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Heard it in the lift line 10-11


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was his name "Mark"???
NO, Bret. Very cool kid. Loves to go very very big and thinks rockers are for skillless hacks. Power steering for the under privledged. We had a long talk. Very polite, educated and well spoken in the world of snowboard performance. Nice change from the bro bra pants on the ground park monkeys that dominate most areas this time of year. Very limited terrain and lots of blending of multiple skill levels. Interesting time of year to say the least. And man the SNOW is ROCKING! Most excellent conditions for late Oct!:biggthump

Think Snow!

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pleb: "is that a snowboard?"

i nod

pleb: "with ski boots?"

i shake my head

pleb: "oh ... you look really fast, and really smooth."

me: "thanks."

pleb's ski instructor: "that's similar to how snowboarding first was. actually carving a turn using the edge rather than pushing snow around and losing any momentum you had. it's great to watch, except when he wipes out on his heel edge."

i grin at the instructor and take my poma

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Yesterday a liftie chick told Big Mario:

LC "that's not a snowboard"

BM "yes it is"

LC "no it's not"

BM "yes it is"

LC "no it's not"

BM "yes it is"

This went on each time we got to the lift. I think LC had a bit of a shine for BM.


just showing the level of my maturity


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Yesterday a liftie chick told Big Mario:

LC "that's not a snowboard"

BM "yes it is"

LC "no it's not"

BM "yes it is"

LC "no it's not"

BM "yes it is"

This went on each time we got to the lift. I think LC had a bit of a shine for BM.


Definitely getting hit on there. What does Mrs. Mario think of this? :rolleyes:

JEZ HMMMMM. I remember 30 years ago the resorts wouldn't even let us on the mountain. We had to hike!

Yeah I have hear it all-and sometimes it really pisses you off. Frickin beaters..

Well, well, welcome there 10R I like the sound of that. ( or should we call you TenEr? do you sing?), Yes we have all had negative experiences at the hill.

Why don't you share some of the gems you have heard, as I don't know that I have heard it all, and currently I am not really pissed off.

This is where we try to rise above, or not I guess, the attacks, stupidity, ignorance, moronity and see the humor or ridiculousness of the situation and share a laugh.

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I guess you'd figure after 30 years I would become somewhat calloused.

last season I caught flack from a fellow boarder. He would not believe that what I was riding was a snowboard-but firmly believed it was a ski.

here's one from the 80's "what kind of board is that?" Its a Powder Board, I reply. "who makes it" We reply (my brother and I) "we do". "can you ride it" he asks. "of course we can, we made it". "It can't be any good if you made it" he says. "why not" we ask. "because you didn't buy it". So my brother and I after fastening in let him go ahead of us on this cat track that fed to a run at the end. My brother and I looked at each other as said "should we go-sure let's go" We caught him about half way down and passed him going at least twice his speed on either side of him. After we passed him we said "yup we made it"

bloodtypezx10r refers to my sportbike (Kawasaki ZX10r). I ride track days and instruct for a track day org. It's all about the turns baby!!!

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wish I had some of the wierd stuff from back then-that was a long time ago.

I do still have some snowboards that were prototypes for Park West ski area (now The Canyons) in Park City, Ut. that we made in about '89 (still have one that has never been mounted and one that went to Transworld snowboarder magazine) and still have a few earlier than that. Have left over from my second company (Backside snowboards) about 3-4 from the early '90's. Think I have around 13 or so still in very rideable condition. I'll see about some pics.

I have been seriously been thinking about making some new ones. New company name -Thirst...? for the third and first.

Maybe we should start a new thread...kinda off base here.

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I guess you'd figure after 30 years I would become somewhat calloused.

last season I caught flack from a fellow boarder. He would not believe that what I was riding was a snowboard-but firmly believed it was a ski.

here's one from the 80's "what kind of board is that?" Its a Powder Board, I reply. "who makes it" We reply (my brother and I) "we do". "can you ride it" he asks. "of course we can, we made it". "It can't be any good if you made it" he says. "why not" we ask. "because you didn't buy it". So my brother and I after fastening in let him go ahead of us on this cat track that fed to a run at the end. My brother and I looked at each other as said "should we go-sure let's go" We caught him about half way down and passed him going at least twice his speed on either side of him. After we passed him we said "yup we made it"

bloodtypezx10r refers to my sportbike (Kawasaki ZX10r). I ride track days and instruct for a track day org. It's all about the turns baby!!!

that's the spirit. me like. I have thought about making my own boards. glad to see you on here for sure. great history and one of the better thread jacks I could think of.

I know what a zx10r is. The only thing I have ever bought new was a GPz550 that I hot rodded the sh!t out of for several years. Raced motox, but never got on the track. well done.

And seriously Welcome. :biggthump


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Thanks Carvedog. I have deticated a lot of money, time and effort to this sport for a long time. I LOVE SETTING MY EDGE AND CARVING, it is the greatest feeling.

Always makes you feel good when you come upon one of those blank stare skiiers that stops you and says "That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen"

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Always makes you feel good when you come upon one of those blank stare skiiers that stops you and says "That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen"

Yeah, second that. Couple days ago I got props from a skiboarder practicing ballet at the Basin. The Basin outlawed ballet and skiboarding years ago but this one slipped through.:eplus2: "Beautiful carves" is hollered as he past me spinning like a top on his skiboards.:biggthump

Think Snow!

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Thanks Carvedog. I have deticated a lot of money, time and effort to this sport for a long time. I LOVE SETTING MY EDGE AND CARVING, it is the greatest feeling.

Always makes you feel good when you come upon one of those blank stare skiiers that stops you and says "That is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen"

Welcome to BOL zx10, It's nice to have another local chime in here.

I'm surprised we haven't met on the slopes of Schwietzer in the last few years. I would have stopped you to chat if I'd seen someone else with raichles & nitro stepins carving a volant. Send me an email thru my profile & lets meet up with the local carvers when the mt. opens, I'd love to ride with someone else that likes to carve the steeps.:biggthump

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  • 1 month later...

I took my boots in to be punched a couple of weeks ago.

The bootfitter guy turns the boot over and looks at it, and says "what kind of boots are these? I've never seen anything like these."

Me: "they're UPZ's. Snowboard hardboots."

Him: "snowboard hardboots? Wow, that's seriously old school."

Me: "actually, they're a year old."

He turns the boot upside down and says "what's this? Is this like a step in binding or something?"

Me: "or something. Yeah, step in binding."

Him: "wow! Uber old school!"

Me: "nah, they're a year old too."

Him : "well, guess I don't know s*&t then!"

When I picked them up, the guy on duty said "I was looking at these today. Four buckles and a power strap? That's a seriously beefy boot!" Yeah, tell my feet about it ...

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