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I found this on Youtube. This is my local "resort" / bump. I can't even believe I'm sharing this with you, but with the understanding that you will all understand where I am coming from. Dayton Ohio is so retarded... as far as snowboarding. (Yes we are the birth place of skating greats such as Bill Danforth, Neil Blender, and... well, Rob Dyrdek. However Alienworkshop we are proud of) I am sharing this with you so that you can understand my level of frustration and also my contempt for those around me with the fantisized thoughts "greatness". This video is so pathetic. I appologize in advance for the hidiousness you about to watch.

This is what I deal with day in and day out, and this is why I look at myself as the "King of the Mountain", even in the park at going on 40. These are also the kids shouting "FAG" at me while carving down the bump. [edit] Nice corn field shot going into the video. Actually that's the veiw I get every time up. Nice, isn't it.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZW3k2K0kXc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZW3k2K0kXc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Me 3 years ago, 1 year before I even started carving... At Mad Rive Mountain. I know now why I get so much play at that bump!:biggthump


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The girl is a much more calm rider. And while not as daring, seems a bit more technical and "poised" when comming up and over the effects.

The kid in the striped shirt.......... he seriously needs to quiet down his upper body, and learn to retract more and NOT jab his arms out when going down, or else he will be looking at a busted arm, wrist or collarbone in the future.

I was hoping there was video of you slicing a swath through the park laying it down.......... and standing it back up as the "duck stancers" gawk at ya...

:boxing_sm:smashfrea good songs though :)

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I don't get it...you're 40ish and you still give a sh!t about what park rats think?

I thought the video was decent - plenty of 200' vert hills around and they are all the same. Why do you feel the need to dis 15 year old kids who don't care how you choose to ride? They look like they're having fun, and isn't that the whole point?

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I learned a few years back that it is all about the experience and not what you ride or where you ride. I flip flop between skis and an alpine board. It is quite the revelation to the people on the chair, who are using skis, when you tell them that you also ski while having a snowboard strapped to your foot or telling snowboarders that you also snowboard while wearing skis.

Of course the question is always asked, "what do you prefer snowboarding or skiing?" The answer is always the same, "I don't have a preference as long as I am out enjoying the white stuff , it is always a good time no matter what I am riding"

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I flip flop between skis and an alpine board. It is quite the revelation to the people on the chair, who are using skis, when you tell them that you also ski while having a snowboard strapped to your foot or telling snowboarders that you also snowboard while wearing skis.

as long as I am out enjoying the white stuff it is always a good time no matter what I am riding"

well said, sir.

John Kerry flip flops between windsurfing and kiting, as do I.


I'd wear flip flips year round, given my druthers.:cool:

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I am sharing this with you so that you can understand my level of frustration and also my contempt for those around me with the fantisized thoughts "greatness". This video is so pathetic. I appologize in advance for the hidiousness you about to watch.

Go to your happy place.. and never say "King of the Mountain" until you ride with this guy...


Kids go back to school this week! winter will be here soon...

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I got to stand behind him in line while he boasted to his girlfriend and other buddies about his amazing rail abilities.

I watched the entire video.......... I saw none.


Ive seen better "rail riding" done at the summit bar with rocks glasses of whiskey and 70 year old men talking about "the olden days".


Oh and PD, I was soooooo tempted to photoshop this http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=13014&stc=1&d=1219553362 into a TITANIC poster movie scene... hahahah.

"I'm KingahdaWorl....... errr Mountainnnnnn!"

* just bustin' yer bawlz bro ;)

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When I said these are the guys shouting "fag" at me I mean that Jeremy, the guy in the video is the one in the same. I got to stand behind him in line while he boasted to his girlfriend and other buddies about his amazing rail abilities. I wasn't just picking on him cause he's a jibber.

Call him a fag back. Problem solved.

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Well, look at it this way. If you're a grown man getting bothered by that sort of thing, it's really not stooping that much lower.

Photodad, make sure you do it in front of your daughter too. It'll get 'em every time.

Grown man or not, it shows disrespect to the generation that pioneered the sport. As a member of the first snowboard instructors group at Mad River I had a lot of influence, and of course, I'm not going to say I did it single-handedly, but I had a direct voice to the mountain about building a half-pipe and park. To bad I don't have that voice now, we'd have a carvers park.:biggthump This is more of a "respect the ones who had a hand in paving the way for you" sorta thing. I'm sure if I never would have been there they would have gotten around to it eventually, but the first park n' pipe was put in back in 1992. For Ohio that was pretty good. Guess I'm going to grow up to be the old man that keeps the balls that go into his yard.:lol:

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You care too much about what other people think - that includes us here posting on the bomber forum (and I'm sure you haven't even met a single one of us in person).

I'm not going to say that I don't care at all what other people think, because I still do to some extent - I don't like to stand out and be noticed. However, to me it seems like you're this character trying to paint this particular image of yourself for everyone to see. Just let it go and do your own thing and be yourself instead of this image you have of yourself - i feel like i'm talking to some adolescent kid with identity problems...

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here you go


I tried to focus on the "How 'bout a nice cup..." shirt, but, oh well...look for yourself

In any case, skiing in Ohio beats the helloutta skiing in Texas....

Being called a fag by kids today is practically a complement, why don't you focus on factual derogatory comments?

As I tell my kids, an unbeatable snappy rejoiner is always a wistful chuckle followed by a shake of the head or a tired sounding "Is that the best you can do?"

I know, maybe a little to sophisticated for some....

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