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UPZ boots


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The UPZ boots are on sale and my banker, aka the wife, has given her blessing to buy a pair rather than new liners. I heard somewhere about the DIN soles ripping out of the toe on these boots. Otherwise they seem to be really cool. Does anyone have any feedback on these? Since I don't ski I don't know if this is a non issue anyway.

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I have been very happy with my UPZs. They fit my feet better than either family of Raichle's boots.

I use step-ins, and I used T-nuts to hold the heel pieces in. I've had no issues, and am pretty hard on my gear. (I broke a lot of bindings before switching to TDs, and broke some boards before and after...)

If I used regular bindings, I'd T-nut the fronts as well.

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If you use the search function you'll find a lot of info. Some found them more comfortable than Raichle due to the width difference, others did not like them because of the height of the heel inside the boot. The usual results for an internet forum, but good information for someone considering a purchase.

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I love how they fit my feet. Narrow heels and medium to wide toes. They stopped a chronic heel lift problem I just couldn't fix in Deeluxes. The buckles have a very satisfying "snap" when closing them, unlike the vague "mush" of Deeluxes.

That said, they have quirks. The buckles line up funny, the ankle one is obviously under stress and apparently fails fairly regularly. The range of forward flex is small compared to a Deeluxe with Bomber's rocking BTS. The 'short' sole isn't much shorter than a Deeluxe and it can make binding adjustments a huge pain - especially on Bomber bindings. The foot pads are hard plastic and the bolt heads for the toe pieces stick out past the plastic, you have to be way more careful walking in the lodge or on concrete. It can be a pain to get the right tension on all 5 buckles, I often would tighten the ankle buckle and then have to adjust the midfoot one as it was now flopping around.

The RC-10s are stiffer laterally than the 2007 white/red Track models. That's up to you to decide if that's better or worse.

If you need them to fit your feet, they're nice. If you don't need them, I'd personally stick with Deeluxe.

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I switch from Deeluxe to UPZ last year.

I had a pair of raichle that were getting old. I went to try the new deeluxe 700 but for some reason they always felt too big around the ankle. I have a narrow ankle and heel.

So I found a great deal on a set of new UPZ RC-10.

you can read my review here


the only thing I will add is to use blue locktite on all the screws they tend to lossen very fast.

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I went back to UPZ for the fit.. the heel stays much more in place . I went with custom liners and the fit was even better.. but I would say... Fit UPZ.. quality and mechanics would go to Deelux hands down.. If UPZ would change the buckle positions to be more flex inhibited then I would say its a draw.. but I think the UPZ still has a ski boot buckle placement and doesn't understand the Alpine snowboard boot requirements of flex and buckle placement and what it needs to do..

Just wish someone would get it right.. but the delux is more right that the UPZ but the fit is a big issue for me and heel lift.. finnaly I don't have that and just made the flex and binding lift adjustments to compenstate for the flex inhibiting.. buckles are in the way in my mind .. but agian I did the lift adjustment and now my feet feel good .. havent' had that in a long time..


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also contemplating upz's. the price is tempting, though i'd really like to hear more about the atb prior to pulling the trigger.


Last season the YVR Carvers grabs 3 of the RC10 & they r in 3 sizes.

Cheq here http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=30774 this coming Sat as the carvers are coming for longboard gathering and we can bring 'em for u to try.



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One note of caution - they are very hard to get when cold into if you have high arches.

I tried them on at home and they were a bit of a tight fit bot not a real problem.When I got to the mountain they were simply impossible to get on.

The folks at Elite Feet heated them so I could get them on and I ended up buying a heated bag to keep them warm between house and slopes. Getting them off is sometimes painful but so far always possible.

Once on I much prefer them to the Heads I used previously.

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Amen to that in regards to the high difficulty of inserting feet into them boots. However, over like... 6 years or so, my boots has "warmen" up. However, I'm already considering purchasing new UPZ boots since I've been using the red ones for a very long time. Yes, I ski exclusively and do use 'em for hardboot occassionally. I used to use 'em when I trained with Coach Sean of Team Copper. I miss that guy.

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They are not any harder to get on than any overlap ski boots...

As for the quality and design, they look like air-space piece of technology placed next to the poor Raichle/Deelux...

The heel block tucked deep under the heel is a real shlep...

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Which UPZ boots are you talking of? I have a new pair of UPZ RSV Superlights (the five-buckle ones). I haven't had time to use these much except in the snowdomes. I also have an old pair of UPS RX Machs. I have not had any toe problems. The UPZ do fit better than the older UPS. I think the RSVs will be popular. I think some of the older UPS boots gave a bad name.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Which UPZ boots are you talking of? I have a new pair of UPZ RSV Superlights (the five-buckle ones). I haven't had time to use these much except in the snowdomes. I also have an old pair of UPS RX Machs. I have not had any toe problems. The UPZ do fit better than the older UPS. I think the RSVs will be popular. I think some of the older UPS boots gave a bad name.

Hi Arjen... just a comment from another Mountainless other dutch colleague:ices_ange

UPZ MACH are ancient, and RSV are old and too stiff especially under lower temperatures. If you´re looking for modern stuff with proper inliners, then check for UPZ RC-10. The best on my feet; I´ve even banned the T700 by deeluxe to dust gatherers due to the RC-10:biggthump

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  • 3 weeks later...

dan will be carrying the atb (they should be on the site soon), though a review i read on an italian board made me a bit wary of how soft they are. granted i've no experience w/ the rc10, so have no point of comparison (i assume my ancient burton mgx's are on the soft side). They share the same shell regardless, so should fit the same.

on that note, how do the rc10's typically fit? i'm in between sizes (one foot 27.5, the other 28); curious which direction to go (27-27.5 or 28-28.5).

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get RC10s. they are a fantastic boot, and don't let anyone tell you other wise. t-nut the heel and keep an eye on all other hardware. put a dab of blue loctite on everything, including toe piece screws.you u can't expect anything to stay together. check you're hardware on everything, on the regular.

awesome fitting, and on the stiffer side for flex. buckles are great as well, micro adjustment gets them perfect. You will not be disapointed

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