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The Annual Summer Beer Thread


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This scene from Vacation reminds me of a summer trip to southern Utah many years ago. I was a young pup and my Uncle Steve was racing in a 'Hare and Hound Scrambles' race. He took me and my cousin along as a pit crew. Parked next to our car and the bike trailer was a truck filled with coolers. The driver of the truck was a photographer for some important motorcycle magazine and knew my Uncle Steve and told him and us that he had beer stashed in the coolers for everyone.

As the day came and went, Uncle Steve came in to pit only two times (that I remember). What I remember most is plowing through can after can of beer in the hot desert heat and never urinating once. It was so damned hot and dry. By my estimation, I drank a case of beer that day. We spent the night camped out under the stars before our trip home the next day and I've always wanted to do it again.

I discovered that I liked Coors out of all the beers available that day. Today, I can barely stand the taste of Coors. Although, I've heard that if you take the tour at the brewery in Golden, Colorado that the fresh tap beer at the end of the tour is absolute nirvana.


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I think you meant 'way too short to drink "cheap" gin' .

yes ?:rolleyes:

although I'm more of a Gimlet man, a proper gin martini is quite tasty:biggthump

+1 on that. The thing that I like about gin, especially the good stuff, is that I seem to be able to drink unlimited quantities without hangover.


Not a bad attribute in an alcohol.

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unlike many other types of beer/ale I have not had an IPA that wasn't drinkable...I've had a few that I wouldn't drink again but nothing that I would pour out unlike stouts, porters, browns, wheats and my personal unfavorite lager's. I'm sure that I have just been lucky but when I'm looking for beer in a strange package store I've not gone wrong yet by grabbing an IPA

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or if you're a college student at madison.

Nah...the college students around here all drink Milwaukee's BEst or IOld Milwaukee since they're the cheapest kegs to buy.

Personally I drink a lot of Guinness and local brewed beers, but MHL is great when you don't want to get filled up, or plan on drinking a lot like on a camping trip.

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My latest Fave is a micro brew out of missoula, mt from Kettlehouse brewing company called Coldsmoke. excellent brown ale very similiar in taste to moose drool but without the aftertaste.


bitterroot brewing co - nut brown ale

bitterroot also makes an excellent barley wine but you have to go to hamilton and buy it at the brewery.

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MAGIC HAT #9 and Circus Boy (Hefeweisen) are my new favorites after spending time in Portland Maine. magic Hat #9 is a fruity Apricot flavor, tastes best in a glass.preferably a Simpsons Duff's tumbler. Also a great one is DogFish Head Ale. at the Bear.

magic hat uses "natural flavorings" which is another way of saying artificial and you can tell, that number 9 tastes like fruit chewing gum to me

that brewery has a couple good beers and the rest all would be decent if they would lay off the over zealous "natural flavors"

they're not low quality beers or anything but it's like they're trying to make a half decent beer and a line of soda pop in the same container.

I hereby fire you from this thread for spending time in portland and mentioning magic hat but not Geary's, for that I fart in your general direction.


gotta love the geary's

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I hereby fire you from this thread for spending time in portland and mentioning magic hat but not Geary's, for that I fart in your general direction.

gotta love the geary's

Geary's makes some fine beers, like the strong Hampshire Special Ale, their Porter, their Summer Ale, but their flagship Pale Ale pictured above just tastes weird to me. Almost like it's "dusty" or dirty somehow.

For fruity beer (which, I know, is distasteful to ultra beer snobs and homophobes) Magic Hat is probably the best at doing that. By the way, their Circus Boy hefeweizen is flavored with lemon, but they don't tell you that.

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By the way, their Circus Boy hefeweizen is flavored with lemon, but they don't tell you that.

I love a good Hefeweizen in the hot summer months. I of course favor the German ones like the Hacker Pschorr or Paulaner ones but I have ventured out into trying some US made ones. I've tried the Sams, Harpoon, Long Trial, Blue Moon hefeweizen's (I prefer the Harpoon UFO). I discovered that most of the US made hefeweizen's do add some citrus or orange to their beers. I've always wondered when you order a hefeweizen in the US why they give you a lemon or orange slice with it. It's to bring out the citrus flavors. They don't do this on the other side of the big pond. I prefer to drink my beer with out any fruit in it.

There is one beer that I tried on my honeymoon in Austria over 10 years ago that I have been dying to track down but with no luck at all in the US. It's called Stiegl Goldbräu made in Salzburg and they have been making it since 1492 :eek:http://www.austrianbeer.co.uk/?Stiegl_Beer Of course they don't ship to the US:angryfire

Hmm beer, this reminds me I need to re-stock for the weekend.

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I've heard of goldbrau but I've never been in a situation to try it.

Another good beer I've had was one of those fruity ones... It was a blueberry wheat in a brewery in Marquette MI. I forget the name of the brewery. Anyway, it was a winter wheat in which they put frozen blueberries (and I'd imagine a little blueberry juice). As the blueberries thawed they'd sink and float. Between the frozen blueberries, the thawed blueberries and the co2 attaching to the blueberries, at any one time about 40% of the bberries would be at the top, 40% would be at the bottom and the rest of them would be somewhere in between, on their way to the other extreme. Yeah, it was pretty gimmicky, but had a pretty good flavor. (I'd love to see it done with raspberries :1luvu:)

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Julius Echter is on my fav beers with lots of sediment on the bottom type beers list.

speaking of beers from Vacationland (Geary's) gotta say Gritty's Black Fly Stout is a hearty brew despite only 4.1 ABV. I remember getting a bunch of 22s of black fly at Sugarloaf at the mini mart during the 1st ECS up there.



and plenny PBR tall boys, just to be a hipster:rolleyes:

Katahdin(Carrabasset ? ) is pretty good brew and I'm stoked to try the Sebago, I've read good things and grew up on the Sebago Lake summering in Naples as a kid:biggthump

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no, I'll have a Zima...errrr, no wait....a Smirnoff Ice Double Black

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gotta say Gritty's Black Fly Stout is a hearty brew

definitely trying that out when i get back

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Next time you're in Maine, Geoff, try Sebago Brewing's Hefeweizen. Quite good. Although I agree, there's nothing like Hacker Pschorr or Paulaner or Ayinger or Schneider or Erdinger or Julius Echter or...

yep you listed my fav's, and what about Becks???:lol: Oh wait that is only made for exporting and doesn't pass the German purity laws.

One of my co-workers really knows his beers and told me about a place 10 mins from where I work in RI.



They have 3 pages of German beers there. Oh and check out the abv of the Austrian beer Samichlaus Doppelbock at 14%, All you'll need is one, two will have you :barf: like Jack post the ECES:lol:

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This Thread is starting to sound like my favorite movie"Canadian Bacon" where they try to get the Canadians to start a war with us.They insult everything imaginable and break every law n the books but are successful only when they insult Canadian Beers.....John candy's best flick.....way too funny.......absurd.

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Don't be an arrogant bastard.

Stone Brewery, of course. However the hop is a cousin to the cannabis; same genus (edit: family) I believe (Jack?)

Many great beers here, some I must seek out.

But there is one beer I can't get off my mind.

Or my palate.

Cause I have been Ruinated.

RUINATION is a nation you'll want to explore.

With your guys' palates this will be like a sledgehammer in the hands of a surgeon probably.

If you're going to drink more than two, tie the bottles together cause you'll forget what you were doing after the second.


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Don't be an arrogant bastard.

Stone Brewery, of course. However the hop is a cousin to the cannabis; same genus I believe (Jack?)

Many great beers here, some I must seek out.

But there is one beer I can't get off my mind.

Or my palate.

Cause I have been Ruinated.

RUINATION is a nation you'll want to explore.

With your guys' palates this will be like a sledgehammer in the hands of a surgeon probably.

If you're going to drink more than two, tie the bottles together cause you'll forget what you were doing after the second.


arrogant bastard is a fine beer.

young's makes a couple that are good, maybe I just like the name but dirty dick is good http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/152

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