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trash talking.............?


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haven't been on HB long enough, haven't been snowboarding long enough but I see more and more trash talking on BOL.

Really, why so and what a point? Hard to be nice today for some?

Hard for some hones people too but really HB word is so small and still you take time to share less positive or just not friendly opinions.

BOL it's great forum, great to me so lets not make it to trashy.

(PS it's my late night honest talking, maybe to myself:freak3:)

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There are going to be times when people with little to no experience on a topic post about it. To help keep accurate information being communicated they are occasionally called out on it. Examples would be Photodork, Dave ESPI, AR and of course SBS. It is a self policing of sorts, it is necessary if this forum is to have any informational value.

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haven't been on HB long enough, haven't been snowboarding long enough but I see more and more trash talking on BOL.

Really, why so and what a point? Hard to be nice today for some?

Hard for some hones people too but really HB word is so small and still you take time to share less positive or just not friendly opinions.

BOL it's great forum, great to me so lets not make it to trashy.

(PS it's my late night honest talking, maybe to myself:freak3:)

+1 Seems like it should be possible to discuss/express differing opinions without teeth & claws and personal attacks. Anyone needing a dose of attitude could always head on over to TGR. This forum seems much better suited to well reasoned and insightful comments, such as.... Neil's!? :lol:

But then - silly me - I do this snowboarding stuff for fun. :rolleyes::p:ices_ange:smashfrea

OK, back to my corner. :lurk:

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two ravens,

I speak my mind often, I'm all for chats and talks, opinions exchanging.

More or less sometimes we just forget that we are all people and we should manage to talk without all the "dude" and "brrrrrrrr", things.

Snowboarding it's fun and only sometimes forum gets fire up. Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's wooow -OK. Only sometimes.

Just saying, "sometimes" some should leave gloves at " somewhere else". Sometimes. :cool::rolleyes:

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bomber is actully quite civil for an internet forum.

I guess it's that time of the year... It's getting colder. Putting away my summer toys. jonesing for some snow.

Last time I was on a board was back in March!! real memory start to fade and false memory start to take over that I am the greatest :)

Until oldman winter kick in and put the smack down on me... Then humble pie is serve and the cycle start again.



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There are going to be times when people with little to no experience on a topic post about it. To help keep accurate information being communicated they are occasionally called out on it. Examples would be Photodork, Dave ESPI, AR and of course SBS. It is a self policing of sorts, it is necessary if this forum is to have any informational value.

My Experience is thus...

Taken by our son last season to celebrate 25 years of Carving

Downhill Run at Milk

2nd time in HB's in 25 years

Isolation Plate experiences: Late 70's or early 80's Took 1 run from Sundeck on Aspen Mt. to town, down Spar on a Snowster

also at Milk in 86 took 1 run on a thing some guy from Switzerland asked me to try when he saw me carving my snowboard

It was like the snowster but had two skis instead of two twin hulls...Pic of a Snowster included thanks Bryan!

I added Booster straps to my Elite 150 so I could Carve it, I make my 3 strap bindings now so I can Carve the way I want

to say I do not have experience or do not understand the Dynamics involved to Carve a Snowboard or comment about an

Isolation plate is of course a Lie...

I started Snowboarding 26 years ago when I was 38 years old after Surfing all my life and Skateboarding most of it plus

Skiing up until I started Carving...I came to Bomber with ONE thing in mind...to share my Love and Experiences about Carving

The so-called notion of having an agenda to try and push people here to convert back to SB's is totally absurd...HB's are

better at Carving on very steep pitches and for Racing at speed of that I have no Doubt...I wish the best to all here

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My Experience is thus...

Taken by our son last season to celebrate 25 years of Carving

http://www.youtube.com/watch? The Downhill Run at Milk is a Black

2nd time in HB's in 25 years

Isolation Plate experiences: Late 70's or early 80's Took 1 run from Sundeck on Aspen Mt. to town, down Spar on a Snowster

also at Milk in 86 took 1 run on a thing some guy from Switzerland asked me to try when he saw me carving my snowboard

It was like the snowster but had two skis instead of two twin hulls...Pic of a Snowster included thanks Bryan!

I added Booster straps to my Elite 150 so I could Carve it, I make my 3 strap bindings now so I can Carve the way I want

to say I do not have experience or do not understand the Dynamics involved to Carve a Snowboard or comment about an

Isolation plate is of course a Lie...

I started Snowboarding 26 years ago when I was 38 years old after Surfing all my life and Skateboarding most of it plus

Skiing up until I started Carving...I came to Bomber with ONE thing in mind...to share my Love and Experiences about Carving

The so-called notion of having an agenda to try and push people here to convert back to SB's is totally absurd...HB's are

better at Carving on very steep pitches and for Racing at speed of that I have no Doubt...I wish the best to all here

A little respect is definately in order. Bob has been around riding softies (carving) better than a large percentage of plate riders that ride race decks that are active here on BOL. He has more surf/ski/snowboard experience accrued then most of you could ever dream of and he has a history in each of those respective sports that is noteworthy but, you would never know it from him, he is a very modest and genuine man. Ever wonder who grassrooted the effort that granted us (snowboarders) access to Ajax, thank Bob! The man has skills, and I am very pleased to know him and call him a friend. Show some respect.

Think Snow!

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There are going to be times when people with little to no experience on a topic post about it. Examples would be Photodork, Dave ESPI, AR and of course SBS.

I am really disappointed that anyone would consider SBS in anything close to the same group as Photodad, AR, and of all people ESPI. I'm glad others before me have defended that very fact.

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I came to Bomber with ONE thing in mind...to share my Love and Experiences about Carving

SBS went out of his way to offer encouraging words to this struggling new carver, and then left sweet lines for inspiration - definitely one of my best memories from SES 08.

Thanks for the stoke softbootsailer! Hope I can make it back to your neighborhood next SES....

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SBS went out of his way to offer encouraging words to this struggling new carver, and then left sweet lines for inspiration - definitely one of my best memories from SES 08.

Thanks for the stoke softbootsailer! Hope I can make it back to your neighborhood next SES....

is beyond 'way cool'.

Your comments have always been well taken and always appreciated by this old boarder, SoftBoot. And if the Black Chicken of Death speaks well of you, you're OK by any criterion.

A carve's a carve - on a Waimea gun, a Doyle Soft, a Morey Boogie, a Prior slalom, or a 'knock-off' twintip in softies. If you have the moves, you deserve the props - regardless of the tool you choose.

Hope to see your styling someday.

Keep on dancin'.


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I am really disappointed that anyone would consider SBS in anything close to the same group as Photodad, AR, and of all people ESPI. I'm glad others before me have defended that very fact.

I don't think anyone does to that extent, just used them as examples.

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I look at this thread and I remember lots of taunts aimed at hardbooters, still being aimed as far as I'm concerned.

As this used to be a hardbooters site but is currently in flux (things change) let's just get our facts straight...

BTW Dave Espi is an infectiously nice guy who spends his winters spreading the word, none of which concern the persuading of hardbooters to take up softbooting...

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I look at this thread and I remember lots of taunts aimed at hardbooters, still being aimed as far as I'm concerned.

As this used to be a hardbooters site but is currently in flux (things change) let's just get our facts straight...

BTW Dave Espi is an infectiously nice guy who spends his winters spreading the word, none of which concern the persuading of hardbooters to take up softbooting...

Really, read it again...

If you lived here and actually fought for years to get the Mountains open to snowboarding

you would understand the pressures to try to get the Carvers off the hills or on Isolated

runs..that pressure has never gone away. Events like SES are great for sharing the stoke

but always right after that event there are calls to regulate the Carvers somehow...I make ruts

myself by the way :- ) so READ it Again an understand what it says please!

Every time I spend a day Carving around Aspen Mt. someone says, " they should not allow You up here "

When you are out numbered 1000 to 1 you need to pay attention!

By the way the only people I ever ride with are all on HB's, I love HB's, SB's or no boots

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