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United baggage policy

Neil Gendzwill

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United says for skiers two pairs of skis (in one bag) plus boot bag == 1 piece of sporting goods luggage. For snowboarders, one snowboard is it, no boot bag. Arrggh.

My question is: anyone fly United and have them check inside their board bag? Air Canada and Westjet's policy say only one snowboard too but I've had no trouble carrying two, they never check.


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United says for skiers two pairs of skis (in one bag) plus boot bag == 1 piece of sporting goods luggage. For snowboarders, one snowboard is it, no boot bag. Arrggh.

My question is: anyone fly United and have them check inside their board bag? Air Canada and Westjet's policy say only one snowboard too but I've had no trouble carrying two, they never check.


United is the worst with baggage. I've never checked in snowboard or ski gear before, but I was once charged $260 in baggage fees. Good thing work payed for it. Sometimes its easier and much cheaper to ship items to your destination.

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I always pack my two 'wide skis' in the one bag. No issues yet - not even a comment. They do weigh bags religiously. Pack a scale to be sure you're under 50 lbs or you'll PAY.

Note that the insurance coverage is lower than you'd hope. I've gambled on them not losing them outright.

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Their ball their rules. I always take bindings off and stack boards (wrap them with jacket and pants after padding edges), skiis too for that matter (amazed how many skis you can fit in one bag), pack boots in suitcase(amazing how many socks and underware fit inside a pair of boots. The risky part is they don't provide excess insurance for you skis, boards or surfboards even if you are paying extra so make sure your household insurance covers that !!!

Edited by lowrider
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Pack boots in a carry-on if you can. I found a hard-sided roller bag at Canadian Tire that fits my boots & pants perfectly. If they lose my luggage, I only need to get a loaner board as I have enough in the carry-on to ride for one day. Luggage almost always shows up later the same day if they misplace it.

I started doing this after my luggage got delayed on 3 separate business trips. If you're prepared for one day in your carry-on, your stress level drops dramatically!

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I've had different experiences every time (on United as well as American and US Air). Sometimes a boot bag is considered part of the 1 checked bag, sometimes not. Once it had to be boot-shaped, so my Burton "boot duffle" didn't count and I had to pay an extra $35. Once they told me to remove any jackets etc from the board ("ski") bag. I said it was just for padding but they'd have none of that. Had to remove it and pack it in my carry-on. If I had said "no, it's a padded bag" I'm pretty sure they would have checked.

I have started just describing it as "ski equipment" and if they get curious, I'll explain ... but they don't get curious about the equipment. I've never had trouble with 2 boards (I mean, "skis") in one bag, but I still worry because the rules always change and seem to be made up by whoever is behind the counter. One time they were going to charge me $500 or something for oversize sports equipment -- same as for a 12' longboard -- but I went to a different agent and they checked it free, no questions. Coming back I sent the board home via UPS just to avoid rolling the dice again.

So I try to bring just one board and arrange things so that if necessary, I could wear my boots on the plane or pack them.

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