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White drops out of slope style


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Yeah I know not carving, but the biggest name in our sport on the biggest stage in the world...I guess that guy with the blog about how bad the conditions were in Sochi was right.

Egg all over Putin's face this morning...

I heard the course was very good and there's lots of snow, or at least that's the report we're getting locally from the McMorris clan. Town of Sochi, especially the hotels, not so great but I haven't read anything bad about the venues. White's pulling out to "concentrate on halfpipe", meaning he knows he can't win so he's not bothering. There's at least 3 Canadians that can kick his ass in that event plus a few others.
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[h=1]Shaun White bows out of slopestyle event, citing risk[/h] 6C7740277-vheadshot.blocks_desktop_avatar.jpg Vidya Rao TODAY

1 hour ago

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2D11517548-today-shaun-white-140205-05.blocks_desktop_medium.jpg NBC

Shaun White, pictured in a press conference in Sochi, has announced he will not compete in slopestyle.

Snowboarding star Shaun White announced Wednesday he will not compete in the slopestyle event debuting in the Sochi games, citing the risk of injury associated with the course.

“After much deliberation with my team, I have made the decision to focus solely on trying to bring home the third straight gold medal in halfpipe for Team USA,” White told TODAY in a statement. “The difficult decision to forego slopestyle is not one I take lightly as I know how much effort everyone has put into holding the slopestyle event for the first time in Olympic history, a history I had planned on being a part of. “

White’s announcement comes after he took a fall Tuesday and jammed his left wrist while on a practice run on the Rosa Khutor Extreme Park course. It’s the latest in a slew of small injuries the snowboarder has experienced.

“With the practice runs I have taken, even after course modifications and watching fellow athletes get hurt, the potential risk of injury is a bit too much for me to gamble my other Olympics goals on,” White said.

Video: White made the surprising announcement to not compete in slopestyle just one day before the Games are set to begin, citing risk of injury. NBC’s Keir Simmons reports.

While there is inherent dangers in a sport like slopestyle, in which competitors are judged on a variety of tricks they do on rails, boxes and jumps, White is among several snowboarders who’ve expressed concerns about Rosa Khutor Extreme Park. Criticism increased after Torstein Horgmo of Norway, considered a medal contender, fell off of a rail Monday and broke his collarbone — knocking him out of the Games.

Canada’s Sebastian Toutant said the course felt like "jumping out of a building,” and Finland’s Roope Tonteri told reporters that it was “pretty sketchy,” adding, “I just don’t want to get injured. It’s not a really fun course to ride.”

Changes were made to the course after feedback from riders on Monday — the combined height of all three of its jumps were reduced by about six feet. Snowboarders said the changes were an improvement.

“They put some wax on the rails, so it’s not as slick,” Toutant told the Globe and Mail. “And the jumps are still really high, but they made the transition to the jumps way smoother. I still think they could cut the jumps down a little bit, so it makes a smoother transition.”

But White and others still took falls. Tuesday, Finnish snowboarder Marika Enne crashed on the course’s final jump and was taken out on a stretcher after hitting her head.

White is now focusing all of his energy on the men's halfpipe, and if he succeeds, he'll make history as the first American man to win three Olympic gold medals in a single event.

American Alpine skier Lindsey Vonn said she empathized with White on his decision not to compete in slopestyle. The defending Olympic downhill champion, Vonn recently pulled out of Sochi after being plagued by injuries.

“I see that he definitely wants to be prepared for the halfpipe. If that’s where he thinks that he can win the gold medal, that’s a smart choice,” she told TODAY’s Savannah Guthrie. “But obviously he’s going to be disappointed to not be in the first slopestyle event that was ever in the Olympics.”

Vonn said she had a chance to examine the Alpine course and found them “absolutely perfect.”

“I’m not sure how the slopestyle course is, but obviously if Shaun's not racing, that kind of speaks for itself,” she said.

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Cant remember what outlet posted it but two slope-style riders who were not fans of the course said that someone's going to get hurt badly. The competition and performance will reflect conservative action. Not what they're looking for in a big splash for the first slope-style. I think White is setting this up to be his final lap. There are some interesting media pieces out there on White, whether The Crash Reel on Kevin Pearce and the relationship with "FRENDS" or lack there of or recent pieces on his alienation of other riders and teammates over the years. I have to believe that after doing the competitve piece starting at age 7, at what point does it just become demotivating? The younger riders have benefitted from his pushing the envelope. My prediction is that he will not win Gold in Sochi.

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While I understand his decision the sad thing about this is the fact that he took the slot of another deserving US athlete that would have competed in the event. He should have made such a decision before the slopestyle slots were determined (back at the final event in Mammoth).

This was my first thought too. He knew then that he was carrying a bunch of injuries, that he wasn't medal-competitive in slopestyle, and that his primary focus was going to be on halfpipe. He knew all it would take was a training crash to put him out ... witness the am-not-am-not act he pulled at the X Games. It would have been a gracious move for him to give the spot up, so someone else at least had the opportunity to compete ... but then, I guess that wouldn't have been much of an ego trip.

There's no doubt that winning gold in the pipe in Sochi will make him an Olympic immortal, so I can see why that would be his priority. There's also no doubt that when the pressure's on, White can pull it out like few others. But he's been less and less dominant in the pipe over the last few spins, and I think this time around it be a very interesting contest. I'd love to see Podlatchikov win.

Edited by Allee
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Not too sure about how to think about this. Isn't going big part of the appeal of freestyle? And aren't they always pushing to progress the sport? It's an arms race: it keeps getting harder to get that "holy $#!@", from the audience, so the courses and riders have to push further and further. So...it seems to me the logical conclusion is features getting dangerously big, or just dangerous period. It's happened in half-pipe too, and now athletes are getting hurt because no one will turn on their TV to see people launch an 8-foot kicker anymore.

I think the governing bodies and the athletes themselves need to draw a line in the snow and set some limits on the type and size of features that they'll use for competitions. Otherwise, we can expect more injuries in the future.

Having said all that, I don't care that much: I'd watch the alpine skiing downhill over any freestyle snowboard event.

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Interesting gopro video of the course posted by Russian snowboarder. http://onboardmag.com/videos/top-to-bottom-pov-run-through-the-sochi-2014-olympic-slopestyle-course-with-alexey-sobolev.html

quote: "Does this open up another slot on the olympic team?" Unfortunately no. '' Chas Guldemond and Sage Kotsenburg will represent the U.S. in slopestyle, and the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association said an alternate would not be entered as qualifications begin Thursday, with the finals scheduled for Saturday." Source: http://espn.go.com/olympics/winter/2014/snowboarding/story/_/id/10406292/shaun-white-withdraws-olympic-slopestyle

Of note this article missed mentioning Ryan Stassec who is also representing the US in slopestyle.

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This was my first thought too. He knew then that he was carrying a bunch of injuries, that he wasn't medal-competitive in slopestyle, and that his primary focus was going to be on halfpipe. He knew all it would take was a training crash to put him out ... witness the am-not-am-not act he pulled at the X Games. It would have been a gracious move for him to give the spot up, so someone else at least had the opportunity to compete ... but then, I guess that wouldn't have been much of an ego trip.

There's no doubt that winning gold in the pipe in Sochi will make him an Olympic immortal, so I can see why that would be his priority. There's also no doubt that when the pressure's on, White can pull it out like few others. But he's been less and less dominant in the pipe over the last few spins, and I think this time around it be a very interesting contest. I'd love to see Podlatchikov win.

Agreed! He really should have thought long and hard about trying to compete in both events. He keeps getting hurt and he has never been consistent in slopestyle. He truly is a half pipe technician. I think if the event schedule had been reversed where the pipe contest was before slopestyle I think he would have done both. I think after the event in Mammoth where he was hurt and prior to the x games he should have made a decision then and there. In the end he is a "corporation" and safety and money are the bottom line.

I think it would be interesting to see someone else win the gold in half pipe just for something different (kind of tired of the same winner). I like IPod as well, but someone to keep an eye on and who I think has the ability to beat Shaun is Ayumu Hirano from Japan. Also don't count out Greg Bretz from MM! He can beat Shaun, though his issue is the fact that he is not always consistent.

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What does "packed with wutang" mean?

LOL no idea!

Just found this http://www.businessinsider.com/gopro-video-slopestyle-shaun-white-2014-2?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+businessinsider+%28Business+Insider%29

Quote of interest from this article which goes with what we have heard behind the scenes "Concerns seem to stem from the size of the kickers (ramps) on the course. The final three jumps have vertical drops of 101 feet, 92 feet and 85 feet, respectively, not including the extra height from take-off"

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I'd love to see Podlatchikov win

Today (5:30 p.m. GMT) we have big halfpipe showdown on Sochi Olympics.

As Iouri Podladtchikov (Russia) says on early morning radio interview, he was very dissatisfied about he was only 4. last winter Olympics. (was it at that rainy Vancouver Canadian Games?)

His goal is not to win now a gold medal. His goal is to take Shaun White in trouble.

So for that he rent a huge and high factory building, puting in Europeans bigest jumping sheet.

For sure all equipements like game-consoles, big-screen TV, highspeed internet are in too.

He was than able to do trainings when ever he wants all the last Year.

Last automn I had the chance to keep one of his contest boards in my hands and flex the board.

I think it's just only bloody basics to have 1:1 and in reality touched the tools from one of Worlds best snowboarders ever.

For sure it was not a rocker shape. Podladtchikov like to ride very fast and with a confidential control. So no rocker, no early-rise, no decambering on nose and tail.

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While I understand his decision the sad thing about this is the fact that he took the slot of another deserving US athlete that would have competed in the event. He should have made such a decision before the slopestyle slots were determined (back at the final event in Mammoth).

Had he done so before the U.S. team submitted their list of competitors to the IOC, the next highest ranked snowboard competitor, an alpine snowboard racer, would have gone. After the submission deadline, they were constrained to substituting an athlete within the same discipline, but since qualifiers in Sochi were already in progress, it was too late.

Only 20 women, 30 men competing in Olympic slopestyle. Likely 2-3 times as many athletes will compete in alpine PGS, PSL.

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