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me <-- :(

sprain AC joint -- doc said need about 3-6 weeks to heal.

Does it really take that long? what a bummer.

I was at Jay Peak Vt. It happen on the last day so I got tons of ridding in.

I was ridding Donek Razor with TD2 on the green slope OMG. It's a game changer for me. Doesn't feel like a board with wide waist.

Now most the easy tech doc make sense to me now. Something must click. Crossing through :1luvu:granted it's only on green/blue but I had the grin of life time.

I was stuck in the stage that my heel side turn is much stronger than my toe side. After first couple run on the razor; my toe side turn had catch up if not surpass my heel side. On couple rare occasion i felt the glove touch the ground(no i didn't reach for it :) ). It was quite unsettling.

The Donek 180GS was way too much board for me to learn on. The 176 razor is just perfect for me at this stage of development.

Oh yea the soft boot was what did me in... lol It was so cold up in jay i took refuge in the tree. It's fun to just mess around after couple day running laps on the hard goods. It feel like 3 feet of powder in Andre's Paradise.

Jay was blowing snow. Got a face shot of the mixture so my goggle is all ice up. It was so cold -20 with the wind howling. I didn't want to take my hand out of glove to clean the lens. So with impaired visibility; i went down hard on Ullr... kept on going till end of the day. Went to the ER and got X-ray and all is well. Nothing broke but hurt like hell.

Anyway just want to share this experience.

Happy holiday and be safe!!!



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Ow - heal well David! I popped out my shoulder on Thursday - no fun! Starting to feel like it is recovering though so I hope it doesn't affect my riding schedule.

Sounds like you were having an awesome breakthrough day though : that's awesome! Glad to see you got off that 180 GS board - I think you said it had a 14 Meter radius? It looked pretty stiff too ... That's gonna be a scary board to try and push around while you are still getting into things. Glad to hear you had a great time.

Is it me, or do people tend to get hurt while they are really just starting to take it to a new level. It seems to me that almost every time I have been hurt it was during a ripper run, where I was having a lot of fun. I guess that makes sense.

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Is it me, or do people tend to get hurt while they are really just starting to take it to a new level. It seems to me that almost every time I have been hurt it was during a ripper run, where I was having a lot of fun. I guess that makes sense.

then, or else the last run of the day when you are thinking "ok, one more run then I'm done"

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Wow, hope you heal fast. I feel your pain. I think it is best to make sure you are 100 percent before getting back on the board if not, you have a good chance of reinjuring it and you will be really sorry.

I broke my fibula in 4 places near the ankle last friday leaving a staff party and tripped on a curb. Not very graceful but I will be out of commission for at least 10 weeks. 6-8 of them with no weight on the foot. I saw the xray after surgery and it was all metal.

Have a great season.

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me <-- :(

sprain AC joint -- doc said need about 3-6 weeks to heal.

Does it really take that long? what a bummer.

I was at Jay Peak Vt. It happen on the last day so I got tons of ridding in.

I was ridding Donek Razor with TD2 on the green slope OMG. It's a game changer for me. Doesn't feel like a board with wide waist.

Now most the easy tech doc make sense to me now. Something must click. Crossing through :1luvu:granted it's only on green/blue but I had the grin of life time.

I was stuck in the stage that my heel side turn is much stronger than my toe side. After first couple run on the razor; my toe side turn had catch up if not surpass my heel side. On couple rare occasion i felt the glove touch the ground(no i didn't reach for it :) ). It was quite unsettling.

The Donek 180GS was way too much board for me to learn on. The 176 razor is just perfect for me at this stage of development.

Oh yea the soft boot was what did me in... lol It was so cold up in jay i took refuge in the tree. It's fun to just mess around after couple day running laps on the hard goods. It feel like 3 feet of powder in Andre's Paradise.

Jay was blowing snow. Got a face shot of the mixture so my goggle is all ice up. It was so cold -20 with the wind howling. I didn't want to take my hand out of glove to clean the lens. So with impaired visibility; i went down hard on Ullr... kept on going till end of the day. Went to the ER and got X-ray and all is well. Nothing broke but hurt like hell.

Anyway just want to share this experience.

Happy holiday and be safe!!!



Had a tough time reading this. am I alone?

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Thanks!!! Bobby it's me wrong island from ECES :)

I am just going to run for the next 2 weeks since I can't lift/squat/snowboard :(

Hahahahaaa:eplus2:... Wrong Island, I forgot that one.

You can do lunges and those types of squats. I think running might be a bit jarring for the first week. Take a week to rest and they see how you feel. Bet your doing good next weekend. Ice is your friend.

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hey, looks like we are in the same boat... if you read the thread "I got hit by a skier" this is what happened to me also on dec 18th. A grade 2 AC separation.

It all depends on the Grade of the separation, if it's a sprain it should be a grade 1 with no ligament damage or being thorned. So this is good news for you. Grade 1-2 are pretty easy to heal it's when you get past 3-4-5.

I started physio a week after and I'm already showing good improvement, so I have high hopes for a quick return. Make sure you keep on icing it several times a day ... limit the movement for the first week so the collar bone doesn't move too much and the ligaments can heal and then find a good physio that can help you so you don't loose Range of motion in that shoulder. Pills and beer also helped for the pain ;)

Heal fast and hope you get better soon.

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DO NOT GO RUNNING ! The shoulder needs to rest. you use a lot of muscles when running to keep your shoulders and arm up.the Jostling of up/down movement will be nearly unbearable. You risk tearing it more. I've done both my shoulders and you really need to use a sling, and rest it. when the swelling goes down, you want to get off the Ibuprofin ASAP. Eat lots of protiens and do range of motion exercises, but not load bearing.

You can snowboard in a few months, (hopefully in time for ECES) but it all depends on the severity.

You could be in for a long long 6 months of nursing it depending on how big the sepertion was.

I could not lift a 5 gallon pail of water for almost 9 months. :freak3:

Oh and don't do the cortezone crap.... its not worth it.

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Thank you all for the advice and encouragement!!!

Went to the ER so they just took some x ray, gave me a sling and prescription for pain med and send me home. I will see a ortho first thing next week.

This sucks.... no snowboard/gym. What am I to do with all these pent up energy? lol


So Sorry to hear about your injury and hope that you guys heal well and fast.



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