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I don't see any advantage over ski boots.

Well, it is more a problem than disadvantage, but ski boots' sole length is just inapropriate for most skwal bindings if your leg is big enough. I am right on the edge (28.5 mondo) with most bindings I tried.

Anyway, I am so used to snowboarding with ACSS that I can't really tell if stiffening the boots would be beneficial for me. I like the way I can move front to back and absorb bumps using ankles. I guess I will have to try to remove the spring system and see if it feels any better (I can't really see how it could be more stable at speed - my SK200 is rock solid upto mach 3).

Interesting food for thought. :biggthump

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You are right!

I tried my friend's Xennon skis today (soft titanal/carbon recreational carver). However, I was in my Dalbellos, softened and BTSed for snbowbaording. While they worked great on the flatter runs and slow speed, I was all over the place on stepper and choppier... I even got worried that I might tweek the ankles.


On the side note, reading this thread, I got inspired to pull my Easy Jungle from storage and take it for a spin after 2 or 3 years. What a hoot!

I pretty much forgot how to set it and ride it and it took couple of runs... I changed binding setup every few runs. I established that it could be ridden in about 3 distinct techniques:

- Wider stance, small angle in front, splay at the back, bindings somewhat forward of the sweet spot, led to a "snowboardish" type of ride. Efficient, yet unconfortable for the rear hip and groin.

- Narrower stance, 90 front, 85 back, knee behind the knee, ahead of sweet spot, was pretty usable and didn't feel like a snowboard. Still some discomfort in the rear groin.

- Narrower stance, 90 front, 90 back, rear knee to the side of the front knee, on the sweet spot, didn't lead to any discomfort, pretty efficient (but I need to explore it more). Felt a bit like, ummm, skiing.

Some funny comments from people in the lift lines... See the "Heard in..." thread.

Stepping back onto a (wider) snowboard right afer, was a bit commical - I almost killed myself. It took me almost 2 runs to "relearn" the alpine.

Anyhow, it was fun, I'll ride it more often next year, I promisse :D


thanks for sharing your skwal tests and trials with different set-ups...very interesting indeed!...If I might add a comment is to try some modern skwals next year...do not care about brands or types...if you get a chance try some modern ones and compare with your Easy Jungle...you will be surprised "positively", I suppose.

Obi One

PS-this thread has hit on something very good...hope this trend would increase next year....

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try some modern ones and compare with your Easy Jungle...

The easy jungle would end up directly thrown in the bin i bet :AR15firin

These boards were not too bad 10 years ago to learn skwal but now the should be forbidden, they don't really show what a skwal can be (the SK200 was already a better one) ! :)

For those in the area you should consider next week event :


A bit too far from France unfortunately ;)

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I'm sure it's a "Burton Alp" of Skwals. Yet, Alp has very important rolle in alpine - it's great for learning, then it serves as ok all-mountain board later...

I was actually impressed that Jungle wasn't too upset by choppy conditions I rode it in. It plowed through happily and didn't bounce around.





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Ya, the Easy Jungle is still a go to board for me. Rode it today and it was super fun! Love riding that thing in the spring slop.

If you are going to get rid of an Easy Jungle please let me know, I would buy it in a heartbeat.

Nice pics Boris!

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I'm sure it's a "Burton Alp" of Skwals. Yet, Alp has very important rolle in alpine - it's great for learning, then it serves as ok all-mountain board later...

I was actually impressed that Jungle wasn't too upset by choppy conditions I rode it in. It plowed through happily and didn't bounce around.


I like the last picture, really cool... other skwal pictures around? or clips obviously?

obi one

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Thanks for the kind words, guys!

I like the last picture, really cool... other skwal pictures around? or clips obviously?

Yeah, the pics are clipped from 2 clips. However, my riding is so grotesque at this stage, that I'll rather show only the few momments of glory ;)

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Thanks for the kind words, guys!

Yeah, the pics are clipped from 2 clips. However, my riding is so grotesque at this stage, that I'll rather show only the few momments of glory ;)


the way you disengage (exit) the turns in the pictures shows that your weight is in the back...and the dynamics of it is clear by the pressure of the tail and the forward part of your skwal going up with no contact with the snow...good...most of the time you keep your arms simmetrical ...(except a single picture where you did not lined up)....arms are pushed forward...et the end of the turns...good. I just need a picture of the way you "engage" the next turn. In fact, one of the most diffcult processes is to move from your backward position (in the end of the turn) to enter the next turn...if you do it nicely ...well...then Zarkod is totally right ;)...and you might need to think to test and ride a modern skwal...but keep the easy jungle :ices_ange...

if you are interested go to skwal zone web site and check out the info about technique...you are on the right track...

also if you like go to my site "skwal club italia" and download this http://www.skwalclubitalia.it/English%20Tecnica-Skwal%20ADVANCED%20OK.pdf

PS - send around the clips! c'mon! we, skwalers, need more evidence!!!!

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Hey B, are you skwalin' with your Dalbello's or are you in Head's now? From the pics it looks like Head buckles... (I recognize the Head's are like CarveX/CRX and are the same shell minus din soles...just picked up a pair of CRX Freeride's cheap too). Anyway, great pics above! I have yet to try a skwal but is on my list...:D

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I knom, I know, arms flying, upper boddy inclination...

On the heel side I tend to have counter-rotation, in lot of turns...


yes! your pics sequence are important!! and informative...to avoid counter-rotation (either heel or toe side) think "motorbike turns"...think where are the arms when you turn with a street-motorbike...think about your body posture while turning with a bike...and counter rotation will progressively disappear...also, "charge" the skwal nose before your turn is completed...this will prevent counter rotation as well...

here are some of my pics about the arms positioning in the "lead" and

"disengagement" phases of skwal turns.





Also check out this clip and verify how I "exit" (or disengage) all turns...every time my right arm is not symmetrical with the left one...I loose balance and make errors...

Obi One

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For those who haven't seen many Sqwals in action before, I recently edited some follow-cam video of our resident Sqwal guy, Eric, from the local mountain (Whitefish, MT, USA). First one is from Feb, carving groomers on a Donek Sqwal replica; second is from May 8th hiking for late season turns on his "powder" sqwal.

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/y7Lf8OzGlcM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4PWs-n7UFOA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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I've watched "michelle 2010" and "first turns"...I whish I could feel and represent that freedom in my future skwal clips....thanks for your you tube memories... obi one

PS - skwal...not sqwal :)...but it does not matter that much...

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Hi all,

Just acquired a Lacroix SK200 with seabright bindings. The bindings themselves seem bullet-proof, though heavy. They are attached to board with non-standard pattern with 6 screws, my options for alternative set-up seems limited. Any thoughts on the seabrights? Or the Lacroix in general. Thanks in advance.


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