bunch of press saying Pedrosa "stupido" or "idiota"...BTW I bought a 1:22 scale model of that bike in the airport just hours before I left Rome :1luvu:

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Yeah, this chick looks like she rides that bike. She probably can't even spell YAMAHA. And oh yeah, I ALWAYS ride my motorcycle with my pants halfway down.

Her thought process appears to be going something like:

"I don't get it. You said to stick the end in, squeeze the hose and I'd have thomething I could ride hard and fast all day. But where is he?"

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good point, it's hard finding pics on the internet of hot chicks that actually ride bikes.

These little girls look like they rip tho http://www.girltrial.de/

ironically, on the way to see the new MSP movie PUSH last week we saw a girl of asian persuasion walking with a sweet bike leather jacket and helmet toward 2 bikes- a Triumph Bonneville and some old jap crap painted over Hurricane garbage. Guess which one she rode away on ?

I love Davis Square Somerville :1luvu:

This girl is for real.


Just another reason to visit Oz, this time for the boys.

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I told you about 10,000 views ago that you gotta come visit Oz. I'm sure I have at least one friend who would meet your requirements! :cool:

Ais, he does have men that would meet anyone's requirements :) Easy on the eyes for sure....and then they speak with that accent - OH MY!! Doesn't really matter what they say....

I absolutely love accents, be it Australian/NZ, European (My personal fav), and even the East Coasters have won me over before :1luvu: SWOOOOONNYYYYYY

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i have to say i'm a bit scared of surfing... the ocean freaks me out a lil... might be that whole almost drowning twice thing as a kid. LOL

but if someone helped me try to overcome that fear maybe i'd give it a whirl.

See but difference is Aisling, that you would SAY that before you just said "OK, yeah" and then bail. Maybe they are not bailing because of the content of the date? Giving her the benefit of the doubt????

PaulK, we've got to talk ;)

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WOW ! forget Brasil , I'm goin' down unda. I think the pic of Rossi's M1 may be from OZ. Look closely, NEED GAS ? EAT BEANS whatcha think Dan ? Oz humor ?

I always got along well with my Australian Cattle Dog, one female that never gave me a headache.

"Well, if she knows what root is, she knows how to use root, and she lets you look at her naked, why not give her root?" :lol:

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Ais, he does have men that would meet anyone's requirements :) Easy on the eyes for sure....and then they speak with that accent - OH MY!! Doesn't really matter what they say....

I absolutely love accents, be it Australian/NZ, European (My personal fav), and even the East Coasters have won me over before :1luvu: SWOOOOONNYYYYYY

Michelle's seal of approval even! haha

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Yeah, that's what I love about Aspen. I haven't dated an American in over a year and a half. French, Swiss, Thai, Argentinian, etc. women are so much more interesting. I'm in the process of learning Thai and I've got a great teacher.


Poot Passar Thai dai rue? Gaeng jung; farang tee poot dai mee mai gee kon leuy! Poot chut mai? Ahn bpen mai?

Dtae wah rawung na. Bprataet Thai mai mee hima na. Mee dtae hee mah :-)

Passar Thai ngai nit deeo, soo soo Khun jim!

BTW you know your name, Jim, with rising tone means vagina????

Maybe you should tell your teacher that you would like a Thai nickname:

jim wahn (jim = rising tone wahn rising tone) :-)

Good luck with that; quite a few of my friends here studied in U of C.

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Yesterday I took the train to Lucerne in Switzerland because my friend has been dying to go dancing and they had lindi-hop (or whatever) there. The international winner guy at some point in time also showed up and I took a beginners crash course taught by some other people in swiss-german (so I barely understood anything even though im fluent in hoch-deutsch).

Needless to say, I am not a dancer. I thought of you guys and realized that I would absolutely love going to a snowboard get-together and would totally feel more comfortable. So yeah... I miss you :-)

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Needless to say, I am not a dancer. I thought of you guys and realized that I would absolutely love going to a snowboard get-together and would totally feel more comfortable. So yeah... I miss you :-)

Ooooohhhhhhhhh. Everyone together now....Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhh.

That is so sweet. :o :o :o :o :o

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A friend posted this on the motorcycle mailing list we're both on, which I occasionally read. I'm not necessarily endorsing it, but I just find it amusing, and I like throwing gas on fires, so here it is....


Since I'm back in the singles game and hanging out with all the other single guys, we've been chatting about my "rules" and I've been asked to codify them and send them to a few people. This may amuse you, it may help you, it might even piss you off. But I figured it might help since there's plenty of single guys on the list

This is not a method of extracting yourself from a bad situation as much as it is a method for *avoiding* one in the first place. These are signs you can generally pick up on the first date or by asking one of their friends. Especially if someone is trying to set you up on a blind date. Each person has to set their threshold, but, I generally believe in "3 strikes and you're out". If the person seems *extremely* nice and has very good recommendations, I will go so far as to forgive three strikes, but 4 is absolutely the hard-fast limit. It has to be.

1. Multiple strike rule - 1 strike for each child at home. Kids are great, but each one is an additional complication, then there are father(s) with which to deal, the mother always puts them first, etc, etc. And women with kids often are more difficult to get to know. Of course, if *you* have kids, each one of your kids erases one strike from the woman. There is one unique kid rule. If the woman has *only* a boy, that's a double strike. Most women who have only one boy have a very unique and troubling "pseudo boyfriend" relationship with an only boy. They often feel guilty from taking the child from his male role model and therefore elevate the child to "man of the house" status which is not where a child should be. So don't be surprised to find irrational jealousy from *both* son and mother in such a situation. It can be a lot weirder than you think. Some would say it should be three strikes. They may have a point. Okay, maybe not an automatic second strike, but it *is* something for which to be on the look out and if you see it, add a strike (or two).

2. Multiple strike rule - 1 strike for each cat. Cat people are, well, different. If you aren't a cat person, you'll get this rule. If you *are* a cat person, this pay no attention to this rule. 1 Cat = overly girly. 2 Cats = eccentric. 3 Cats = run, run like hell! If you're a cat guy, seek cat women. Or professional help, especially if you have 3 or more cats. It's normal to have a dog. Not normal to have cats. Unless you have a serious mouse problem. Even so, if you've gotten accustomed to the smell of cat piss, you've got issues.

3. Smoking - Offsetting rule - If you're a smoker and she's not, that's a strike for you. If she's a smoker and you're not, that's a strike for her. If you both smoke or neither smoke, unity gain. Smoking ages people. Think she looks hot at 25 or 30? Just wait. It will catch up, it always does. And women suck at quitting. And when they do, they just get fat. And bitchy. So there's no happy ending if they do quit. So, if the woman is a smoker, do you want to be with the bad-breath, sexy body, cancer prone, early aging woman? Or with the overweight, bitchy woman who will outlive you by 10 years? Nope, best to avoid that from the get go. Even, especially if, they say "I'm *trying* to quit". You don't "try" to quit something, you quit. Or you don't.

4. Pseudo sports cars or large SUVs - I'm talking Eclipses, CRXs, Mustangs, Camaros, etc. 2-door "look at me" cars. Good women drive a) 4-door cars/wagons, b) compact-cars c) mini-vans, d) small SUVs/Jeeps. Psuedo sports car women are self-centered, conceited bitches. Large SUV women are those very same women who've latched onto a wealthy guy. If they're single now and drive it, they got if from their ex-hubbies. Very high maintenance and they'll take you for everything in the divorce. Look great at the office party, but how much of your time is spent at an office party? The *only* way to avoid a strike if the woman says "This car? I hate it, I really wanted a nice sedan but.......". A special place of dishonor exists for BMW women. *Extremely high maintenance* and very condescending and judgmental. This is probably the only car brand where you get a strike for choosing a sedan. It doesn't matter. The whole purpose is for them to position themselves for the wealthiest single guy they can find. It could be safe to make this a 3-strike rule, unless the car is sufficiently old to qualify as a classic. Good women also ride Hawks.

5. New Age anything - If they're into Yoga, Tai Chi, massage, vegetarianism, that's a strike. Unless you're into that kind of thing. New Age women are very high stress and/or very troubled. They do this stuff because they need mental/emotional help. When they are not doing these activities, they are neurotic, anxious, stressed. They anger easily. And they are completely illogical. They tend to have problems with men and relationships. No matter how sexy they are, don't stop yourself from issuing the strike. They're usually sexy, but that's NOT the problem!

6. Drugs/Alcohol - One strike for each drug. One strike if she doesn't drink. Hypocritical? Not really. While there may not be anything wrong with an occasional joint for some people, it really should be a college phase *at worst*, not a lifestyle, especially if you want to have kids. Adding any other drugs is more like instant disqualification, including and especially prescription psycho active drugs. Unless you're a drug addict and need to feel good about yourself and you can have mutual dosing and bonding sessions and save money by seeing the same shrink as a couple. Of course, this is all common sense, but for instance, unless you're a teetotaler, a woman than can't relax, unwind and have a glass of wine or two is a total drag. Women who don't drink are generally control freaks and can't relax ever. And they usually hate going to parties and hanging out with your friends. They'd rather sit around and drink coffee or tea and having boring conversations in which you are expected to participate. At these roaring fiestas, it is best to remember two key phrases - "I have no opinion" and "Whatever you say, dear".

7. Body Modification - You get one and only one freebie on this. Earrings don't count. You can have one non-visible tattoo, one small surgery, one additional hidden piercing. However, beyond that, you're in the strike zone. Breast job? No. Unless you're equally shallow, then go crazy. Tongue piercing? Gong. Of course, that's *never* just the second piercing, they're are usually even weirder piercings leading up to the tongue. People that do this have self-esteem problems, identity problems, or are just plain wacky. Or are into "appearances". Or really slutty, but in a bad way. As in a "oops, she's having sex with my best friend" way.

8. Divorced parents - Sorry, but this really sets the bar low for the kids. Some people get divorced because they have little option, but if you're a child and your parents divorced it really screws up your sense that relationships matter or that you can have a long term relationship. Not always, but most of the good women have happily married parents. If your parents are divorced, then it's okay to date someone with divorced parents. Don't expect to stay married, but at least you have shared experiences and can counsel each other and sometimes that even works. But if one has happily married parents and the other doesn't? Look out. The one with the divorced parents will find ways of sabotaging the relationship, consciously or unconsciously. Or, if things are "too difficult", they just leave. After all, it's "just a marriage, it's not forever or anything". They've learned that it's easier to leave a troubled relationship than fix it. Regardless of the consequences. Of course, this is only one strike, but can be a deadly combination with others. Just remember, when she says "I do" to "until death do we part", she's just saying whatever she has to in order to seal the deal. It might as well be "until our first major disagreement"

9. Disparate education - Very important. After all, what will you talk about? And, you're very educated and you're wife isn't, then you're going to unconsciously be an arrogant prick. Or you'll just drive your wife nuts. Find an equal, or within one degree and, better, "1/2" a degree. You have a masters, she has a bachelors? Fine. But if you have a masters and she has GED? You're asking for it. Likewise, don't go over your head too much or you'll never settle into being with "genius girl". An ideal relationship might be where the husband has a bachelors and the wife has either a bachelors or at least attended college. Besides, "high school girl" isn't going to get it when your long lost college buddies come back and you instantly regress 20 years to "near fetus" maturity levels.

10. Politics - Registered Democrat or Republican - 1 strike. Dyed in the wool liberal hippy chicks are fun, sexy, interesting and a blast in bed. However, by the time they're 40, they're no fun at all, especially if they're a feminist and especially if the US is not a socialist/communist hybrid commune by then. Unless they grow out of it with heavy doses of Rush Limbaugh or a major personal experience with crime. Or unless you're a liberal hippy guy, in which case, start taking testosterone injections. Nope, you're better off with a girl that doesn't think about that crap. And if she's a hard core conservative? Expect to not have much fun in bed or anywhere else for that matter. Most of them are just uptight, sticks in the mud and about as passionate as a tree. Try to stick with women who hate politics or are at least libertarian oriented, or a registered independent. I mean, who wants to go buy a new motorcycle and then get a lecture that your jacket makes you a murderer or that your choice of a BMW is supporting those liberal German weasels?

hehehehe, have fun :-)

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Wrong on just so many levels but fun to read.

For every lonley crazy person there is a lonley crazy person who completes their jorney. The hard part is finding them. It's alot easier to stop looking just go Screw off. And see what happen.

I think we have constructed so many stupid Ideals in the US it had made our simple lives too diffacult.

The first time anyone tells you what to do, your life has been modified.. You choose whats next..

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Yesterday I took the train to Lucerne in Switzerland because my friend has been dying to go dancing and they had lindi-hop (or whatever) there. The international winner guy at some point in time also showed up and I took a beginners crash course taught by some other people in swiss-german (so I barely understood anything even though im fluent in hoch-deutsch).

You are missing out. Lindy Hop is SOOOOO fun! Should have paid attention in the lesson. And guys that can dance are hot!

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Labels too. We (as in people in general) feel an insane need to classify and categorize.

But this is completley natural, it makes a complex world that much easier to understand, and could possibly keep you from getting hurt. Think about it: You walk down a dark alley and get mugged. Next week, you walk down another dark alley and get mugged. You realize there is a pattern emerging, and that maybe you shouldn't walk down any dark alleys anymore. It works with people too. Look at bouncers, they're all big huge guys, usually with a shaved head. They play off of our instinctual labeling/classification theme.

Next time that you think that labeling and classification is a bad thing, think about what the police would say after you got attacked and they ask you for a description and say "well, it was a person who did it".

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