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The Annual Summer Beer Thread


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Okay, it's June 1st, and it's time to break out the beer bottles of summer and stay cool and liquidated. I've got my basement stocked with several offerings for the hotter months ahead. They are not listed in order of taste or preference. Let's hear your about your favorite summer ale or lager.

Ayinger Ur-Weisse: A great German wheat beer. Tastes good on cooler summer nights with a steak or a bratwurst.

Schneider-Weisse: Another German wheat beer that is great on its' own.

Spaten Premium, Pils, Optimator: The Germans, does it get any better? Optimator, there is no substitute. I've had Opti's with burgers, steaks, and (sometimes) warm chocolate chip cookies on Sunday afternoons and it is simply one of the best beers ever made.

Chimay Ale: Belgian brilliance; every sip tastes delicate and full of flavor. Worth the price. This is not for American-style guzzling.

Wasatch Devastator: Local brewer who's come close to duplicating the Optimator. High point alcohol (8 percent). 2 of these pups, a grilled reuben sandwich, kettle chips and a Rockies game and you are set. Wasatch also makes an Apricot ale that is superb. It's not perfumey like other apricot ales and is best experienced on draft.

Pabst Blue Ribbon: PBR; if you spent the late 1970's or the 1980's skating pools and ramps, you know that a cooler and a case of PBR was the shizz for an afternoon into evening of pumping tranny. Tastes better on tap and guzzled in Big Dogs (32oz. mugs). Goes good with a all beef weiner and those jalapeno pickles and chips.

Chambly: This is what Blue Moon would taste like if it was made by Canadians. Excellent flavor and finish. Worth the price for a 22 oz. bottle. If you swill good beer like this shame on you. Check out the other Unibroue products.

Pacifico: Mas cervezas por favor!!! What drinkability! Light mexican beer that tastes great COLD on a hot summer afternoon. Add lime if you must. You could drink this for breakfast surfing an early morning break on the Baja Peninsula or after mowing your lawn in suburbia. Recommended by Rick Bayless.

Who's next? Let us know what you favorite swill is this summer.


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Agreed on all counts, except for PBR. If you want to slum, go for the champagne - Miller High Life. Tastes better, drinks easier, and you don't look like all the other posers drinking PBR.

Ayinger Ur-Weiss is one of my fav's. Optimator is up there too.

You left off:

Ayinger Celebrator - the benchmark dark German.

<b>Leffe</b> Blonde - my #1. The best Belgian. Leffe Brun is a tie, but I don't think you can get it in the US.

Gulden Draake - amazing.

Aventinus by Schneider is great, and if you like that, try Aventinus Eisbock - they start with regular Aventinus, freeze it part way, and remove the ice. It will knock your socks off.

Skullsplitter. Buy it once for the name, buy it again because it's delicious.

Anything by Dogfish Head - the best American micro.

Samichlaus - so good, I can drink ONE of 'em!

Hoegaarden - what Chambly would taste like if it were made by Belgians.

Grimbergen - another good Belgian.

Bud Light Lime - don't laugh. Spectacular. You can drink these all day. Mow the lawn at 10am and crack one when you're done.

I like Tecate over Corona and Pacifico.

Carlsberg - what Heineken would taste like if it was actually good.

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Jack, thank you for setting me straight on the MHL versus PBR. Genuine Draft MHL is good, too if you are into psuedo draft beers. Miller products give me a headache, which is why I prefer the PBR effect.

Thanks for having my back on the Aventinus. What a great beer, too. And the Hoegaarden, yes indeed. I'll also second your Samichlaus recommendation.

Have you ever tried any of the Lambics? I've found them to be acidic but, very tasty. Also, anything from Samuel Smith? Sam Adams' Hefeweizen is very nice. Just had a Sierra Nevada Summerfest lager. Yummmmmmm.


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Agreed on all counts, except for PBR. If you want to slum, go for the champagne - Miller High Life. Tastes better, drinks easier, and you don't look like all the other posers drinking PBR.

I like Tecate over Corona and Pacifico.

I love living the high life!!! Spot on!!!! Tecate....... in the can with margareta salt around the rim, and a lemon, not lime, wedge.

Hello!!! No mention of Bitburger?! They sell it canned in the states now!!! 16 oz. eight packs!!!!


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Jack, thank you for setting me straight on the MHL versus PBR. Genuine Draft MHL is good, too if you are into psuedo draft beers. Miller products give me a headache, which is why I prefer the PBR effect.

:) Well, PBR has just become so damn trendy around here. People seem to drink it to pose as a local/barfly and a reverse snob, and for the novelty of getting drunk off four dollars. I'm calling the emperor out for having no clothes. (Yeah, I'm talkin' to YOU, Schurman.)

Have you ever tried any of the Lambics? I've found them to be acidic but, very tasty.

Yes, and agreed. They're fun, but whenever I make the trip to the specialty liquor store, I always seem to have other priorities.

Also, anything from Samuel Smith?

Ah! Yes. The Nut Brown is the brown by which all others are judged.

(come on WW, you're late with the Barfly youtube clip, what gives?)

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Keeping mind that my tastes run to dark and darker, or very light and clean. Also that I am in the middle of Idaho and we don't always have the best selection.

I can't do the american lagers so much. Except for Bud on river trips but that is a cultural thing that I can't shake. And I am ok with that.

Sam Adams Light is one of my favorite beers of all times. Has lots of flavor but very smooth, drinkable and clean.

I like Amstel Light too. Might be a little hoppier than the Sammies.

Guiness. I know there are purists out there who insist that what comes in the can is nothing like a real draft. When you are camping or on a river trip for a dessert beer or for sipping around the campfire ( I take real glass to pour into ) it is amazing.

Watney's Cream Stout. Another amazing dessert beer. Very smooth, wonderful and rich beverage.

I love New Belgium Brew company. The Fat Tire Ale and the Blue Paddle Pilsener Lager are the two that I buy regularly. They are such a cool company I don't know if that prejudices my choice or affects my perception of pleasure. I also heard they are starting to produce in cans with the special anti-metal tasting liner.

I also like Stella Artois and Pilsener Urquell on occasion. I can get the Stella on tap and it is nice for a change.

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I wholely admit to being an Ale Snob...there aren't many beer's that I care for and life is too short to even think about PBR or Gansett for tha matter...I'll agree with Jack anything Dogfish head is tasty but I've been pretty loyal to Cottrell Old Yankee Ale since I discovered it's brewed a mile away from my house...across the river.

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I'm sure my taste buds are a little juvenile compared to some, but I like the stuff like Bell's Oberon. For those of you who don't know, Bell's is a brewery in Kalamazoo MI. By far, my favorite brew so far is from the Keweenaw Brewing Company in Houghton MI. Their Pickaxe Blonde Ale is absolutely awesome. Their Redjacket, though getting a little bitter for my taste, is still pretty damn good too. People who are into it really like the Coal Porter and the like, but those aren't for me. They always have some seasonal, one time only beers, but those are mostly porters and dark reds.

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(come on WW, you're late with the Barfly youtube clip, what gives?)

gotta say, those 18 packs of PBR for $9.99 make sense. Cooler in the trunk with a coupla frozen 2 liter bottles of water and you've got 18 ice coldies for all your buddys after the kite session( ya gotta bottom feed for the extra cold ones).

funny, last redbones session they were having a bike fest event and the free beer included in your ticket was PBR, so we ended up with a PBR in a plastic cup in one hand and a Chimay in a brandy snifter in the other. sip one, sip the other.....talk about the best of both worlds.

which barfly would you like ? the Mickey Rourke one ?

Don't you hate cops?

No, but I seem to feel better when they're not around

ok, I'll bite....here ya go

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrpTDaSjfaM&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrpTDaSjfaM&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

good movie, ya gotta admit

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_Pmjk-yIn0&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_Pmjk-yIn0&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

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gotta say, those 18 packs of PBR for $9.99 make sense. Cooler in the trunk with a coupla frozen 2 liter bottles of water and you've got 18 ice coldies for all your buddys after the kite session( ya gotta bottom feed for the extra cold ones).

Yeah, but you can pick up a 30 pack of High Life here in WI for $14.99. ITs a great go to beer for those hot drinking on the boat days so you can save money for the gas it costs to tow people around :-)

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I only drink Miller High Life when I'm light in the wallet. Or did I offend your love affair with PBR?

the highlife is a afterthought, it was the tecate, when I was in CO that was the go to for quite a few and I am not a fan, better than corona but so is urine and Natural Ice.

both Modelos I like better than tecate for whatever reason, not even sure why just taste better to me.

Bud light with lime? Interesting, have to try it. Not big on light beer though.

Dogfish head, yeah, there are bunch of american breweries that make a beer or two that I like but these guys it's everything they make is good.

Good taste in belgians BTW, you've been around that block I see.

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Speights - pride of the South since 1863, the next time any of you are in New Zealand.

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I will say it again Life is too short to put up with Cheap beer...they same goes for blended scotch, crappy bourbon, most bar Tequila's, Stamford Ct Vodka and many of the Sherry's and Port's sold in the USA. I will sacrifice a buzz for quality on the tongue

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Gecko, I agree with your list completely, but I'd like to add Gin to it.

Life is way, way too short to drink gin.

I think you meant 'way too short to drink "cheap" gin' .

yes ?:rolleyes:

although I'm more of a Gimlet man, a proper gin martini is quite tasty:biggthump

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsjExEfG338&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsjExEfG338&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

vodka works , too

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc7n7yyXWsU&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc7n7yyXWsU&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

you know how we do

( warning: some bad language in this one, PG - 13)

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Later on that day

My homey dr. dre came through with a gang of tanqueray

beeeeeotch !

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I only drink Miller High Life when I'm light in the wallet. Or did I offend your love affair with PBR?

If the D-sub thread taught us anything it is that bob wouldn;t be a one beer man...he has probably had more varieties of beer than all up put together...:p:lol:

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for those of you belgian fans -

try the ommegang beers out of cooperstown NY...


I second that. Saw The Big Lebrewski ad in Ale Street News the other day, very clever " You're entering a world of beer "

and it's sold out

good stuff, but REO Speedwagon ? C'mon ! Couldn't get Blue Oyster Cult ?



'nuther Belgian that rawks is http://www.duvelusa.com/home.php

they're coming to Boston 20 & 21

wanna come help us out noah ?


Brewery Ommegang

Cooperstown, NY / ommegang.com

Hennepin Farmhouse Ale (Belgian Saison; 7.7%)

Ommegang Abbey Ale (Belgian Dubbel; 8.5%)

Ommegang Biere de Mars (Funkhouse Amber Ale; 7.5%)

Ommegang Ommegeddon (Funkhouse Saison; 8%)

Ommegang Witte (Belgian Witbier; 5.1%)

Rare Vos Amber (Belgian Amber; 6.5%)

Three Philosophers (Belgian Quadrupel; 9.8%)

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for those of you belgian fans -

try the ommegang beers out of cooperstown NY...


I'll third that.

Saw The Big Lebrewski ad in Ale Street News the other day, very clever " You're entering a world of beer "

"I'll have a caucasian, Gary."

I didn't like IPAs til having a cold pint of Southern Tier IPA on a hot summer day after struggling for an hour to maneuver a heavy-@$$ couch out of a guy's house. Love that stuff.

Imperial stouts... should try if you haven't...Samuel Smith's Oatmeal stout, St. Peter's Cream stout. Had a stout in prague that was rather tasty... Staropramen Kelt Original stout.

Tried Original Flag Porter by Darwin Brewing... excellent.

Favorite pils has to be Freiberger Premium.

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I'll third that.

"I'll have a caucasian, Gary."

I didn't like IPAs til having a cold pint of Southern Tier IPA on a hot summer day after struggling for an hour to maneuver a heavy-@$$ couch out of a guy's house. Love that stuff.

Imperial stouts... should try if you haven't...Samuel Smith's Oatmeal stout, St. Peter's Cream stout. Had a stout in prague that was rather tasty... Staropramen Kelt Original stout.

Tried Original Flag Porter by Darwin Brewing... excellent.

Favorite pils has to be Freiberger Premium.

gotta check those out

the people give it high marks

big IPA fan, I am. Gonna add it to my list of wants.:rolleyes:


How cheap's the Lonestar down in Tejas ?

anything good ? Lotsa that yellow beer :nono: mess with Texas, go ahead

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How cheap's the Lonestar down in Tejas ?

anything good ? Lotsa that yellow beer :nono: mess with Texas, go ahead

Oi... i can get a draft of lonestar on Rice campus for $0.95. :biggthump Can't beat that. Shiner Bock is cheap too... St. Arnold's is pretty good.

And nothing better than a Texas mug for the price of a pint back home.

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