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Yo Lci!!

big mario

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mr deere --

many of us folks are from the east coast, and there are many reasons

we now live in colorado

your bet is certainly intriguing, but you lose me after the phrase

"pick you up at logan airport." is there any reason in this world

to ever set foot in that airport again?

enjoy the east

we'll enjoy the west

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snowprincess made a funny. just though i'd share/memorialize

...WE ARE ALL S N O W B O A R D E R S...

After seeing your demostration of snowboard wizardry at SES this year; I feel that you, qualifying for the above blanket statement is a bit of a stretch.

Think Snow!

ya, I know i'm an a-hole, but those of you in-the-know are laughing your arses off right now. lmao.gifspit.giflmao.gif

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mr deere --

many of us folks are from the east coast, and there are many reasons

we now live in colorado

your bet is certainly intriguing, but you lose me after the phrase

"pick you up at logan airport." is there any reason in this world

to ever set foot in that airport again?

enjoy the east

we'll enjoy the west

Nicely done Sheriff


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snowprincess made a funny. just though i'd share/memorialize

ya, I know i'm an a-hole, but those of you in-the-know are laughing your arses off right now. lmao.gifspit.giflmao.gif

Glad you liked it. Me and political correctness are not one in the same. Say what you believe and believe what you say; then, sign it.:biggthump

Think Snow!

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Question- were there any pics or video posted from the session a couple weeks ago?

Chris Webster brought his own film crew, Ice was filming but has not figured out his editing software yet:p and I saw Winters shooting a few frames................


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Anybody up for car pooling at Morrison PNR?

Oh wait!,.... I just put $20 in my tank today.....never mind.

<marquee>Hello,.... is this thing on?...... :confused:</marquee>


7:15 @ the Wedge, 8:30 chair one


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7:15 @ the Wedge, 8:30 chair one


BM, I didn't get on the mountain until after 10:00 today.

Wife, kids, cats, grocery store run, etc.

I saw 3-4 of the group from the lift but could never seem to cross paths with you guys.

I was riding a loud, neon yellow board. I didn't hear any cat calls or disparaging remarks from above.

A race board dropping in lift 9? Even Angie has bigger cajones than I have obviously.


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Dada let us sleep in which we really needed after the birthday party I went to last night. Wheww!

Anyway, we got to the hill late so no breakfast burrito for me but that was ok. We went straight up lift 1 to start the day and I did pretty well on the new Rookie 99. Mom and I took a break after that run and Dada rode with Greenleaf and Eric the Red. Mom and I were ready to go out again but I told mom not to call dada so mom and I rode the next run together. I even got to lead the whole way down! I was ready to go when we finished that run but the rest of the LCI showed up at lift 1 so we went to say Hi:1luvu: and momma wanted to show them a picture of the trench that I made carving toeside. The guys wanted to make a run with me and so I decided to go for another run.

Thank you Big Mario, Greenleaf, Eric the Red and James for taking a run with me. That was my best run of the day.

I can't wait to be able to ride all over the mountain with the LCI.:biggthump


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The weather, the snow, the company, the fact that I was able to pull off a few runs on that steep narrow groom on scrub on the f2 without getting my ass handed to me, and having the the pleasure of watching Kai tear up the hill on his little virus made yesterday one of the best days I have ever had on snow.

Thanks all,


Ps do I always look like I am going to smack someone when I am on the hill?

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Took a few runs with my BFF today (Friday) after an hour and a half drive from El Rancho. Consider yourselves forewarned about the commute this weekend.

Lovey has a new menu in Wedge that they're pretty proud of. Tried to keep everything under $10 and entrees come with fries or salad. BFF had a Garden Burger that she said was the best she's ever had. We asked Pat Bowen (the head foodservice dude) how he made it so yummy. Apparently tossing it in fryer for a few prior to transferring it to the grill makes it super tasty. That and the butter-sauteed fresh mushrooms on top.

Everything tastes better fried. And buttered. Even Garden Burgers.

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I have been infected.... My newest toys are a set of Virus skis.

Frank & Bola made me a deal that I couldn't refuse. Mario, Phil, James, and I represented this morning. Only rode 2 hours. DUMPING, close to 5" from

7:30-10:30. The ever present Loveland wind. The Virus skis ROCK.

Titanal, Zylon, decambered tip & tail, Clothoid sidecut. BAD Squirly when running flat but lean over and hang on. WOW... There are no known antibiotics for this kind of infection.


Feed the addiction...:eplus2:

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