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Am I the only one who doesn't enjoy crowds?


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I've found that the majority of people who do stupid things on the mountain, do not take lessons. they're the ones who go out and think they know everything. they think that speed=skill, which it does not. they also think that if your riding greens you suck and if your riding the hard trails you're awesome.

as far as suing ski areas, the back of lift tickets pretty much protects the resorts from the stupid things people do at them. although i believe a certain amount of responsibility should lie within the resort. they should be concerned with safety, but unfortunately most of them are concerned with dollars. whetehr it's by allowing too many people on the mountain or selling all mtn lift tickets to people who don't have the skill to be on the whole mtn.

i think it basically comes down to conveying to people that skiing and snowboarding are fun life long sports, but can be extremely dangerous. i just don't know how to convey this message, because lots of people have a "it won't happen to me" mentality. perhaps a comprehensive booklet explaining the rules of the hill as well as consequences to certain actions given out to people before they get a lift ticket. make them read the booklet and take a little knowledge test afterwards, to prove they actually read it. i know this won't prevent the "awesome" people from acting stupid, but it will open the eyes of a lot of people to just how dangerous their actions can be.

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Maybe it should be considered a privalige to be able to ride and a license should be issued like a driver's license. You would have to be able to pass a test on saftey rules and show that you can stop and stay in control to graduate to steeper runs. Would have to have ski/board cops though.

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Scott, why do you always have to Over-Simplify everything :rolleyes:, that would be waaaay to easy ! I think it may have something to do with Common Sense ?


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I talk about safety every chance I get. With experienced riders, I still remind them to look uphill when appropriate.

I have found that expert riders still don't "get it" when I am giving clinics. Just last week we were doing a carving session and we were very busy. Every time we did a drill I would remind them very deliberately that we are very busy. Pick your time to "drop" and then look back uphill often to make sure that you still have your "window" to do the drill. Several of the people in the clinic got a good start, but a few turns later they would stop looking uphill altogether. We had several close calls that could have easily been avoided. Would a collision have been their fault? No. Could they have helped avoid it? Yes. Even these seasoned riders could not focus on two things (learning AND safety).

We also teach ALL instructors to review the code and incorporate it into their lessons every chance they can.

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At Schwietzer ski school safety & on slope ettiquete is always addressed. Instructors are not allowed to take students into either park untill they have gone through the "park safety class".

schite does happen, I watched Mrs. b0ardski get hit from behind by an out of control boarder while she was tele'ing slowly on an otherwise empty green run. It is very unsettleing.

I've stopped many times to tell people to move out from under blind rollers:smashfrea

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One safety faux-pas I often see is when a group of friends is gathering on the side of the slope, the new arrivals in the group will sometimes gather uphill of their (allready stopped) companions, rather than stopping below them downhill. If you stop uphill and blow out your slide, you're gonna take out everyone below you. If you stop downhill and screw up ... no biggie.

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Half way down Buckskin the other day and see class ahead going side to side.

Shut it down and pull completely over to the side of run to wait them out.

I am on my knees looking uphill on a run that is 120 ft. wide, now uphill I see

two of the visiting Eurocarvers coming down at speed with nice turns and all

when they both come straight at me and crank big backside carves less than 20 ft. away from me at apex...They were showing me how good they are!

Actually this proves my theory that carving is so simple that stupid people

can do it too!:smashfrea:smashfrea

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...when they both come straight at me and crank big backside carves less than 20 ft. away from me at apex...They were showing me how good they are!

ZOMG! 20 feet?? I'm surprised you didn't die of fright.

Right, that's it, when I'm on the hill I shall demand that everyone stay at least fifty feet away from me. Especially those carver types.

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Im sure a few of us have seen kids monkeying around and spraying other kids(and moronic adults) sitting on the hill (and yes I too am not immune to this practice) But all it takes is one over calculation for the edge to slip out and we become sliding missles straight for someone and take them out. I can understand the fear in the carvers mind with such at more than 20 mph it is indeed intimidating, but also seriously stupid.

I beat it into the students heads to fall in below the group when I have lessons, but there is always ONE who can't grasp this and they tend to run into another student (or myself) or cause the group to have to move quick to avoid their path of terror..... and they laugh about it.


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Guess whose fault this was. Though he shouldn't have stopped where he did it is your responsibility to be in control. What if he had fallen there instead of just deciding to stop? Would that have made the situation any different?

I have skied / snowboarded for 40 years and have never collided with another person - and that's no accident. Good thing the other person didn't get an attorney. As I read your account, it sounds like you have the entitled attitude. You are the type of person that ski areas would like to get off their slopes. 210 lbs going 50 mph over a blind rise? You have a gripe?

Sorry you probably aren't as aggressive as me. Sorry I don't enjoy going back and forth at 20-30mph all the way down the hill. I'm also sorry if I stick to the advanced trails, sorry I choose to go really fast when there is very little people on the slope.

What drop off isn't blind? they all are...they wouldn't be a drop off if you could see below them. you expect me to have a spotter for every drop off there is? I would need 20 of them waiting for me all over the trail.

I'm an aggressive rider, I am very respectful of other people and never cut them off. I am not about to sacrifice what I love doing to tailor to the safety of idiots going down the wrong trail. A guy waiting at the bottom of a drop off on an advance slope is a moron, I feel no remorse for injuring him because it was completely his fault. Same thing if somebody slams on their brakes on the highway. Although rear-ending somebody is only seen one way in the eyes of the law, you can't just park you car in the middle of the highway.

I do not even think about doing these on blue slopes, or any slope that is remotely crowded. Also, I would think you would be wise enough in your old age to notice your attack on my riding was just a pathetic vehicle for an attack on my arrogance.

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Sorry you probably aren't as aggressive as me. Sorry I don't enjoy going back and forth at 20-30mph all the way down the hill. I'm also sorry if I stick to the advanced trails, sorry I choose to go really fast when there is very little people on the slope.

What drop off isn't blind? they all are...they wouldn't be a drop off if you could see below them. you expect me to have a spotter for every drop off there is? I would need 20 of them waiting for me all over the trail.

I'm an aggressive rider, I am very respectful of other people and never cut them off. I am not about to sacrifice what I love doing to tailor to the safety of idiots going down the wrong trail. A guy waiting at the bottom of a drop off on an advance slope is a moron, I feel no remorse for injuring him because it was completely his fault. Same thing if somebody slams on their brakes on the highway. Although rear-ending somebody is only seen one way in the eyes of the law, you can't just park you car in the middle of the highway.

I do not even think about doing these on blue slopes, or any slope that is remotely crowded. Also, I would think you would be wise enough in your old age to notice your attack on my riding was just a pathetic vehicle for an attack on my arrogance.

LOL, well Bryan, I hope for your sake that the plaintiff's lawyer for the next guy you hit at full tilt doesn't print this out and make you read it on the witness stand.... :rolleyes:

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Im sure a few of us have seen kids monkeying around and spraying other kids(and moronic adults) sitting on the hill (and yes I too am not immune to this practice) But all it takes is one over calculation for the edge to slip out and we become sliding missles straight for someone and take them out. I can understand the fear in the carvers mind with such at more than 20 mph it is indeed intimidating, but also seriously stupid.

I'll confess to doing this to my own kids about a month ago. Horsing around, came in for a tight carve and ended up knocking both of them right out of their skis. Bad dad award on that day for sure.

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LOL, well Bryan, I hope for your sake that the plaintiff's lawyer for the next guy you hit at full tilt doesn't print this out and make you read it on the witness stand.... :rolleyes:

he would have never sued, I was trying to get him to catch his breath after I hit him, and I was about to carry him down to the base. All he kept saying was how sorry he was and he was asking me if I was alright. I don't think he had any thought of suing.

Yes that would suck though lol.

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maybe that's where I get it from lol, that list is pretty fun and sadly somewhat accurate.

All populated area's are like that though. I honestly have to adapt to NYC driving and put all my jersey driving abilities on sport mode.

Major cities are usually far worse then jersey.

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maybe that's where I get it from lol, that list is pretty fun and sadly somewhat accurate.

All populated area's are like that though. I honestly have to adapt to NYC driving and put all my jersey driving abilities on sport mode.

Major cities are usually far worse then jersey.

I used to go to NYC on my motorcycle during rush hour for fun on my days off - it was effing insane but suuuuuch a rush. I have a daughter now so I certainly don't do that anymore.

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he would have never sued, I was trying to get him to catch his breath after I hit him, and I was about to carry him down to the base. All he kept saying was how sorry he was and he was asking me if I was alright. I don't think he had any thought of suing.

Point being, you didn't know any of that until after. Could've been a brain surgeon with an eggshell skull you took out.

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Point being, you didn't know any of that until after. Could've been a brain surgeon with an eggshell skull you took out.

Could have, but it wasn't, so everything is fine. Try not to picture me as a wreckless ******* with no concern of others, because that is not the case at all. If it had been a kid or a woman I would have found a way to move my body with no regard for my own safety. I am not some novice that goes straight down the hill, I am almost always on an edge controlling myself where ever I go.

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I don't like crowds. We're trying to fit big, long lines around moving 'tetris blocks'? I don't think so. When it's crowded, I stick more to the fall line, and keep more speed to zip around people. I only carve completely across the hill when it is quiet enough to watch behind me.

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A guy waiting at the bottom of a drop off on an advance slope is a moron, I feel no remorse for injuring him because it was completely his fault.

When you make that statement...

Try not to picture me as a wreckless ******* with no concern of others, because that is not the case at all.

You've already proved you're reckless.

Consider this: What if, instead of someone who had sat down on the other side of the drop-off, it had been someone who had fallen and was unable to move out of the way quickly enough to avoid your inconsiderate self.

Buy a clue.

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Well I got plowed today by a straightliner, the run had a bit of a flat part followed by a drop, so I was going straight on the flat part no one around me to build up speed and enter my first carve on the drop and WHAM...

Not even an apology. So besides a stiff shoulder and back Ive also got a half-inch chip in my sidewall. :(

Oh yea not to say it ruins the rest of your day as everytime I heard the wsssshh of a straighliner I pulled the brakes.

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When you make that statement...

You've already proved you're reckless.

Consider this: What if, instead of someone who had sat down on the other side of the drop-off, it had been someone who had fallen and was unable to move out of the way quickly enough to avoid your inconsiderate self.

Buy a clue.

I'm a risk taker, what can I say. I'm such an evil person for getting air on blind drops. Thousands of runs doing just this and I run into a person, on a barron slope, which was for advanced riders no less. Excuse me for being so inconsiderate, I'm off to kill some orphans.

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