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New to the carving scene. HELP!


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I've boarded for a number of years and I'm interested at getting set up with alpine board and such.

I've heard some threads about using flow bindings instead of conventional hard boot bindings?

I've also heard that you could use ski boots instead?

I'm definitely a confused beginner, anyone care to help me out?

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I've boarded for a number of years and I'm interested at getting set up with alpine board and such.

I've heard some threads about using flow bindings instead of conventional hard boot bindings?

I've also heard that you could use ski boots instead?

I'm definitely a confused beginner, anyone care to help me out?

Welcome! You've found the right place.

There are softy bindings that are better for carving then the thypical stuff you see on the hill, like FLow, Catek, some Burtons, Nidecker, some Ride, etc... However, I wouldn't put them on real skinny alpine board. Depending on your boot size, yoy would need something in 23+ waist width for softies and steep angles, or normal 25+ wide board for lower angles.

For "real" alpine feeling, go with a propper setup. Lots of good used gear in the classifieds, and if you posted your weight/height, riding style/experience and boot MONDO size, you'll get lots of suggestions from people and maybe some gear offers.

Ski boots, only if you know which model is suitable and willing to modify a bit. Do a search, I did lots of writing on that topic. Most of the members here would advice you against it, though. Probably better to go with real hard boots, except if you planning to switch back and forth between skis and board in the same day.

Try to hook up with Alberta crew to learn. Way easier then trying to figure everything out on your own...

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You're in luck. There's a whole underground carving crew in Calgary who might just be able to help you out. Where in Alberta are you?

What Allee said. There a few of us floating around Edmonton as well. Seeing as you have Louise down though I suspect you might be further south.

If you are in the area I have an old set of gear on Kijiji Edmonton. None of it performs anywhere near to modern gear and eventually you'd want to up grade every piece of it (starting with the boots). But it would get you going cheap. Look up Oxygen Freecarve snowboard on Edmonton area kijiji. Or drop me an email and I'll send you the link. Boots are about a mondo 28.



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If you're in the Calgary area, you could try showing up Monday nights at COP, probably not up to gates right away but there are people you could meet and I'm sure advice to be had: link.

In mid-January a bunch of us are getting together to ride at Nakiska and one other hill TBD, link here. Beginners definitely welcome there!

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Wow, thats a quick response. Yea I'm in Calgary too.

I'm 5'5, 150lbs, boot size is 25/26. I've been a boarder for a while now and just getting bored with softboots. I just want to carve alot harder and go a hell fast.

Any recommendations on gear? I have flow bindings already, but I'm thinking that I'll just go with the proper gear.

Monday nights at COP sounds great as long as its cool for beginners. I think I could catch on pretty quick though.

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Probably the easiest thing for you to do is to drop us a line when the season gets underway at Nakiska (early Dec). We have a bunch of floater gear that we can use to get you out on the snow, and teach you the basics. There's a ride board on here that we post on when we're going out, and some of the crew are at Nakiska pretty much every weekend.

About the only thing you'll need is some boots. We can cover a board and some bindings no trouble. The best place to find boots is probably in the For Sale here ... if you come up with something suitable we can help get them set up for you on your first day out. Make sure you read the FAQ's on boot sizing ... give yourself a fighting chance of getting the right size.

On a good weekend at Nakiska we'll have 8-10 carvers out there, so it's a good time. And we're always happy to convert people to the dark side. :biggthump

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Thanks guys you are being a huge help. I've been looking at a couple different boards and boots that I'm probably going to get.

However, for bindings, I was looking at a used pair of TD1s, is that something that I should be interested in? And that the heck is the difference between different degrees of cant?

There is no such thing as a stupid question right? Right?!?!:biggthump

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Jack's links:




Another good one:


TD1s are very sturdy, but are quite stiff and can damage boards not meant to handle plate bindings. I had a set for my first bindings and they treated me well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Jack's links are actually in his sig. If he's set up not to see sigs, as am I, he may have missed them.

Good God man, I didn't even know that was an option. Learn something every day.

Hey guys,

Thanks for all the help, I'm all geared up and ready to go.

One more question, any recommendations on wax? Thanks

Well.....what did you get?

About the wax - volumes have been written on just this very topic. Are you planning on doing this yourself? Or just curious about brand, temp range etc? If you have not waxed your own stuff before I would contact a shop, get a rec on wax and pay them to show you how to wax if possible. Doing it wrong will kill a board base ( for speed anyway ). Doing it right means you get to smoke everyone on the cat roads and flats. Such a good feeling when you pull onto a cat road and you can see the skier ahead acknowledge that you are there, they then relax ( reading their thoughts 'oh it's Just a slowboarder') and about five seconds later you come around them like a low altitude cruise missile - their only clue that you were coming was the flapping of your jacket..........

I tend to use a 10F to 20F temp rated wax for my all around use. Lower elevation resorts will tend to be warmer. Higher elev = colder.

Where and when are you riding and what elevation? Also forecasted temps will help to get closer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I'm looking to get into the scene too. Still looking for gear, but I'd be up for going out to ride once I find some.

You're in luck that there's a good local crew. Check out the Ride Board part of the forum, we usually post when we're going to be out and about. if you want to try before you buy, we can probably help you out.

What do you guys recommend for tuning the edges on my board. I've googled it but that gives you so many different options.

I got my 158 RT if that helps narrow it down.

If you have no idea what you're doing, I'd recommend a shop. if you want to learn how to do it yourself, and properly, then look up the U of C Outdoor Recreation programs and enrol in a ski and snowboard tuning class. For $100 you get a fun night in their workshop with all the toys, a free base grind for your board, and instruction from some pretty good techs.

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What do you guys recommend for tuning the edges on my board. I've googled it but that gives you so many different options.

I got my 158 RT if that helps narrow it down.

A lot of ski stores, especially the one ski racers use, run tuning clinics at this time of year.

I think most people run 87 side, and 0.5/1.0 on the base. A factory base bevel may be more. You really don't need to mess with the base bevel unless the board has had a base grind. You just debur it after sharpening the side bevel.

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