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8.9 EARTHQUAKE hits Japan and few large one earlier.


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Breaking news: Live on CNN 11.25PM YVR time - Tsunami hit in land of Miyagi. Hokkaido Island got hit too. The latest was 8.9 on the scale. http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474979131564

Do we know anyone live in Japan if they are ok?

Flywalker & wife Kaoru? I sent email but no reply...

Let me know,


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Watching this on the news right now(~4am EST), looks like they got hit pretty hard. It will be interesting to see if the US gets and Tsunami type damage from this too.

Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone invovled in this disaster.

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It was shaking pretty heavy. I work in a highrise office building on the 27th floor. My guess is that we swaying about 2-3 feet at the peak of the shaking. Not much damage here as we are about 600 miles or so away from the epicenter. I heard Tokyo is a mess and Up north along the coast is real bad. Sad situation. Just heard the nuke power plants may have some trouble. Hope that is brought under control quickly.

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Do we know anyone live in Japan if they are ok?

Flywalker & wife Kaoru? I sent email but no reply...

I was wondering the same...posted in the "corduroy in Japan" thread though. The footage is eerie. Thoughts are with all you there...

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It was shaking pretty heavy. I work in a highrise office building on the 27th floor. My guess is that we swaying about 2-3 feet at the peak of the shaking. Not much damage here as we are about 600 miles or so away from the epicenter. I heard Tokyo is a mess and Up north along the coast is real bad. Sad situation. Just heard the nuke power plants may have some trouble. Hope that is brought under control quickly.

A nine ... that's insane. I was in a 6.5 in Tokyo in the eighties and that was a pretty impressive shake ... I can't even imagine what a (9) would be like. The nuclear power plants thing sounds really scary. I hope things get under control quickly. The photos of the damage are very intense, particularly considering how well prepared Tokyo is for these kinds of events.

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And they consider 6.6 in Nagano moderate here :eek:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12709598

BC Tsunami advisory remains:


Still no reply from Flywalker...



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Yah, I just saw a video from England with a raw footage of the tsunami from bird's eye... omg. I'm feelin' for those Japanese folks who got caught in a tsunami, man. I could see some vehicles were "moving" as if they didn't know a tsunami was coming from behind at a very fast pace. -shudder-

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Still no reply from Flywalker...


Fingers crossed. He's likely fine, but they might very well have no internet access, and their cell connections will be swamped. Some of my friends in Chch were three days checking in after the earthquake there.

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State Emergency: Evacuation extended from 10km to 20 km in F u kushima

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="853" height="510" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/VIZUTKNBWRU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

BBC News:





It doesn't look good,


NOTE: Some how I can't type F u k u shima

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Japan government stated that the explosion was caused only by the reaction

between oxygen and hydrogen . And they also said that the radioactive capsule inside the building is still ok .

They are going to fill the capsule with sea water right now .It expected to be calm down ..

But I will go to the slope tomorrow morning ...:lol:

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Japan government stated that the explosion was caused only by the reaction

between oxygen and hydrogen . And they also said that the radioactive capsule inside the building is still ok .

They are going to fill the capsule with sea water right now .It expected to be calm down ..

But I will go to the slope tomorrow morning ...:lol:

Thanks for updating the good news. BTW Flywalker & wife Kaoru went trenchin right after replied my email yesterday :rolleyes:

Good to know u guys are ok, have fun.


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...and sorry for the rest.

Got to love Japanese spirit - everyone went riding, no disaster mode!

Now, if another one hits while you are on slope, what technique you apply? Same as riding bumps? Extended air time in transitions?

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My heart absolutely aches at the the tragedy that struck my people in northern Japan.

I am glued to the streaming news from Japan, and shudder to think the true scale of loss once authorities are able to reach those areas most heavily hit by the earthquake, tsunami & possible nuclear fallout. There are towns and villages that were completely wiped out, some with over 50% of the residents (10,000 plus people) missing in one single town.

I'm from near Kyoto & Osaka Japan, so my friends & family were not affected directly, but I hope that anyone with friends & loved ones in the affected areas are able to account for their loved ones and everyone stays safe.


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We are only supposed to get like extra 2.5 foot waves out of this..Smaller than what was forecast anyway.

All the extra currents screw up our breaks for a couple weeks though.

Out of everything that has just happened, this is what you post?


Gotta agree..... as you worry about the surf, keep in mind the thousands of lives lost, hundred of thousands of people displaced, 10 plus years of recovery & reconstruction before things return to how things were before Friday AM.

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Thanks a lot for all the warmest messages from Carvers to the country and the people.

We Japanese had problems in finding how our families were due to unavailability of phone lines till last night. It is becoming recovered everywhere except North East part of Honshu Island where rescue process is not much going on due to potential tsunami coming again.

The nuke plant shows some progress. The reactor with cooling problem is being cooled down by sea water (I do not know how things work though).

What I worry about the most now is missing people counting more than thousands.

We receive massive supports from overseas and we all appreciate and will never forget.

Best regards to all.

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Glad to know you're OK.

Peeps, if any are wondering, there are ways to donate to the relief effort. For one, the Salvation Army, which has had a presence in Japan for over 100 years. To help:

text JAPAN to 80888.

It's only a Tenner, but there's strength in numbers.

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