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Political-Is Rush the voice of the GOP?


Is Rush the voice of the GOP  

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  1. 1. Is Rush the voice of the GOP

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Tex, you can't invoke Godwin's law in only the third post, you have to wait until the thread degenerates into name-calling :-) I think Rush is the current voice of the right only because he has the biggest audience, and has become the media's go-to guy any time a "republican" response is needed on whatever the current political media event is.

Most of the stuff I read and hear about him in the media is pure crap.

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the republican party doesn't have "A" voice, they don't have anything they stand for. They are nothing more than a bunch of warlords trying to hold onto power with little thought as to what to use that power for....I will be very happy when they finally have a goal instead of the crap they preach now

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Drug boy is not my voice. He's a f'in joke...of course the Liberal media loves him and likes to group us all in with his slightly-to-the-right-of-hitler crowd.

Most Republicans, Just like most Democrats, are moderates.

Liberal media.....just who would that be?

You can't mean Fox-owned by Rupert

You can't mean Clear Channel

You can't mean NBC, owned by the largest defense contractor in the US

You can't mean CBS, who's VP just called Obama the "most dangerous man in America"

I don't see any "liberal " media--I see a bunch of opportunists, looking to sell advertising, that have turned our "news" into infotainment.

That's why I listen to the BBC for my news....

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Liberal media.....just who would that be?

You can't mean Fox-owned by Rupert

You can't mean Clear Channel

You can't mean NBC, owned by the largest defense contractor in the US

You can't mean CBS, who's VP just called Obama the "most dangerous man in America"

I don't see any "liberal " media--I see a bunch of opportunists, looking to sell advertising, that have turned our "news" into infotainment.

That's why I listen to the BBC for my news....

I liked bomber a lot more when political conversations weren't allowed.

Are you really looking for an answer or just trying to start a fight?

here's a great place to discuss politics: (and a forum I no longer frequent because of said subject): http://www.tetongravity.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=22

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I liked bomber a lot more when political conversations weren't allowed.

Are you really looking for an answer or just trying to start a fight?

here's a great place to discuss politics: (and a forum I no longer frequent because of said subject): http://www.tetongravity.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=22

I'm not looking to start a fight, however, you've said all I need to know...


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to make it happen, and my son's gonna have to mature a lot, too, but if he's ready when it's time, and if I'm able, I hope he can spend at least a couple, if not all, his college years overseas.

The world view propounded by this country's sensationalized, buck-sucking commercial media, is so narrow, and so distorted, as to be a national disgrace!!

BBC, CBC, you name it - almost any non-US broadcast system (some obvious exceptions) will give you a more nuanced, insightful snapshot of the world than will ours. (I left out NPR, which amazes and often inspires me, simply because of its supposed liberal bias.)

Listening to, watching, reading almost any U.S. "news" source - you should "follow the money", check out the ownership, and check out the ownership's interlocking assets and interests, before you accept anything presented.

You wanna understand the world - travel it, touch it, feel it, watch it first-hand. Surrogate experience (media) can never give you that depth of insight or understanding. But if you must rely on second-hand info, seek out the most humble, esoteric, and far-flung media sources available.

As for the orally-flatulent Mr. Limbaugh and who/what he really represents - not worth the discussion!!

Bring on the Nanny State, dammit!! I wanna be "Mothered!"


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Hey, it was marked "political". You had the ample warning and the choice to participate or not.

I didn't say I don't want to participate in political discussions, I just said I liked bomber better when it was not allowed.

I'm not looking to start a fight, however, you've said all I need to know...


What exactly was your point, then? To point out that Rush is an idiot? Wow, insightful commentary. The guy is and always has been a douchebag. You, however, came off at first as a reasonably intelligent person, but your numerous political comments and inability to have a civilized conversation in regards to them have proven that you are no better. Just another opinionated windbag who is unable to listen or consider opposing viewpoints.

By the way, since you no longer snowboard, why do you continue to hang out on a carver's forum and only post when your Liberalism peaks?

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Rush is struggling and he's out of touch with true American conservatism....

Bring back William Buckley with a touch of Colin Powell and a pinch of Adam Sandler.

holy ****, I agree with Kent.

Guys like Buckley though I often disagree with them make a hell of a lot more sense than Rush.

The thing about Rush is he is pretty much talking the same points as the neocons and may not speak for conservatives but does speak for the republican party quite well. Even if they do distance themselves, they then apologize for it.

This brings me to another point, why is it they are promoting any idiot that is slightly brown or has a vagina in the party?

Are republicans stupid enough to think they will bring in people with cheap knock offs? Plenty of moderate women found Palin insulting. Now they have Steele who hurt Rush's feelings and apologized, who's big claim to fame before his stint as being a LT govenor was that his sister was married to Mike Tyson and he hangs out with Don King michael+steele2.jpg

lets not forget Piyush "Bobby" AKA "Kenneth the page" Jindal who likes performing exorcisms and changing his name so he sounds more white trash. This guy thinks that Papal decree should be US law.

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The reality is that for millions of Americans, Rush sets the talking points and gives them an opinion about things that they haven't bothered to look at independently. I often know what Rush was saying the day before, by the comments people are making at work. He may be an embarrassment to thinking conservatives, but he does fire up the base, as they say. It is this appealing to people's baser instincts, that makes the Republican party so distasteful.


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but if Many Republicans, myself included, don't recognize Rush as any kind of spokesman for us, how can you condemn all members of the party? I don't find Democrats particularly distasteful outside of Frank and Pelosi. :1luvu:

I even like alot of the ideas President Obama has - I just think his execution of his ideas has been hijacked by the professional politicians of his party.

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but if Many Republicans, myself included, don't recognize Rush as any kind of spokesman for us, how can you condemn all members of the party?

Because the Republican party panders to that constituency. The obvious example is the selection of Palin as VP candidate. That was purely for the Rush fans.


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Canadian Politics suck, but America always makes us realize how much worse things could be. I really hope there next few years foster some positive change. For you and us, we kinda depend on you.
we sure could use some positive change because if the last 60 days are an indication of more to come, we're screwed beyond comprehension
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we sure could use some positive change because if the last 60 days are an indication of more to come, we're screwed beyond comprehension

ohh please!

nothing has really changed as of yet except the handouts now actually have strings instead of being free money.

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ohh please!

nothing has really changed as of yet except the handouts now actually have strings instead of being free money.


We've tripled the national debt in 60 days, we've been told by Iran that being "nice guys" won't bring them to the table, violence has increased in Afghanistan, the market has tanked when economists say it couldn't go any lower, umemployment is at it's highest since the Great Depression and the richest investor in the world went public with his doubts yesterday.

I do support and pray for President Obama to make the right decisions, yet very concerned when he loses focus of the immediate priorities to spend an insane amount of money of pork projects.

Back OT. A characteristic of the Republican party which is unique is that members are self-criticial. Rush, Savage, Hannity, Coulter, Lewis, etc....all have their own views and generally are not afraid to voice it when they go against the party as a whole. I wish the same were true for the other parties, Democrats included.

The issues are:

Lower Taxes

Lower Government involvement / dependence

Freedom of choice

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