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SkES 2012 Daily Rub In!


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Awesome job Kelly, but I didn't see any points for smokin a bowl :confused:.
As a medical advocate here in Idaho big thumbs up ! Will have to add to the extra credit points since I am doing a schweitzer version of CNAR games 1 day during our NICE Event feb 20-26 2012.
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Awesome job Kelly, but I didn't see any points for smokin a bowl :confused:.

Yes, a serious omission! But it could be we have to write a special rule book just for you. ;)

As a medical advocate here in Idaho big thumbs up ! Will have to add to the extra credit points since I am doing a schweitzer version of CNAR games 1 day during our NICE Event feb 20-26 2012.

There may be more than one interpretation of "smokin a bowl".... But there certainly should be ECP's that fit each event! :D I've heard rumors of digger jr's antics in Copper Bowl - awaiting video.... :lurk:

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Two_Ravens should be promoted from Alpine Ace. I'm not sure to what... Definitely a sense of humor that's out of the gutter and into the groove.

The floor is open for suggested honorary titles.

Ha ha! Well, it's a nice thought - I do fear the Hardboot Wizard designation and I am exactly on track to incur the Cubicle Carver penalty... :eek::eek::eek:

Thanks everyone for all the kind comments! Glad you all had fun at SkES!!! :biggthump

Ok, I need to quit posting now... :o:D

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  • 7 months later...

Goodbye Jackson. Goodbye Snow King. Goodbye SkES.....



Yup, that's SkES house loaded up on a trailer and ready to head out. I've been engaged in a family legal/inheritance dispute since December.....and guess who lost? Sigh.... :(

So SkES house (my 500 square feet of paradise:)) is moving to Pinedale, WY - 80 miles from Snow King, which will still be the closest lift served riding. I'm really, really going to miss that 3 block commute to the chairlift.

With no home base in Jackson, I do not anticipate organizing any further carving events, so SkES 2012 will be the last installment. But who knows - maybe this will free me up to attend SES....? (Not sure how I'll fit in at a "real" event - but maybe I'll give it a try anyway.... ;))

So, thanks for all the fun. We had a good run in SkES world, didn't we? Cheers!

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Wow, sorry to hear :(.

I dream of living in the mountains at some point, so I can't even begin to imagine how it must feel to leave a place you love. Good Luck with the move.

I'm sure many will miss the SKES write-ups, and I'm sure (Not sure how I'll fit in at a "real" event - but maybe I'll give it a try anyway.... ) you will fit in at any event !!

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I've heard of splits where someone 'loses the house', but it's not usually so literal! Bummer to hear, but keep your chin up. Sometimes things that seem bad at the time really do change your life for the better after a short while. New opportunities, a way to reinvent yourself, etc.

80 miles isn't bad. I've got 135 miles to a 350' vertical hill, and 260 miles to a 500' hill. You've got it good! :D

Weren't you at SES a few years ago? I think we met, you were on a pink Donek. Maybe I'm getting you confused with someone else...

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Thanks for all the encouraging words! We have a great community here. :) I built nearly my entire adult life on the Jackson landscape so leaving is rough - even if it's only 80 miles. That's just a whole different feeling from stepping out my door right into paradise... Rabbit (the dog) however absolutely loves our new digs - as an older dog she was doing pretty well, but really slowed down the last year. But now having a nice fenced acre (my dad's property) where she can run around and chase rabbits and squirrels and have tons of fun stuff to sniff, I swear has rolled at least 2 years off her age. She's bouncing around like I haven't seen her do in a long time! :D

I'm sure many will miss the SKES write-ups, and I'm sure (Not sure how I'll fit in at a "real" event - but maybe I'll give it a try anyway.... ) you will fit in at any event !!

80 miles isn't bad. I've got 135 miles to a 350' vertical hill, and 260 miles to a 500' hill. You've got it good! :D

Weren't you at SES a few years ago? I think we met, you were on a pink Donek. Maybe I'm getting you confused with someone else...

I have been to SES twice - in '08 when I bought the pink Donek, and again in '11 when I was riding a blue flame Coiler. Just afraid the 'cooler online' principle might apply. :)

Yeah, Corey - I've been totally spoiled. I don't know how you guys with the mega commutes do it. :biggthump Don't think I ever would have learned how to carve if I'd had to travel that far.

OK, back to the 'real' world.... Got the house off the property, but it's just hanging out at the rodeo grounds in Jackson. We still have to move it the 80 miles to Pinedale, which we are aiming to do this Sunday. Two river canyons, one poorly designed round-a-bout, several construction zones and a medium sized mountain pass to go. Wish us luck.....

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I have been to SES twice - in '08 when I bought the pink Donek, and again in '11 when I was riding a blue flame Coiler. Just afraid the 'cooler online' principle might apply. :)

How could I forget the outfits changing every day? I didn't know there were that many 80's one-piece suits still in wearable shape! LOL! There's room for all kinds of characters at the events. Goodness knows there's a wide sampling of personalities! I've met lots of cool people at SES, and very few jerks like Fin. :p

I don't know how you guys with the mega commutes do it. :biggthump Don't think I ever would have learned how to carve if I'd had to travel that far.

It's the opposite out here. Few people, even fewer river valleys tall enough to snowboard/ski down. I also question why I do it, but yet I'm reading about snowboarding in the summer/fall so I guess I'll stick with it.

Good luck out there! Look for positives to the new location and you'll find them.

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