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Has the west coast spoiled anybody?

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I'm A Midwest rider and rode some good old east coast hard pack slash ice. I was at Heavenly on Sunday. Now I remember lots of days that were smiler or worse. I even remember taking one run and going back to the lodge. But it has been a long time since then. Or have I become soft or even spoiled because I go west every year. Sundays conditions could have been the norm back when I was learning and now I'm spoiled. Does anybody think the west coast spoiled Mideastcoasters?

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I used to ride in Tahoe alot, heavenly was one of my favorite spots. I can't stand icey conditions and the drive (4-5 hours) made it not worth it for me to go given the traffic and conditions. Having living in Colorado recently, I think I super spoiled now. I don't know what it is but the snow just seems to be softer (less icey) here than in Tahoe.

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Here's a hint, It's April

Schwietzer yesterday was cold chalky cord of the hero variety:eplus2:,

today theres 5 in. of fluffy snow, not mashed taters:p

We did have some ice during the dry spell in Jan.-Feb. the Madd bx stuck to it on the steeps.

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I've gotten spoiled (and picky) moving from the Mid-Atlantic to New England. Unless we hit a long dry spell, I now time most of my outings to snowstorms. You couldn't really do that in NJ or PA, unless you only wanted 1 or 2 days on the mountain per season. So, I guess not all Ice Coast riding is the same.

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I've gotten spoiled (and picky) moving from the Mid-Atlantic to New England. Unless we hit a long dry spell, I now time most of my outings to snowstorms. You couldn't really do that in NJ or PA, unless you only wanted 1 or 2 days on the mountain per season. So, I guess not all Ice Coast riding is the same.

NE conditions tend to be better?

I know damn well that if I lived on the EC where yall get the blue stuff...I'd not ride much. I don't care about ego or proving myself. I want to have fun, and hard scrapy noisty surfaces are not fun.

something funny though. A few years back at mammoth on a really hard day...I knwo I know no ice on the WC...but it was HARD. I was riding with headphones and carving like any other day. then my batteries died and I could hear the scraping and all of a sudden I couldn't carve anymore. talk about psyching out!

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I'd say yeah.

When I moved to Oregon from NH after high school, I thought "geez, Big-Bad Mt.Hood is gonna kick my ass". When I moved back east to NYC from Oregon, I thought "Geez, I'm gonna kick ass on these tiny little east coast mountains". Boy was I wrong. Moving back to the east coast was extremely humbling, I discovered I could no longer carve tight lines and had absolutely no confidence on ice. (I'd also taken a few years off from riding, so I was rusty on top of it).

I love riding the ice coast, but I'll take Mt.Hood, Copper or Aspen over the best the east-coast has to offer any day. But there's one thing about east coast riding has that is undeniable - it will make you a much better rider if you stick with it - so overall I'm glad I came back despite it all.

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We talk about this every season...

West coast guys face it us East coast riders are just better carvers, period:lol:

ok let the:boxing_sm begin

Fin I see u lurking, yeah we know you suck on ice.:freak3:

Our hero days out East are chalk days. You West coasters would call that ice and terrible conditions.;)


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Without a doubt ! After about a dozen western ski trips, I had absolutely no desire to ski on the EC any longer :(. That's why I started to board :eek:, needed a challenge. Then I seen someone on one of those 'long skinny boards' :confused: at Killington, the rest is history.

Never been west on the boards, I'm half afraid that I'll like it so much the same thing will happen, or I'll need to move.

Hopefully :biggthump I'll find out next year at SES.

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