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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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LCI, just a fair warning, I'm headed your way Dec. 6 -16 again this year. Staying in Dillion & have Lovey 4 Paks, but will ride anywhere conditions are good.

Started sorting through my 'stuff' to pack (need to stay off of fleabay :eek: who bought all this crap) and wondered if anyone there has any interest in trying the latest (Revision VIII) Gizmo's ?

If their is interest (anyone welcome to demo, would like to get feedback from a couple of the Ladies) I'll pack a couple of sets, if not, I won't bother.

Hope the divide is getting hammered and praying that the conditions are as good as last year :biggthump

Take Care / Be Safe -- jp1

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It won't be long till we have another little ripper along for the ride with the LCI. Kole started linking his heel and toe sides together yesterday. This is day five for the 8yr old and second day with me and KarverKai. KK is stoked to have his buddy learning to rip with us. Soon Kole will be riding with the LCI instead of on the same mountain as the LCI. When asked about riding Loveland with the LCI Kole said "This is great, I love it"

On another note, does anyone have questions for KarverKai? D.T. and I would like to put together a video interview about alpine boarding with KK. Let me know so that I can compile a list of questions for the little monkey.


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Ice, The Sheriff and myself started on spillway, made our way to firecut, which we than proceeded to absolutely destroy, I felt bad for the lovey jr race team doing 1 legged drills over our trenches, but it should make them better racers. We then went over to Roulette for a few, which we had to ourselves, they opened up all of the trails to the south, so no one was interested in the bigger pitch. The only racers we had to deal with were the aforementioned lovey team, and they where a non issue. Lot was only 1/2 full by the time we where done, and the only liftline we had to deal with was on our last run, and that was becuse someone bullwheeled up top and it took a bit to reset. Conditions=hero

A very good day


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From another post by Bigs: " It can happen at any time, a few years ago over Thanksgiving weekend a storm just sat on the divide, it dumped like 5 feet on lovey over 4 days, there is still plenty of time left."

Hopefully this coming weekend :biggthump.........

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will be there Sat and Sun Dec 3-4 to start my season (later than I wanted, but still earlier than here). You meet at Chair 1?
yep, 8:30 or at the wedge bar after 7:00am

I will be up on sunday, I'm sure others will be up sat, see you then


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Yes, switchback. It will be the closest to what you right siders have as far as firm conditions. They have been race training on it for about a month now so it is firm and fast.

More snow in the foothills than in the mtns today. I have received 6" so far in nevergreen but lovey is only reporting 2". Lovey does tend to under exaggerate sometimes though.


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winter has arrived, temps in the low single digits, the sherrif didn't even have enough puffa's to keep warm. On the hill today:

Dustin, Shelly, Tony, Ice, Dusty Bottle, Ink, Karver Kai, the Sherrif, Teach, yours truly, and a special guest appearance late in the day by MR. AWESOME.

Skippin tomorrow, too cold:o


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