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Cat in crawl space.


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Damn, got a curious cat in the house again!!

Suggestions on how to get this big guy out of the crawl space safely and humainly?

I have left him a way out and he is not going for it. Two days is best guess.

Food? It would be very hard to get to him. He is smart, very quiet and evidently likes to get up on my truck at night!!

Good time to get the dog I have always wanted? Trap and tuna? He is a big guy and evidently has all his claws!! Gray and very patient :)

Both sides and top of the truck look like this.



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squirt gun.
Ok, good. I will need one that shoots 20-30ft. Currently he is in the back corner under the black plastic. Good idea.

He evidently likes the sand, he is pooping and peeing up a storm!!

Without anything to eat, I hope that slows down. I don't want to have to crawl back in there to retrieve

his rotten body either!!!!\

Signed , parking outside for now.

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Fresh Salmon or Catnip? they do go apes#$t for the stuff (both). A cat adopted me in similar fashion about 10 years ago. Showed up on my porch every night for 2 weeks making sorrowful mourning sounds until I let her in. Took her to the vet 1st of course and she handled the car ride well, so I thought, why not? Was on her best behavior for a few weeks and then settled right in, if you know what I mean. Just like a human, but no shared expenses or help with chores. She was great, nonetheless.

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Thanks for the advice. I got a large critter cage/trap and some salmon cat food, we will see how hungry he is after a couple days? Hopefully I can release him in the morning if he has gone for the food.

Perhaps tie a photo of my scratched truck and a note for him to share with his owners?

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<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmiigB85E20?hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmiigB85E20?hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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yeah he does seem like the cat i rescued who probably belonged to someone and got out... made my friend who's not allergic adopt her haha

PS dude..your voice....all calm and even like.... you have one of those voices that could be on audio to help people go to sleep LMAO

my yoga teacher had a voice like that and some people in class would literally conk out and start snoring hahaha

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Aw, poor guy! I'd like to know what his story is ... he seems way too calm to be stuck there by accident. I'd lay money you'll see him again pretty soon.

My two lived in the laundry crawl space for about two weeks after I bought Jazz the dog home. Perfectly happy, apparently. Go figure.

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It's unlikely he'll come back once you release him. Cats remember places they dont like. Caught a biggie in my basement, would not let me touch the trap! Had to turn it on end and rattle him down to the bottom. When I opened it he sprang out like a jack n the box, scared the hell out of me!


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Ouch, sorry about your truck. He looked so cute in the trap it's hard to believe he did all that damage...(I have the sound in the video off because I'm at work -- maybe he doesn't sound as nice as he looks?). Anyway, good work bagging him without getting clawed up.

Now that you've got him immobilized, you need to make sure that he never wants to come back:

<img src="http://www.wtfd.us/events/dept_events/training/fire_attack1.jpg"/>

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Cat deterrents. A long time ago in the UK, we had a small black cat that was always getting beaten up by a large ginger Tom cat that lived nearby. One day my wife (now ex) heard a commotion in the house and found the Tom had come inside to bully our cat. She chased him, and he went out the cat flap.

That weekend I set the cat flap for enter only. Sure enough we were disturbed by the sound of cats fighting in the house. With his exit blocked, I threw a large towel over the Tom, and grabbed him. Well wrapped in the towel, and with only his head poking out, I took him to where our cat was cowering. I then took him to the kitchen sink and put his head under the tap (not quite water boarding). I went back and forth a few times between our cat and the sink. I growled, and snarled at him a lot to complete the experience. My wife set the flap for exit, and I let him go. After that, he wouldn't come anywhere near our yard, let alone the house, and our cat recovered from his wounds in peace.

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I was gone part of the day, returned with the cage and cat food around 11pm or so. Set the trap around midnight. Decided to check it rather than wait till Wednesday. 3AM, BINGO. He was already caught and had cleaned out the can. So, he did not have to spend very much time in the cage. I suppose in some ownership way they might be responsible for the damages. If it was a new car I would be allot more upset. Hopefully it will polish out out at least a little bit? It is pretty bad. I knew looking at the scratches this was not a small cat.

My guess is he is one of several that prowl the property regularly. They set off proximity lights. I think they like the sand and gravel. My garage floor has not been poured yet and that is probably what he was originally after. It had rained hard and he was looking for dry sand (litterbox). I am not really too happy about this either.

A year ago, a cat got into the remodel project. Didn't know she was even in there until I got a note on the door. Another story, fortunately "Boots" was returned to her 95 year old owner. She cried and hugged me and thanked me again and again and again. Memories of that day linger, I can only home this big guy has as kind an owner.

Me, not so much a cat guy. Loved dogs since I was little, they were my best friends in the back woods of Minnesota.

This guy is pretty impressive, he bolted from the cage into the night in a big hurry. I have video of the release too. Bryan

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