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Need Glove Advice


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Need some advice as this is my first season being in the snow.

My gloves are getting soaking wet and making my hands freezing cold! Saw some great (looking / feeling) Black Leather Gloves at Bob Olsen's place ... but they have a big warning on them ...

"NOT FOR SNOWBOARDING" and he suggested that if you drag your hands ... you should not buy those.

He also said that they would not keep my hands dry ... but said there was some stuff you could rub on them to help make them waterproof!

So ...do any of you have any good recommendation for good gloves that will keep my hands dry and warm ?



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I bought my first Kombi gloves in 1992. The stitching finally wore out this past year. It could be because it was my first year of hardcore carving, or it could be that the gloves were 15+ years old. I had the Kombi "King" gloves with super long gaters and kevlar palms. The kevlar is still fine, just the stitching wore out. Couldn't find out what material the palms were made of, but they have full wrap around the fingertips. This looks like the closest thing to what I bought.


They just don't make stuff like they used too. Still have my Bamboo Curtain jacket and pants and my Killer Loop pants. (and I can still fit into them minus a couple of layers, but the natural insulation makes up for it)

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I like Level Gloves...

but I don't drag my hands much.

Burton makes good gloves, and Kombi used to make these kevlar-reinforced gloves that I wore for years until I couldn't find them anymore..

I'm also a big fan of Hestra, but again - leather, not naturally waterproof.

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Hi Hans

Thanks for the info links ..

but they don't seem to go anywhere...

all that comes up is:

"Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."

Can you please check and repost correct links...


is it something weird with my computer ????

Thanks again


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I guess I must not have been getting the right kombi gloves cause I never had a good pair of those. I am on my second pair of burton gloves though in the 10 or so years I've been boarding. The first pair I was doing alot of edge grabs and also using for everything outside of snowboarding, so they got alot of rough use and did alright. I'd suggest getting mittens cause they really help keep the heat around your hands. The ones I have now have individual fingers inside but a mitten outside, which really helps keep the mitt in place on your hand. The other suggestion would be to get gauntlet style gloves. I've had a problem with the elastic around the wrist breaking since it's in use so much, but even so they're so nice to keep snow out of your sleeves.

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I've tried a lot of different gloves over the years and never found any that would hold up without using lots of Goop. Two seasons ago I started wearing a pair of OR (Oregon Research) over mitts over a pair of cheap gloves. The mitts still look new with no signs of wear and keep my hands warm and dry. Though if you go with the red ones you run the danger of being called "Lobster Man" Ha Ha! (Thought I'd say it before someone else did)

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I have the Level "superpipe" gloves. They are a little ... ostentatious looking if you ask me, but they keep your hands warm and pretty well protected even in cold weather. That said, I don't drag my hands.

I used to have a pair of gloves that were sold by avalanche, but I think they were OEM'ed by some other company, in the nineties. They were awesome. Wish I had another pair.

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Those gloves with the disclaimer are made by Hestra. They make awesome gloves. I have a pair. They are fine for snowboarding. They come with some beeswax stuff of theirs for waterproofing, but I've found that SnoSeal works best (smells kinda yucky at first). Warm the gloves in your dryer, then rub in a bunch of snoseal, then put them back in the dryer for a while (on low setting). This is for leather gloves only.

Keep your hands out of the snow and they won't get so wet. Keep an eye on Steepandcheap.com and you'll find great deals on gloves periodically. On really wet days I'll keep a spare pair in my locker so I can swap out if my hands get wet.

Black Diamond makes awesome gloves, so do Hestra and Reusch.

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I have Burton (yuck) gloves, but they're really good. I think they are the Ronin gloves. They are a really good combo glove and are real versatile from cold to hot, they always stay dry. I've had mine 4 or 5 seasons and put at least 80 days in on them and they show virtually no wear.

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Hi Kimo

Thanks for the info ... (and to the rest of you who replied)

Do these seem like the ones you have ..

according to the write up ...

They claim to keep your hands warm, dry and seem pretty darn tough.


Don't think I can go wrong with these!

What do you think ???


PS.... Almost had to have Brain Surgery like you today ....

I fell really really hard on the HARD "ICE" .... landed on my head.

I thought I may have bleeding on the brain I hit so hard !

IF I was not wearing a helmet ... I am sure I would have been dead or a long time in the hospital ..

but I was fine .... a few minutes later I was racing down the slope again ..

but a bit more cautious / nervous than before I hit my head !!!

I HONESTLY believe that if I was not wearing a Helmut today .... I would have been either DEAD or in VERY SERIOUS TROUBLE at the hospital !!!!

Afterwards I was even doing multiplication and checking in my mind customers names and matching their dogs names etc..

to see if my Brain was still in ONE PIECE with no blood causing swelling etc ....

12 hours later ... I still seem "NORMAL" ...NOT A DROOLING RETARD !!!!


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I don't if or not those are any good, but they aren't the one I have. As near as I can tell, these are this year's version of what I have...


One user apparently didn't like them. I don't how similar they are to my model. Definitely get a pair with long gaskets (gauntlets? whatever the word is).

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I just bought a pair of these last season. They are by far the warmest, driest, most burly gloves I've owned. They are specific for snowboarders who drag and grab.

Highly recommend doing a search for them as they are a bit hard to find.

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I live in the Northwest where it is typically warm and frequently wet. I have found that rubber work gloves like the fishermen use work best for most of my year.

At my local marine store they cost about $5 a pair. They tend to melt and get pretty gross after several sessions so I usually buy 5 pair at a time.

I only drag my hands when I walk.

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I bought some HEAD (I think that's right) Gloves at Costco about 2 seasons ago, AWESOME, really warm and dry, and cheap. The down side is you have to wait until they stock them, which won't be till fall.

I have Raynaud’s Disease so my hands are really susceptible to cold and wet. So I look for good gloves. The best ones I have are Wool liners in any good water proof shell glove (or mitten), My Head Gloves. my old Montbell 3 piece gloves. My Marmot glove leak, other gloves don't have good liners.

Leather - NO gets wet, transfers the water into the glove. Stick with the nylons, synthetics. You can always Duct Tape the palms.

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