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that is pretty weird.


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What an interesting article as well as the comments.

It seems ridiculous to such an extent that i'm wondering if this is a small part of a larger 'social programming' agenda. The kind of stuff to get people used to being watched, therefore, controlled. This being part of bringing in a police state culture. A drip feed effect, then one day people wake up and find their individual freedom has been eroded.

I see this happening a lot these days and it is not just Canada.

However, in Scotland we see police present at the ski centres but they're pretty relaxed friendly, they're not on the slopes in the way that this article describes. They are there more for mountain rescue, unexpected incident situation

I understand the comments pros and cons but at a higher level this goes against common sense, thus I automatically become suspicious.

A very interesting article indeed

PS I can't get my smiley faces to work today?

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I could see putting a fence around Nelson BC would take care of about 50 % of the BC Bud problem but i can't think of one incident in my years of skiing and boarding that i ever thought a gun would come in handy. Unless it was to rob the ticket booth instead of it always being the other way around:AR15firin.

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Before I'd set foot on a snowboard..people would ask,

"what kind of snowboarding do you want to do?"

I didn't know what it was called but I'd reply,

"you know the 007 type stuff, where you're being chased by the bad guys with machines guns down a mountain that's got an avalanche on at the same time."

Well my dream could come true yet:rolleyes:

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As someone who rides at Nakiska, I'm rolling my eyes so hard they're practically falling out.

if you want to be useful, nab some of the a$$holes who get smashed in the bar at lunch, and think they're Bode Miller when they head back out. I'd feel much safer with those guys off the runs than some half-stoned kid who's probably hanging in the park anyway.

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I have two scenarios in my head:

1. Giving someone a ticket for a lane-change without a signal after they got smoked from behind.

2. Accidental discharge during a particularly bad crash. (Safeties don't prevent guns from firing...)

I'm with Allee; the least dangerous person on the hill is the stoned guy.

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