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Two bone head moves ......


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Started off this last Saturday by absent mindedly adjusting the intec cable in my boot cuff while on the chair. Uncontrolable laughter from the lady on the chair behind me when my board springs off my boot and hangs twirling on the end of the leash (thank god for the leash!)

Then teaching a never-ever lesson in the early afternoon, I'm showing some kids the curling up and rolling on to your back to save your ass maneuver when I skewer mine on the rear intec receiver. Fortunatley, no blood, but I had to check after the lesson to be sure. Just a wicked bruise on the cheek.

:o :o :o

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this weekend I took out 3 jibbers sliding into the lift line. I spun around backwards and took 'em out like bowling pins. I said "sorry"... they said "nice board!".

I slid into an empty lift line, only to find out the space between the railings was less than the length of my board.. couldn't get completely sideways, almost caught the liftie who was checking passes.

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That explains why they didn't seem to give a crap why I just knocked them over.. See, who says I'm socially inept?!

I'm sure I'm not the only one who rips down a blue run looking half-decent, get's to the bottom, clicks out ..then falls over..tries to get up again, boot plants on back of board, slips, on my ass again. I have to laugh at myself because NO ONE will even glance my way after one of those fancy dismounts.

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I was working @ The Aspen Times and my cousin Steve was managing the Merry Go Round (mid mountain restaurant @ Aspen Highlands) when we were riding up Cloud Nine lift one day. We were about half way up when Steve kicked his front toe clip off. The leash failed and the board (K2 177) landed flat and started toward the sundeck of the Go Round. I thought I was about to see a decapitation or serious injury when it hit some bumbs and started to flip. It came to rest a few feet from some tourons that were bewildered and had no clue how close they came to seeing the business end of a sharp 177cm samarai sword. The moral of the story is to make sure your leash is in good shape and secured firmly before loading.

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oh man.... where do i start?

both occasions teaching the weekly teen group (albeit a few years apart)

1st - its dumping snow, i'm going nuts wanting to go tear up trees, so i send the kids ahead and just duck into the trees off the side of the run to put up a little rooster tail. Get a little pow wobble and catch my thumb on a small tree, snapping it back against the back of my hand. Broken thumb. 2nd run of the day.

2nd - beautiful jump in the park. Hit it all morning. Take the kids in for a little bx training in the afternoon and show them how not to get big air off a big booter. little do i know the freestyle ski team got in there over lunch and turned it from a cheese wedge into a straight up to the stars kicker. "Here kids, watch how i soak it up and stay in control.. ". Cleared the landing, broke my nose and goggles on my front knee, torn tricep as elbow hinged over the other knee, and... another concussion, this time while wearing a helmet.

Yet the parents kept sending the kids back......

i could write a book on this topic.....

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I was testing an "experimental" set up about ten years ago, ( Asolo mountaineering boots in Emery Surf binders) at Snoqualime. I wasn't sure it was going to work out so I just hiked up about 100 yards and clipped in, I made one toe side, started a heel side and both feet popped straight out!

Now in my haste to try out my genius setup, I had neglected to put my super spiff hemptwine-and-bead leash back on so I was now chasing my moron missle down the run. I had run about 75 feet or when some 15y/o punk yells down from the lift " thats what leashes are for dumb@ss!"

As right as he was, I was a bit frustrated at this point, ( not to mention disappointed in my failed genius) sooo I turned, whilst running, at top speed, downhill, in the aforementioned boots, and gave him a heart felt NJ flipoff, forgetting that I was wearing mittens. I realize this faux-pas, and that it must have looked to him like a demented Muppet waving. This realization apparently used some of the brain cells that were previously devoted to maintaining my precarious rate of speed downhill, and the oft spoke of Asolo's met in mid stride. This immediatly led to an Olympic quality front layout ( Parkway salute still extended ) and about forty feet of "carving", on my face, Asolo's hanging in the "scorpion position" over my head.

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I recall making it all the way from our lodge room at Big Mountain down to the parking lot with my ski boots on the wrong feet, once long ago. All I can think of to mitigate the memory is that they were rear entry boots, so I didn't have 8 buckles to notice on.

Doing a face plant on glassy ice at the top of a chair at Snoqualmie was bad enough. Sliding utterly helpless, facefirst over a small cliff, rattling down a chimney and tumbling down the talus slope below, uninjured but with a broken ski kind of sticks in my mind, too. Rather miraculously, all things considered...

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5 years ago I think. 1st time out and about two hours into my newfound thrill. I felt like I had "command" over my board because ME SO STRONG. I was at Whitetail in Pennsylvania and saw someone else in hardboots. Later I spotted the guy just trying to take a break (from some smoooooth riding) at trailside and I decided to go ask some questions. Caught a ton of speed coming across the hill and hit the guy like a linebacker. Guy couldn't have been nicer.

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I'm sure I'm not the only one who rips down a blue run looking half-decent, get's to the bottom, clicks out ..then falls over..tries to get up again, boot plants on back of board, slips, on my ass again. I have to laugh at myself because NO ONE will even glance my way after one of those fancy dismounts.

Yep.... Sounds like me on a typical day riding!!

Lookin' the goods rocketing down the run.... get to the lift line and it seems I left my spine and my sense of balance somewhere half way down........


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what is the stupidest thing you have ever done on the hill. i rode the top of the mountain yesterday and didn't realize i hadn't brought my gloves:eek:.

Not sure if you get the severity since it's windsurfing... I drove 2 hours to get to the best windsurfing spot cuz it was blowing 25-35mph and forgot my harness. Another time I left my mast sitting in my front yard.

I've forgot my gloves too, but that's not as bad as forgetting your boots. I've bought gloves and goggles before, but boots get a bit pricey when you're buying them on the spot.

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To hill without pass. Check (something like once or twice a year, about 30-40 total including once this year already. Doh)

No footbeds in boots. Check.

No gloves. Multi check. ( had to buy some two weeks ago or give up a day - no thank you.

No hat. Check.

No goggles. Multi check. Sunnies will work in this weather right?

Left gloves on shuttle bus. Check.

Left board on shuttle bus. Check.

Kick toe bail off on lift ride. Check.

Dropped iPod in snow by car. Not discovered until boarding lift. Check.

I'm just happy sometimes, when I get me and all my crap on the lift. Cause for small celebration.

...... Caught a ton of speed coming across the hill and hit the guy like a linebacker......

Ouch. Good way to introduce yourself.:eek:

This immediatly led to an Olympic quality front layout ( Parkway salute still extended ) and about forty feet of "carving", on my face, Asolo's hanging in the "scorpion position" over my head.

I pulled a full scorpion to self sting on back of head at least once. Stacked myself pretty hard on a series of drifted windlips on a cat road that I was traversing. You know one of those where I just drilled a bump run and was hauling the freight out, too fast, too cool, too stiff to suck up all the bumps.

Skier came over very concerned. "Dude your board just hit you on the head, I heard it!"

Yep, I was done for the day.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who rips down a blue run looking half-decent, get's to the bottom, clicks out ..then falls over..tries to get up again, boot plants on back of board, slips, on my ass again. I have to laugh at myself because NO ONE will even glance my way after one of those fancy dismounts.

That made me laugh. Just recently came to the bottom, pencil line carving all the way, reached down flipped my toe bail off but not out of the way. Went to step off the board and ....... down. Toe had hooked under part of the toe bail. Looking a lot like one of those big fish just pulled into the boat.

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This is in the running for the 'thread of the year' award. :biggthump

About 15 years ago I hit a 20' along the top, 6' high tabletop on the first run of the day. I had last hit this on the final run the day before. As I was mid-air I watched the landing ramp pass under me while I was still pretty far up. Uh-oh... I managed to lean back enough to not eat my knees, but it still hurt a lot. It turns out that a bunch of kids had complained to management the day before because it was too hard to make it all the way to the landing ramp, so they cut it way back to about 12' of flat deck overnight.

One day on playing around on the hard setup, there was a nice natural spine that I was trying to carve up and over on the toeside edge. Someone had formed a little jump on the highest part closest to the edge of the run. My goal was to carve a foot or so inside that jump. I hit some stutter bumps and popped into the groove/trench leading up to the jump. I landed on my chest on the other side, to very loud cheering from the lift. Luckily the landing was steep so I just got some minor bruising. ;)

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I tend to overheat while riding. I don't know what my deal is but I generate an insane amount of body heat carving. As a result, I often end up going without a jacket in weather that is over 20 Degrees, I just wear a fleece with armor underneath.

I used to be in the habit of attaching my lift ticket to my jacket ... I can't tell you how many times I have put my jacket away in the lodge and headed off to the lift without a ticket or pass. Incredibly, what is even more astounding is the number of times that I have ridden all day without a pass at all this way. Maybe the lifties are too busy staring at my board to notice??? I'm now in the habit of putting it on my helmet. I've also just headed for the lift in the morning without buying a pass like, a zillion times.

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This was from skiing days. I was on a medium-steep pitch in kind of flat light, and had a long run-out to cover. So partway down, I decide to straightline it. Didn't see the bumps until I was in them at mach schnell. Nothing to do except get my weight back and pray. Skipped off the tops of every last one of those suckers and got through in one piece, pulled to a stop beside a guy who would have been about the age I am now who said "that was about the dumbest thing I've ever seen".

Good thing I was on my super-damp GS boards, if I'd been on anything with a little spring it would have been ugly.

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